Starfield:Dragonstar Force Vol 5

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ID 0023E92E
Editor ID FFCydoniaR03_Book05
Prev. Dragonstar Force Vol 4 Next Dragonstar Force Vol 6
Value 100 Weight 0.4
Collection Dragonstar Force
Type Book
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Dragonstar Force Vol 5

The Dragons have returned! Fraxitarr may be defeated, but Zeffrex discovers a clutch of hatched eggs, and surely enough, reports of dragons attacking starships have been running rampant! but is Zeffrex to blame for the release of the dragons, or has he been set up? As Laglorial and Jarmon race to get to the bottom of the mystery and clear the good name of Jeffrex Laserbrand, Sarrklon redoubles his effort in search for the Dragonstar.