Starfield:A Light in the Darkness/RAD02 0300 FC01 JobGoneWrong

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Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0300_FC01_JobGoneWrong
I have information about the GalBank robbery on Akila City.
"You certainly get around. I'm surprised that branch has any customers left the number of times it's been held up."
"But I thought the Rangers had finally managed to get a handle on it."
"I heard there was a standoff, that true?"
... Player Response
There was a standoff all right. I'd say I'm surprised, but this is my total lack of surprise face.
My first time there, too. Welcome to Akila, don't mind the robbery. I hear the robbers are provided free of charge. All part of the service.
I can't believe that bank has been hit more than once. Even though the Rangers are based out of Akila City, they are spread thin across the Freestar Collective.
"What happened to the robbers? The Shaw gang?"
... Player Response
[QE312] I negotiated with the gang and talked them down. You did what? I mean, you're well spoken... But a hostage negotiator?
I'll do some research and make sure that checks out.
They were convinced to let the hostages go. They were arrested. Oh. That's a nice change of pace. The Rangers got one right for once.
[QE313] The Marshal and I worked together and the Gang were all arrested. I'm sure he was thankful for your assistance.
... Player Response
The Marshal made sure they were all taken care of. Permanently. I can't say I blame him. Armed robbers don't deserve much mercy in my book.
[QE311] I mopped all the robbers up. No survivors. Wait... What? You cleaned them out? Jesus.
I'm sorry, but I might have to dig up some witnesses to confirm that. But, well, anyway.
If you don't mind, I'd rather not say. I understand. Experiencing news instead of hearing about it. It's a whole other world.
"These things are often... messy. Any customers or GalBank staff get hurt?"
... Player Response
[¬FC01:570?] Thankfully, there were no casualties. Not even any injuries I know of. That's really good news. Usually... Well, it's a different kind of story.
[FC01:570?] One of the bank employees didn't make it. That's a real shame. Bank employees are just doing their job. And to have this happen...
It was a bit of a blur. Sorry. It's okay. I'll contact GalBank and get those details.
"You were there, you were involved in resolving it."
"Any comment on the Freestar Rangers? Having another high profile robbery in their own backyard is a bit of a black eye."
... Player Response
[QE321] Desperate people do desperate things. The Rangers kept it from turning into a massacre. Huh. That's really good to know.
No comment. Got it.
[QE322] If the Rangers can't protect their own bank, who can they protect? And there's my quote right there. Very well said.
[QE399] "Stories like this always fire up public outrage and appetite."
"Thanks for the interview, and take this."