Starfield:E.A.R.S. Instructions

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ID 00374074
Editor ID SE_KT10_TurretAttack_Instructions
Value 0 Weight 0
Type Note
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-Derelict Ship.svg Derelict Privateer (random)

E.A.R.S. Instructions

To use EARS, your voice must be registered at the main network terminal with a specific name. Repeat your name five times, as well as all names in the registry, so that they can be accurately recorded.

Once you are registered, you can utilize the following commands, using AND to issue multiple directives:

EARS, protect (name).

EARS, protect (name) and (name).

EARS, activate turret (number).

EARS, activate all.

EARS, deactivate turret (number).

EARS, deactivate all.

EARS, remove combat inhibitors.