Starfield:A Light in the Darkness/RAD02 0600 CF08Fleet LegacysEnd

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Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0600_CF08Fleet_LegacysEnd
I was there at the big battle between SysDef and the Crimson Fleet.
"This news is titanic. The ripples from SysDef essentially taken out of the picture... I think we're just starting to see them."
"So... I'm guessing you weren't with the good guys? Some policies you need to know."
"SSNN protects its sources, and for me I never - and I mean never - reveal a source. "
"So anything you say to me won't get back to you."
"Assuming you're good with that. What was your involvement?"
... Player Response
I'm a member of the Crimson Fleet. No beating around the bush with you.
Let's just say I was there. I know how it went down. I can work with that.
X Nevermind. It might be best not to talk about this. If you ever do want to do an interview on this, I'm here.
🗣︎ So the authorities won't be able to use this against me? Anything you say they'll obviously read - but I'll strip out anything that could incriminate you.
"So the Vigilance went to the Key and one hell of a space battle ensued."
"And somehow at the end of that, the Vigilance was commandeered and SysDef has been dealt a massive blow... maybe fatal."
"Any comment?"
... Player Response
I was the one who captured the Vigilance. It wasn't easy. [QE621] Jesus. I mean, I imagine that was one tall order.
SysDef attacked us. And that cost them dearly. [QE622] So you did what you had to.
SysDef was desperate. The Crimson Fleet came into a huge amount of money. Enough to change the balance of power. [QE623] That explains it. For the life of me I couldn't figure out why SysDef did such a hare-brained thing.
Time and time again SysDef underestimated the Crimson Fleet. And they suffered for it. [QE624] Well, they are certainly in pain now. My guess is there's a serious chance SysDef will be disbanded.
"I have to ask... why? Reading between the lines here, you helped the Crimson Fleet enormously."
"Piracy is going to get worse, so much worse. Again, why?"
... Player Response
They attacked us, but I'm happy they did. SysDef was a problem that needed to be solved. [QE631] I'll make sure the story makes it clear that SysDef were the aggressors here.
Because at heart, I'm a pirate. And it was great to finally show my true colors. [QE632] You really did stick it to the man, I gotta say.
I wanted my share of the spoils. It's all down to cold hard credits. [QE633] In my experience a lot of times it all boils down to money.
I had my reasons, let's leave it at that. You got it.
[QE699] "I'll talk with publishing, but expect to see this soon. This is just me speaking as a human being here..."
"But I hope you don't come to regret too much what you did."