Template:Starfield Furniture Summary/Doc

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This template is intended to create a summary on Furnishing pages, including an infobox, image, description, trail, and categories. This template standardizes the data storage for all Furniture items.

For Ship Building, see Shipbuilding

Be sure to visit each of the Summary's Subpages below for information on how to use.


Starfield Furniture Summary
Parameter Scope Description
cat required The furnishing category.
subcat required The furnishing sub-category.
id required The item id of the item.
quality optional The quality of the item. ???
desc optional The descriptive text of the item.
size optional The size of the item, indicated in its description. If desc is left unspecified, it will be defined as "This is a [size] house item."
behavior optional The behaviors of the item, separated by commas. May be one or more of: ???
source optional Sources for the furnishing not covered by other parameters.
achievement optional Name of the achievement which grants this furnishing or the achievement required to purchase this furnishing
image optional Manually specify the image path (without "File:"). Avoid when possible.
name optional The item's name if different from the name of the article (with any disambiguation removed).
