Starfield:A Light in the Darkness/RAD02 0400 UC04 EyeWitness

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Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0400_UC04_EyeWitness
I was at the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis.
"Really. To say you have my undivided attention is an understatement."
"A lot of people were there. The accounts we've got were chaotic."
"What was your role in that?"
... Player Response
I personally took out those Terrormorphs. I pretty much saved the day. [QE411] Wait, wait... I heard someone from Constellation was involved.
That was you? This is great. Like embarrassingly important award winning great.
Together with UC Security, we managed to put those killing machines down. [QE412] Sounds like maybe you're being modest. Security isn't exactly trained for that scenario. But all right.
I'm in the UC Vanguard and was investigating recent Terrormorph activity. [QE413] The Vanguard was involved? That's good to know.
"The whole city is still on edge over the attack. We were fortunate -- damned fortunate -- that casualties were so low."
"What was it like in the thick of things?"
... Player Response
Terrifying. It takes a lot of firepower to take out a Terrormorph. [QE421] That makes what you did even more... well, amazing.
I just focused on protecting the civilians and staying alive. I didn't have time to think. [QE422] Pure instinct, huh?
I felt alive. When everything is on the line, every moment seems like a gift. [QE423] You never quite know how precious life is... until it's under threat.
🗣︎ [UC04:820?] I swear I saw evidence the Terrormorphs have mind control abilities. You what? Listen, if I were to run a story on anything like that I would need documented evidence.
Even a whisper of something like that, well, it could cause a panic.
So... how was it like in that fight?
"It sounds like New Atlantis, heck the whole UC, owes you a great debt."
"Any closing comments? I already have a good story here."
... Player Response
I can't sleep at night, because who knows when the Terrormorphs will attack again. [QE431] If you feel that way... *deep breath*
🗣︎ [UC09?] Everyone needs to know the man behind it: Vae Victis. What? You're serious? Listen, Vae Victis is dead.
Like documented historical event dead. I don't want even to get into it.
[UC09_Result >= 1?] The Terrormorph Management Division has been created to make sure it never happens again. [QE432] That's a mouthful. A "thankful you guys are around" mouthful.
[¬UC09?] I won't rest until the Terrormorph threat is ended. [QE433] That makes me feel better. I feel like such a sap, but it does.
I have nothing else to say. Got it.
[QE499] "Hey, Constellation, from all of us that live here... Thanks."
"We use the word hero a lot in news. But you really are one."