Starfield talk:Flocking Dodo Grazer

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A Special Affinity[edit]

This has to be one of my favorite creatures in Starfield. I might be suffering from Ark fever, because I want to tame it and use it as a mount. Wouldn't be able to take it out on moons with little to no atmosphere, but bio out. I'm looking at current Wikipedia pages as a model for capturing information. Starting out, could use a general format of 1. Physical description, 2. Diet and behavior (that is observed in the game and assumed to be intended by the devs), 3. General Uses (farming, harvesting, etc.), 4. Known variants and links to other fauna sharing the same or similar skin, and 5. Any in-game lore or books that mention the creature, which is probably mostly zero for almost all of the fauna, except for well-known honorable mentions, ashta and terrormorph. Too much? Not enough? Evidence of 'All kinds of crazy!' ~ Calx