Starfield:Dr. Lane's Computer

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Dr. Lane's Computer
Editor ID RI06_DrLaneTerminal
Location SF-mapicon-Science Lab.svg The Clinic (map), in the secure wing. Only accessible during The Key Ingredient.
Related Quest SF-qico-Ryujin Industries.svgThe Key Ingredient: Recover a missing shipment and uncover Infinity LTD's plan.

Dr. Lane's Computer is Kendrick Lane's computer. Has emails about Project Dominion, a personal journal, and subject logs talking about patients.


Personal Logs (Go to Personal Logs menu.)
Subject Logs (Go to Subject Logs menu.)
Project Dominion (Go to Project Dominion menu.)
Personal Logs
Personal Logs: Dr. Kendrick Lane
Another Failure Kai's results were initially so promising, but now the poor kid is in a coma. I thought, surely, he would be the light at the end of this grisly tunnel. We've now gone through our entire list of subjects, and I dread the idea that Infinity will just sign up more.

What is going on over there? Has Faye completely lost her mind? I understand when corporations rush things when it comes to household products or maybe office software, but not something that will endanger the lives of others. This Internal Neuroamp may as well be a murder weapon, and I'm the one with blood on my hands.

Contracts aside, I'm certain this will end in ruin.

Moral struggles It's hard to believe I once walked into the Clinic with high hopes of what Sean and I would bring about. The concept of the Internal Neuroamp from Faye and promises of fame and fortune provided all the motivation I needed. It blinded me.

I never should've agreed to start the trials without proper approvals. I never should've dragged Sean into this.

I see now why it was always such a struggle to get my own approvals for human trials. I also see why the contracts are so complex. I never thought I'd lose a patient on my watch, and here I've lost more than I wish to say. Infinity's legal team has assured me that the contracts the subjects signed keep us clear from any legal repercussions, but since the trial itself is still unapproved, I have a feeling they've little to stand on.

But somehow, the hopefulness remains. After the initial losses, I told myself no more, but Faye would insist her changes to the prototype were solid -- that it should be the last one. I'd find myself with renewed motivation and confidence, only to find another dead at my hands.

We have three subjects left. They aren't aware of the fate of their predecessors. Faye has informed me her latest prototype is complete and on its way. I can only hope I make the right decision.

My First Loss We lost our first subject today. A-01, Bronwyn Meijer. The procedure went really well, but I believe the neuroamp overheated, burning the portions of the brain where it had contact. I sent the results to Faye. She believes she has a solution, but my God. I've never lost a patient before.

I sent everyone home. Sean wanted to stay, but I told him to go. I know he needed to process what happened, too, and I didn't want to hold him back. I tell myself it was the neuroamp. That it wasn't my fault. But if it feels like an excuse, it must be.

And what will happen now? These trials aren't even approved and I already have a death on my hands. I thought I was signing up for new advancements in neuroscience, but if I'm not careful, this could ruin what I have left of my career.

A New Start Today marks the start of a new adventure in neuroscience. Although Infinity LTD is still waiting for official approval, we're moving forward with testing their latest technology: an Internal Neuroamp. I can't tell you how excited I am to be on a new project and have a chance to regain some admiration among my colleagues.

I've invited Sean to come work with me on the project since he's familiar with how I operate. Plus, like myself, I knew he could really use the credits. These procedures should be quick and simple, so it's really a matter of Infinity LTD's tech playing nicely with brain tissue. Dr. Faye Sengsavahn is the creator of this new neuroamp and she's assured me smooth sailing. Let's just hope with our combined expertise we find success. This could be the boost my career needs.

Subject Logs
Subject A-10 Subject: A-10
Name: Kai Porter
Age: 23
Status: Coma

Version Implanted: v3.5
Experimental Alloy: Titanium Grade 128

Initial procedure was successful. Patient reported no changes for the first four days. Brainwaves were normal. Cognition tests were 100% across the board. Testing the neuroamp on day five appeared to bring on severe headaches with eventual brain hemorrhaging. Neuroamp was removed to prevent death, but patient is currently in a coma.

Subject: A-09 Subject: A-09
Name: Jacinda Carrodine
Age: 25
Status: Deceased

Version Implanted: v3.3
Experimental Alloy: Titanium Grade 125

Procedure was a success and all vitals were normal for the first day. Rejection of the implant started approximately 37 hours after surgery. I believe A-09 inadvertently used the neuroamp on a staff member who reported severe dizziness. Emergency surgery was performed to remove the neuroamp, but experienced brain death shortly after removal.

Subject A-8 Subject: A-08
Name: Osmia Leinhart
Age: 22
Status: Deceased

Version Implanted: v3.0
Experimental Alloy: Titanium Grade 120

Initial procedure appeared successful, but signs of edema began approximately an hour after the surgery. Initial attempts to stabilize through the med pod failed and condition worsened rapidly. We began surgery prep, but A-08 experienced complete brain failure before we could operate.

Project Dominion
Introduction Dr. Kendrick Lane,

Welcome to the Infinity LTD fold. We hope you'll find the breakthrough research we need to perfect Project Dominion. You came highly recommend by Faye Sengsavahn, our head of Research and Development, so we're very excited to have you with us.

I understand your concerns on these human trials being unauthorized, but I assure you, this is just a minor hiccup. I've been told we're only a few days away from approval, and we'll get those documents to you as soon as possible.

Please remember that all subjects have signed waivers accepting the risks. I hope this will ease any hestitation you may have. The end will justify the means.

Lucas Drexler
CEO: Infinity LTD

Research Targets Project Dominion requires a compatible alloy that the human brain will not reject when the Internal Neuroamp is surgically implanted.

Goal 1: Find the correct alloy ratio
* A series of metals have been provided for a wide range of experimentation.
* We're currently looking into obtaining a rare metal to be delivered at a later date.

Goal 2: Ensure the effectiveness of the internal neuroamp
* Once implantation is successful, ensure the neuroamp can be used effectively.
* No side effects should be detected for either the user or the target.

Goal 3: Minimize casualties
* Infinity LTD understands that severe injuries and even fatalities may be encountered.
* Do not let issues hinder research progress. Notify your contact and we'll take care of it.