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This template allows for the consistent presentation of bugs and their easy categorization.


Parameter Scope Description
description or 1 required A brief description of the bug.
fixedby or 2 optional The name of the patch that fixes the bug.
OP Official Starfield Release
SFCPStarfield Community Patch
USFPUnofficial Starfield Patch
USSPUnofficial Shattered Space Patch
fixversion or 3 optional Adds a version number to the fix text.
fixdetail or 4 optional Extra detail about the nature of the fix if it isn't obvious from context. This changes the fix text to read "The <patch> addresses this issue. <fixdetail>". Capitalize the first sentence and end it with the appropriate punctuation. This template does not add a period automatically.
confirmed optional Adds unfixed bugs to the "Confirmed Bugs" category. If missing, blank, or 0, bugs are instead added to the "Unconfirmed Bugs" category.

Bugs can be marked as confirmed when either multiple people have experienced the bug and reported it online (update value to 1, 2, 3, etc.), or if a bug is experienced in game and the reason for it can be confirmed in the Creation Kit (value is CK). In the latter case, use the modnotes parameter to document the reason.

dlc optional This alters the category used so it's easier to determine and correct DLC-specific bugs. Please use the common two-letter abbreviation (listed below), or the full name of the plugin (such as, "Deimog").
CC — Creation Club
SS — Shattered Space
section optional Specifies a talk page section relevant to the bug for unconfirmed bugs.
modnotes optional Detail about where the cause of the bug lies and how to fix it. By default, this will not display for most users. May be overridden by specifying a style for the modnotes class in common.css which includes a "display:inline" property (or similar, according to the user's preference).
afktrack optional tracking number, adds a link to the specified bug description on the AFKtrack website.
tracking optional Adds a link to the specified bug description on any other website.
nobullet optional If non-blank, causes the template not to include the usual level of bulleting. Used purely for formatting purposes.
nocat optional If non-blank, does not add the bug to any categories.
nofixmsg optional If non-blank, does not display the "fixes this bug" message.


The categories for the bug examples below assume they're being placed in appropriate namespaces.

Just the bug[edit]

{{Bug|There's something wrong.}}
  • There's something wrong. ?

This would also add the page to the category (Namespace)-Unconfirmed Bugs.

Bug for a DLC[edit]

{{Bug|There's something wrong.|dlc=CC}}
  • There's something wrong. ?

This would also add the page to the category (Namespace)-Creation Club-Unconfirmed Bugs.

Confirmed bug[edit]

{{Bug|This happens to a lot of people.|confirmed=CK}}
  • This happens to a lot of people.

This would also add the page to the category (Namespace)-Confirmed Bugs.

The bug and a fix[edit]

{{Bug|There's something wrong.|USFP}}
  • There's something wrong.
    • This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Starfield Patch.

This would also add the page to the category (Namespace)-Bugs Fixed by the Unofficial Starfield Patch.

The bug and a fix with a version[edit]

{{Bug|There's something wrong.|USFP|1.5}}
  • There's something wrong.
    • This bug is fixed by version 1.5 of the Unofficial Starfield Patch.

This would also add the page to the category (Namespace)-Bugs Fixed by the Unofficial Starfield Patch.

The bug and a fix with a version, plus extra detail[edit]

{{Bug|There's something wrong.|USFP|1.5|The wrong thing works like this now.}}
  • There's something wrong.
    • This issue has been addressed by version 1.5 of the Unofficial Starfield Patch; The wrong thing works like this now.

This would also add the page to the category (Namespace)-Bugs Fixed by the Unofficial Starfield Patch.

Illustrating nobullet[edit]

{{Bug|There's something wrong.|USFP|nobullet=yes}}

There's something wrong.

  • This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Starfield Patch.

This would also add the page to the category (Namespace)-Bugs Fixed by the Unofficial Starfield Patch.