Starfield:Customer Service Computer

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Customer Service Computer
Editor ID KioskTerminal_Generdyne
Location Generdyne Industries (map)

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Customer Service Computer
Mission Statement Mission Statement

Generdyne is committed to bringing safe and reliable energy to the entirety of Neon. From residential consumers to our largest industrial clients, we treat each of our customers with the respect they deserve. We provide safe, reliable, and affordable electric service while maintaining the absolute highest standards of conduct, as well as acting with integrity and remaining accountable to our community and the environment. Generdyne actively pursues excellence and innovates to better serve our clients. Our values are part of our daily operations and our promise to Neon.

Complaints (Go to Complaints menu.)
Enter New Complaint ==ERROR==

Our apologies, the system queue is currently full. Generdyne technicians are working to resolve this issue and we will be updating our system soon. If this is a utility-related emergency, please contact Neon Security.

Complaint GEND-0588AD Complaint GEND-0588AD

Customer Name: Boone Morgan

Issue: We need more power for the new lighting array in the Lounge. Output needs to be kicked up to around 40 kWh per square meter. This is the second time I've had to come down here and put in the "request" and we're still sitting at 35. Unless you want to piss off the boss, I'd get it done. Now.

Status: Resolved

Complaint GEND-0601AD Complaint GEND-0601AD

Customer Name: Kosmos Bakas

Issue: I'm making a formal request to have our rates reviewed. The prices that your company is charging is ridiculous. Offworld Eats isn't a megacorporation like Ryujin or Xenofresh. As it is, we barely scrape by, and now you've informed us that you're raising the rates? It's insane. I demand you send a representative to our shop who has the power to do something about this problem!

Status: On File, Archived

Complaint GEND-0619AD Complaint GEND-0619AD

Customer Name: Thom Claesson

Issue: Your stupid junction box on the outside of my Sleepcrate fried and caught the place on fire. Now everything I own has gone up in smoke! I expect to be fully reimbursed for my belongings, or I'm taking this issue straight to Administrator Bayu myself!

Status: On File, Rejected

Complaint GEND-0699AD Complaint GEND-0699AD

Customer Name: STAR CHild

Issue: Daaaaaamn, this computer is AMAZING! So BRRRRIGHT!!! I wonder if I can TELL the future witH this thing??????????. Holy CRAP I am so ZZZZZZZoned right now. Gotta go get MOOOOORE!

Status: On File, Mark for Deletion