Starfield:Computer (DR017 Admin)

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Editor ID DR017_AdminTerminal
Location SF-mapicon-Science Lab.svg Abandoned Cryo Lab (random)

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Communications Mail Systems
Shannon Palermo
Marzanna Project Coordination Liaison
Communication Mail (Go to Communication Mail menu.)
Communication Mail

Communications Mail Systems
Shannon Palermo
Marzanna Project Coordination Liaison
Charlie's Concerns: Dr. Lars Gayatri Hey Shannon,
Charlie wanted me to bring up the issues with the lab again. For what it's worth I think we should at least do an evaluation. Our initial system setups don't account for the environment outside the lab.

You know RI won't let us do anything to fix it officially if we don't have something solid. We're all on the same ship here.

Now that's out of the way, time to grab a drink! I'll come down by your office after shift two.


Official Response: Ryujin Liaison From: Ryujin Liaison
Subject: Official Response

Project Marzanna Liaison Shannon Palermo,
Your request for additional resources to address the issues outlined in your previous communication has been reviewed.

The decision has been made to deny these resources at this time. Evaluated risks are well within acceptable parameters.

Proceed with the project as scheduled.

Serious Problem: Charlie Jorgenson From: Charlie Jorgenson
Subject: Serious Problem

This is important. The issue with the cryo connectors for the lab, and the ambient environmental fluctuations we talked about. It's more serious than I originally thought. I think we'll need to halt the current experiments, pause the whole program and upgrade the labs. We're all in danger here, including you. Please do the right thing and at least have someone look into it.

Dr. Charlie Jorgenson
Marzanna Project Technician

Encryption Task Completed: Marie Bakaba From: Marie Bakaba
Subject: Encryption Task Completed

My team has completed implementation of the Seshat Encryption. All project data going forward will be encrypted automatically as it is uploaded onto the local servers.

I have also personally overseen the encryption of our older Marzanna Project data.

I agree the value of this data cannot be overstated, and I support any further efforts to lock down possible leak vectors through the scientists and staff here. During our efforts we have found multiple cases of indiscretion among the staff that pose security risks.

As a first additional step I recommend we prevent any project data from being loaded onto personal slates. Please let me know how to proceed.
