Starfield:Bilal Adlam's Diary

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Book Information
ID xx15CF42
Editor ID SFBGS001_MS03_FatherDiary
Value 0 Weight 0
Type Note
Bilal Adlam's Diary

I have made my peace with Amila's insolence. That boy was born with a devil inside him and will never listen to reason. No, it is Borhal's recent impudence that disturbs me.

I caught Borhal sneaking food to Amila after his mother sent him to bed hungry. This was the third time I caught him doing so, and for it he got three smacks with the rod.

He apologized quickly, so at least he is still capable of showing respect unlike his brother, but this recent trend has grown worrisome. I fear that Amila's attitude has begun to rub off on his older brother.