Starfield Mod:Mod File Format/CTDA

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CTDA subrecords hold information about Condition Data. It is a custom data structure with a fixed size of 32 bytes:

  • dword type
Type of comparison/condition.
  • float value
Value to use for comparison. This is usually a float but can also be a dword/formid depending on the condition type.
  • dword function
Function to call to get the value.
  • dword param1
  • dword param2
Parameters are "usually" dwords but depend on the function to determine exactly what kind of data.
  • dword runOn
  • dword reference
  • dword param3
Probably depends on the function for what type of data.

CTDA subrecords are optional and there can be more than one in each record (544 is the most found in a single record in Starfield.esm).

Found In[edit]

CTDA subrecords can be found in the following record types:

  • ACTI
  • ALCH
  • BMMO
  • CAMS
  • CHAL
  • CNDF
  • COBJ
  • CPTH
  • ENCH
  • FLST
  • GBFM
  • HAZD
  • IDLE
  • INFO
  • LSCR
  • LVLB
  • LVLI
  • LVLN
  • LVLP
  • MESG
  • MGEF
  • MUST
  • PACK
  • PCBN
  • PCCN
  • PCMT
  • PERK
  • PKIN
  • QUST
  • SCEN
  • SMBN
  • SMQN
  • SPEL
  • STBH
  • TMLM
  • WRLD

Type Values[edit]

The following are all the possible type values found in Starfield.esm:


The comparison type is a bitfield with the following definition (taken from [ xEdit wbDefinitionsSF1.pas):

   Compare operator (upper 3 bits)
       000    0=Equal to
       001    1=Not equal to
       010    2=Greater than
       011    3=Greater than or equal to
       100    4=Less than
       101    5=Less than or equal to
   Flags (lower 5 bits)
       0x01=OR (default is to AND conditions together)
       0x02=Parameters (use aliases) : Force function parameters to use quest alias data (exclusive with "use pack data")
       0x04=Use global
       0x08=Use Pack Data : Force function parameters to use pack data (exclusive with "use aliases")
       0x10=Swap Subject and Target

Function Values[edit]

The following are all the possible functions values found in Starfield.esm:


The following complete function types is taken from xEdit wbDefinitionsSF1.pas:

    (Index:   0; Name: 'GetWantBlocking'),                                                                                                                  //   0
    (Index:   1; Name: 'GetDistance'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                       //   1
    (Index:   5; Name: 'GetLocked'),                                                                                                                        //   2
    (Index:   6; Name: 'GetPos'; ParamType1: ptAxis),                                                                                                       //   3
    (Index:   8; Name: 'GetAngle'; ParamType1: ptAxis),                                                                                                     //   4
    (Index:  10; Name: 'GetStartingPos'; ParamType1: ptAxis),                                                                                               //   5
    (Index:  11; Name: 'GetStartingAngle'; ParamType1: ptAxis),                                                                                             //   6
    (Index:  12; Name: 'GetSecondsPassed'),                                                                                                                 //   7
    (Index:  14; Name: 'GetValue'; ParamType1: ptActorValue),                                                                                               //   8
    (Index:  18; Name: 'GetCurrentTime'),                                                                                                                   //   9
    (Index:  24; Name: 'GetScale'),                                                                                                                         //   10
    (Index:  25; Name: 'IsMoving'),                                                                                                                         //   11
    (Index:  26; Name: 'IsTurning'),                                                                                                                        //   12
    (Index:  27; Name: 'GetLineOfSight'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference{; ParamType2: ptInteger}),                                                           //   13
    (Index:  32; Name: 'GetInSameCell'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                     //   14
    (Index:  35; Name: 'GetDisabled'),                                                                                                                      //   15
    (Index:  36; Name: 'MenuPaused'),                                                                                                                       //   16
    (Index:  38; Name: 'GetCameraShipSize'),                                                                                                                //   17
    (Index:  39; Name: 'GetDisease'),                                                                                                                       //   18
    (Index:  41; Name: 'GetClothingValue'),                                                                                                                 //   19
    (Index:  42; Name: 'SameFaction'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                                 //   20
    (Index:  43; Name: 'SameRace'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                                    //   21
    (Index:  44; Name: 'SameSex'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                                     //   22
    (Index:  45; Name: 'GetDetected'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                                 //   23
    (Index:  46; Name: 'GetDead'),                                                                                                                          //   24
    (Index:  47; Name: 'GetItemCount'; ParamType1: ptReferencableObject),                                                                                      //   25
    (Index:  48; Name: 'GetGold'),                                                                                                                          //   26
    (Index:  49; Name: 'GetSleeping'),                                                                                                                      //   27
    (Index:  50; Name: 'GetTalkedToPC'),                                                                                                                    //   28
    (Index:  56; Name: 'GetQuestRunning'; ParamType1: ptQuest),                                                                                             //   29
    (Index:  58; Name: 'GetStage'; ParamType1: ptQuest),                                                                                                    //   30
    (Index:  59; Name: 'GetStageDone'; ParamType1: ptQuest; ParamType2: ptQuestStage),                                                                           //   31
    (Index:  60; Name: 'GetFactionRankDifference'; ParamType1: ptFaction; ParamType2: ptActor),                                                             //   32
    (Index:  61; Name: 'GetAlarmed'),                                                                                                                       //   33
    (Index:  62; Name: 'IsRaining'),                                                                                                                        //   34
    (Index:  63; Name: 'GetAttacked'),                                                                                                                      //   35
    (Index:  64; Name: 'GetIsCreature'),                                                                                                                    //   36
    (Index:  65; Name: 'GetLockLevel'),                                                                                                                     //   37
    (Index:  66; Name: 'GetShouldAttack'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                             //   38
    (Index:  67; Name: 'GetInCell'; ParamType1: ptCell),                                                                                                    //   39
    (Index:  68; Name: 'GetIsClass'; ParamType1: ptClass),                                                                                                  //   40
    (Index:  69; Name: 'GetIsRace'; ParamType1: ptRace),                                                                                                    //   41
    (Index:  70; Name: 'GetIsSex'; ParamType1: ptSex),                                                                                                      //   42
    (Index:  71; Name: 'GetInFaction'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                              //   43
    (Index:  72; Name: 'GetIsID'; ParamType1: ptReferencableObject),                                                                                                    //   44
    (Index:  73; Name: 'GetFactionRank'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                            //   45
    (Index:  74; Name: 'GetGlobalValue'; ParamType1: ptGlobal),                                                                                             //   46
    (Index:  75; Name: 'IsSnowing'),                                                                                                                        //   47
    (Index:  77; Name: 'GetRandomPercent'),                                                                                                                 //   48
    (Index:  79; Name: 'WouldBeStealing'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                   //   49
    (Index:  80; Name: 'GetLevel'),                                                                                                                         //   50
    (Index:  81; Name: 'IsRotating'),                                                                                                                       //   51
    (Index:  84; Name: 'GetDeadCount'; ParamType1: ptActorBase),                                                                                            //   52
    (Index:  91; Name: 'GetIsAlerted'),                                                                                                                     //   53
    (Index:  98; Name: 'GetPlayerControlsDisabled'; ParamType1: ptInteger; ParamType2: ptInteger; ParamType3: ptInteger),                                   //   54
    (Index:  99; Name: 'GetHeadingAngle'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                   //   55
    (Index: 101; Name: 'IsWeaponMagicOut'),                                                                                                                 //   56
    (Index: 102; Name: 'IsTorchOut'),                                                                                                                       //   57
    (Index: 103; Name: 'IsShieldOut'),                                                                                                                      //   58
    (Index: 106; Name: 'IsFacingUp'),                                                                                                                       //   59
    (Index: 107; Name: 'GetKnockedState'),                                                                                                                  //   60
    (Index: 108; Name: 'GetWeaponAnimType'),                                                                                                                //   61
    (Index: 109; Name: 'IsWeaponSkillType'; ParamType1: ptActorValue),                                                                                      //   62
    (Index: 110; Name: 'GetDistanceFromCelestialBody'; ParamType1: ptPlanet; ParamType2: ptInteger),                                                        //   63
    (Index: 111; Name: 'IsWaiting'),                                                                                                                        //   64
    (Index: 112; Name: 'IsIdlePlaying'),                                                                                                                    //   65
    (Index: 116; Name: 'IsIntimidatedbyPlayer'),                                                                                                            //   66
    (Index: 117; Name: 'IsPlayerInRegion'; ParamType1: ptRegion),                                                                                           //   67
    (Index: 118; Name: 'GetActorAggroRadiusViolated'),                                                                                                      //   68
    (Index: 122; Name: 'GetCrime'; ParamType1: ptActor; ParamType2: ptCrimeType),                                                                           //   69
    (Index: 123; Name: 'IsGreetingPlayer'),                                                                                                                 //   70
    (Index: 125; Name: 'IsGuard'),                                                                                                                          //   71
    (Index: 128; Name: 'GetStaminaPercentage'),                                                                                                             //   72
    (Index: 129; Name: 'HasBeenRead'),                                                                                                                      //   73
    (Index: 130; Name: 'GetDying'),                                                                                                                         //   74
    (Index: 131; Name: 'GetSceneActionPercent'; ParamType1: ptScene; ParamType2: ptInteger),                                                                //   75
    (Index: 132; Name: 'WouldRefuseCommand'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                //   76
    (Index: 133; Name: 'SameFactionAsPC'),                                                                                                                  //   77
    (Index: 134; Name: 'SameRaceAsPC'),                                                                                                                     //   78
    (Index: 135; Name: 'SameSexAsPC'),                                                                                                                      //   79
    (Index: 136; Name: 'GetIsReference'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                    //   80
    (Index: 141; Name: 'IsTalking'),                                                                                                                        //   81
    (Index: 142; Name: 'GetComponentCount'; ParamType1: ptReferencableObject),                                                                                            //   82
    (Index: 143; Name: 'GetCurrentAIProcedure'),                                                                                                            //   83
    (Index: 144; Name: 'GetTrespassWarningLevel'),                                                                                                          //   84
    (Index: 145; Name: 'IsTrespassing'),                                                                                                                    //   85
    (Index: 146; Name: 'IsInMyOwnedCell'),                                                                                                                  //   86
    (Index: 147; Name: 'GetWindSpeed'),                                                                                                                     //   87
    (Index: 148; Name: 'GetCurrentWeatherPercent'),                                                                                                         //   88
    (Index: 149; Name: 'GetIsCurrentWeather'; ParamType1: ptWeather),                                                                                       //   89
    (Index: 150; Name: 'IsContinuingPackagePCNear'),                                                                                                        //   90
    (Index: 152; Name: 'GetIsCrimeFaction'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                         //   91
    (Index: 153; Name: 'CanHaveFlames'),                                                                                                                    //   92
    (Index: 154; Name: 'HasFlames'),                                                                                                                        //   93
    (Index: 157; Name: 'GetOpenState'),                                                                                                                     //   94
    (Index: 159; Name: 'GetSitting'),                                                                                                                       //   95
    (Index: 161; Name: 'GetIsCurrentPackage'; ParamType1: ptPackage),                                                                                       //   96
    (Index: 162; Name: 'IsCurrentFurnitureRef'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                             //   97
    (Index: 163; Name: 'IsCurrentFurnitureObj'; ParamType1: ptFurniture),                                                                                   //   98
    (Index: 170; Name: 'GetDayOfWeek'),                                                                                                                     //   99
    (Index: 172; Name: 'GetTalkedToPCParam'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                          //   100
    (Index: 175; Name: 'IsPCSleeping'),                                                                                                                     //   101
    (Index: 176; Name: 'IsPCAMurderer'),                                                                                                                    //   102
    (Index: 180; Name: 'HasSameEditorLocationAsRef'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; ParamType2: ptKeyword),                                                 //   103
    (Index: 181; Name: 'HasSameEditorLocationAsRefAlias'; ParamType1: ptAlias; ParamType2: ptKeyword),                                                 //   104
    (Index: 182; Name: 'GetEquipped'; ParamType1: ptReferencableObject),                                                                                       //   105
    (Index: 185; Name: 'IsSwimming'),                                                                                                                       //   106
    (Index: 190; Name: 'GetAmountSoldStolen'),                                                                                                              //   107
    (Index: 192; Name: 'GetIgnoreCrime'),                                                                                                                   //   108
    (Index: 193; Name: 'GetPCExpelled'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                             //   109
    (Index: 195; Name: 'GetPCFactionMurder'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                        //   110
    (Index: 197; Name: 'GetPCEnemyofFaction'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                       //   111
    (Index: 199; Name: 'GetPCFactionAttack'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                        //   112
    (Index: 203; Name: 'GetDestroyed'),                                                                                                                     //   113
    (Index: 214; Name: 'HasMagicEffect'; ParamType1: ptMagicEffect),                                                                                      //   114
    (Index: 215; Name: 'GetDefaultOpen'),                                                                                                                   //   115
    (Index: 223; Name: 'IsSpellTarget'; ParamType1: ptMagicItem),                                                                                           //   116
    (Index: 224; Name: 'GetVATSMode'),                                                                                                                      //   117
    (Index: 225; Name: 'GetPersuasionNumber'),                                                                                                              //   118
    (Index: 226; Name: 'GetVampireFeed'),                                                                                                                   //   119
    (Index: 227; Name: 'GetCannibal'),                                                                                                                      //   120
    (Index: 228; Name: 'GetIsClassDefault'; ParamType1: ptClass),                                                                                           //   121
    (Index: 229; Name: 'GetClassDefaultMatch'),                                                                                                             //   122
    (Index: 230; Name: 'GetInCellParam'; ParamType1: ptCell; ParamType2: ptObjectReference),                                                                //   123
    (Index: 231; Name: 'GetPlayerDialogueInput'),                                                                                                           //   124
    (Index: 235; Name: 'GetVatsTargetHeight'),                                                                                                              //   125
    (Index: 237; Name: 'GetIsGhost'),                                                                                                                       //   126
    (Index: 242; Name: 'GetUnconscious'),                                                                                                                   //   127
    (Index: 244; Name: 'GetRestrained'),                                                                                                                    //   128
    (Index: 246; Name: 'GetIsUsedItem'; ParamType1: ptReferencableObject),                                                                                            //   129
    (Index: 247; Name: 'GetIsUsedItemType'; ParamType1: ptFormType),                                                                                        //   130
    (Index: 248; Name: 'IsScenePlaying'; ParamType1: ptScene),                                                                                              //   131
    (Index: 249; Name: 'IsInDialogueWithPlayer'),                                                                                                           //   132
    (Index: 250; Name: 'GetLocationExplored'; ParamType1: ptLocation),                                                                                      //   133
    (Index: 254; Name: 'GetIsPlayableRace'),                                                                                                                //   134
    (Index: 255; Name: 'GetOffersServicesNow'),                                                                                                             //   135
    (Index: 258; Name: 'HasAssociationType'; ParamType1: ptActor; ParamType2: ptAssociationType),                                                           //   136
    (Index: 259; Name: 'HasFamilyRelationship'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                       //   137
    (Index: 261; Name: 'HasParentRelationship'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                       //   138
    (Index: 262; Name: 'IsWarningAbout'; ParamType1: ptFormList),                                                                                           //   139
    (Index: 263; Name: 'IsWeaponOut'),                                                                                                                      //   140
    (Index: 264; Name: 'HasSpell'; ParamType1: ptMagicItem),                                                                                                //   141
    (Index: 265; Name: 'IsTimePassing'),                                                                                                                    //   142
    (Index: 266; Name: 'IsPleasant'),                                                                                                                       //   143
    (Index: 267; Name: 'IsCloudy'),                                                                                                                         //   144
    (Index: 274; Name: 'IsSmallBump'),                                                                                                                      //   145
    (Index: 276; Name: 'AnimAction_EffectHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                               //   146
    (Index: 277; Name: 'GetBaseValue'; ParamType1: ptActorValue),                                                                                           //   147
    (Index: 278; Name: 'IsOwner'; ParamType1: ptOwner),                                                                                                     //   148
    (Index: 280; Name: 'IsCellOwner'; ParamType1: ptCell; ParamType2: ptOwner),                                                                             //   149
    (Index: 282; Name: 'IsHorseStolen'),                                                                                                                    //   150
    (Index: 285; Name: 'IsLeftUp'),                                                                                                                         //   151
    (Index: 286; Name: 'IsSneaking'),                                                                                                                       //   152
    (Index: 287; Name: 'IsRunning'),                                                                                                                        //   153
    (Index: 288; Name: 'GetFriendHit'),                                                                                                                     //   154
    (Index: 289; Name: 'IsInCombat'; ParamType1: ptInteger),                                                                                                //   155
    (Index: 300; Name: 'IsInInterior'),                                                                                                                     //   156
    (Index: 304; Name: 'IsWaterObject'),                                                                                                                    //   157
    (Index: 305; Name: 'GetPlayerAction'),                                                                                                                  //   158
    (Index: 306; Name: 'IsActorUsingATorch'),                                                                                                               //   159
    (Index: 309; Name: 'IsXBox'),                                                                                                                           //   160
    (Index: 310; Name: 'GetInWorldspace'; ParamType1: ptWorldSpace),                                                                                    //   161
    (Index: 312; Name: 'GetPCMiscStat'; ParamType1: ptMiscStat),                                                                                   //   162
    (Index: 313; Name: 'GetPairedAnimation'),                                                                                                               //   163
    (Index: 314; Name: 'IsActorAVictim'),                                                                                                                   //   164
    (Index: 315; Name: 'GetTotalPersuasionNumber'),                                                                                                         //   165
    (Index: 318; Name: 'GetIdleDoneOnce'),                                                                                                                  //   166
    (Index: 320; Name: 'GetNoRumors'),                                                                                                                      //   167
    (Index: 323; Name: 'GetCombatState'),                                                                                                                   //   168
    (Index: 325; Name: 'GetWithinPackageLocation'; ParamType1: ptPackdata),                                                                     //   169
    (Index: 327; Name: 'IsRidingMount'),                                                                                                                    //   170
    (Index: 329; Name: 'IsFleeing'),                                                                                                                        //   171
    (Index: 332; Name: 'IsInDangerousWater'),                                                                                                               //   172
    (Index: 338; Name: 'GetIgnoreFriendlyHits'),                                                                                                            //   173
    (Index: 339; Name: 'IsPlayersLastRiddenMount'),                                                                                                         //   174
    (Index: 353; Name: 'IsActor'),                                                                                                                          //   175
    (Index: 354; Name: 'IsEssential'),                                                                                                                      //   176
    (Index: 358; Name: 'IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace'),                                                                                                       //   177
    (Index: 359; Name: 'GetIsCurrentLocation'; ParamType1: ptLocation),                                                                                     //   178
    (Index: 360; Name: 'GetIsCurrentLocationAlias'; ParamType1: ptAlias),                                                                              //   179
    (Index: 361; Name: 'GetTimeDead'),                                                                                                                      //   180
    (Index: 362; Name: 'HasLinkedRef'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                              //   181
    (Index: 365; Name: 'IsChild'),                                                                                                                          //   182
    (Index: 366; Name: 'GetStolenItemValueNoCrime'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                 //   183
    (Index: 367; Name: 'GetLastPlayerAction'),                                                                                                              //   184
    (Index: 368; Name: 'IsPlayerActionActive'; ParamType1: ptInteger),                                                                                      //   185
    (Index: 370; Name: 'IsTalkingActivatorActor'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                     //   186
    (Index: 372; Name: 'IsInList'; ParamType1: ptFormList),                                                                                                 //   187
    (Index: 373; Name: 'GetStolenItemValue'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                        //   188
    (Index: 375; Name: 'GetCrimeGoldViolent'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                       //   189
    (Index: 376; Name: 'GetCrimeGoldNonviolent'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                    //   190
    (Index: 378; Name: 'IsOwnedBy'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                                   //   191
    (Index: 380; Name: 'GetCommandDistance'),                                                                                                               //   192
    (Index: 381; Name: 'GetCommandLocationDistance'),                                                                                                       //   193
    (Index: 390; Name: 'GetHitLocation'),                                                                                                                   //   194
    (Index: 391; Name: 'IsPC1stPerson'),                                                                                                                    //   195
    (Index: 396; Name: 'GetCauseofDeath'; ParamType1: ptDamageCauseType),                                                                                   //   196
    (Index: 398; Name: 'IsWeaponInList'; ParamType1: ptFormList),                                                                                           //   197
    (Index: 402; Name: 'IsBribedbyPlayer'),                                                                                                                 //   198
    (Index: 403; Name: 'GetRelationshipRank'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                         //   199
    (Index: 406; Name: 'GetStrongestEnemyHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                               //   200
    (Index: 407; Name: 'GetVATSValue'; ParamType1: ptInteger; ParamType2: ptInteger),                                                                       //   201
    (Index: 408; Name: 'IsKiller'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                          //   202
    (Index: 409; Name: 'IsPlayerInShipTargetingMode'),                                                                                                      //   203
    (Index: 410; Name: 'GetFactionCombatReaction'; ParamType1: ptFaction; ParamType2: ptFaction),                                                           //   204
    (Index: 411; Name: 'IsShipTargetInShipTargetingMode'),                                                                                                  //   205
    (Index: 414; Name: 'Exists'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                            //   206
    (Index: 415; Name: 'GetGroupMemberCount'),                                                                                                              //   207
    (Index: 416; Name: 'GetGroupTargetCount'),                                                                                                              //   208
    (Index: 426; Name: 'GetIsVoiceType'; ParamType1: ptVoiceType),                                                                                          //   209
    (Index: 427; Name: 'GetPlantedExplosive'),                                                                                                              //   210
    (Index: 429; Name: 'IsScenePackageRunning'),                                                                                                            //   211
    (Index: 430; Name: 'GetHealthPercentage'),                                                                                                              //   212
    (Index: 431; Name: 'GetActiveBoostDuration'),                                                                                                           //   213
    (Index: 432; Name: 'GetIsObjectType'; ParamType1: ptFormType),                                                                                          //   214
    (Index: 434; Name: 'PlayerVisualDetection'),                                                                                                            //   215
    (Index: 435; Name: 'PlayerAudioDetection'),                                                                                                             //   216
    (Index: 437; Name: 'GetIsCreatureType'; ParamType1: ptInteger),                                                                                         //   217
    (Index: 438; Name: 'HasKey'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                            //   218
    (Index: 439; Name: 'IsFurnitureEntryType'; ParamType1: ptFurnitureEntry),                                                                           //   219
    (Index: 444; Name: 'GetInCurrentLocationFormList'; ParamType1: ptFormList),                                                                             //   220
    (Index: 445; Name: 'GetInZone'; ParamType1: ptLocation),                                                                                                //   221
    (Index: 446; Name: 'GetVelocity'; ParamType1: ptAxis),                                                                                                  //   222
    (Index: 447; Name: 'GetGraphVariableFloat'; ParamType1: ptString),                                                                                      //   223
    (Index: 448; Name: 'HasPerk'; ParamType1: ptPerk),                                                                                                      //   224
    (Index: 449; Name: 'GetFactionRelation'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                //   225
    (Index: 450; Name: 'IsLastIdlePlayed'; ParamType1: ptIdleForm),                                                                                         //   226
    (Index: 453; Name: 'GetPlayerTeammate'),                                                                                                                //   227
    (Index: 454; Name: 'GetPlayerTeammateCount'),                                                                                                           //   228
    (Index: 458; Name: 'GetActorCrimePlayerEnemy'),                                                                                                         //   229
    (Index: 459; Name: 'GetCrimeGold'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                              //   230
    (Index: 463; Name: 'IsPlayerGrabbedRef'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                //   231
    (Index: 465; Name: 'GetKeywordItemCount'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                       //   232
    (Index: 470; Name: 'GetDestructionStage'),                                                                                                              //   233
    (Index: 473; Name: 'GetIsAlignment'; ParamType1: ptAlignment),                                                                                          //   234
    (Index: 476; Name: 'IsProtected'),                                                                                                                      //   235
    (Index: 477; Name: 'GetThreatRatio'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                              //   236
    (Index: 479; Name: 'GetIsUsedItemEquipType'; ParamType1: ptEquipType{ptEquipSlot}),                                                                                  //   237
    (Index: 483; Name: 'GetPlayerActivated'),                                                                                                               //   238
    (Index: 485; Name: 'GetFullyEnabledActorsInHigh'),                                                                                                      //   239
    (Index: 487; Name: 'IsCarryable'),                                                                                                                      //   240
    (Index: 488; Name: 'GetConcussed'),                                                                                                                     //   241
    (Index: 490; Name: 'GetBiomeScanPercent'; Desc:'Returns the biome scan percentage of this object type. 0 if it''s not part of this biome.'),                                                                                                              //   242
    (Index: 491; Name: 'GetMapMarkerVisible'),                                                                                                              //   243
    (Index: 493; Name: 'PlayerKnows'; ParamType1: ptReferencableObject),                                                                                          //   244
    (Index: 494; Name: 'GetPermanentValue'; ParamType1: ptActorValue),                                                                                      //   245
    (Index: 495; Name: 'EPMagic_EffectIsDetrimental'),                                                                                                      //   246
    (Index: 497; Name: 'CanPayCrimeGold'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                           //   247
    (Index: 499; Name: 'GetDaysInJail'),                                                                                                                    //   248
    (Index: 500; Name: 'EPAlchemyGetMakingPoison'),                                                                                                         //   249
    (Index: 501; Name: 'EPAlchemyEffectHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                 //   250
    (Index: 503; Name: 'GetAllowWorldInteractions'),                                                                                                        //   251
    (Index: 507; Name: 'GetPerkRank'; ParamType1: ptPerk),                                                                                                  //   252
    (Index: 508; Name: 'GetLastHitCritical'),                                                                                                               //   253
    (Index: 511; Name: 'LastCrippledCondition'; ParamType1: ptActorValue),                                                                                  //   254
    (Index: 512; Name: 'HasSharedPowerGrid'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                //   255
    (Index: 513; Name: 'IsCombatTarget'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                              //   256
    (Index: 515; Name: 'GetVATSRightAreaFree'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                              //   257
    (Index: 516; Name: 'GetVATSLeftAreaFree'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                               //   258
    (Index: 517; Name: 'GetVATSBackAreaFree'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                               //   259
    (Index: 518; Name: 'GetVATSFrontAreaFree'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                              //   260
    (Index: 519; Name: 'GetIsLockBroken'),                                                                                                                  //   261
    (Index: 521; Name: 'IsWindowsPC'),                                                                                                                      //   262
    (Index: 522; Name: 'GetVATSRightTargetVisible'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                         //   263
    (Index: 523; Name: 'GetVATSLeftTargetVisible'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                          //   264
    (Index: 524; Name: 'GetVATSBackTargetVisible'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                          //   265
    (Index: 525; Name: 'GetVATSFrontTargetVisible'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                         //   266
    (Index: 528; Name: 'IsInCriticalStage'; ParamType1: ptCriticalStage),                                                                                   //   267
    (Index: 530; Name: 'GetXPForNextLevel'),                                                                                                                //   268
    (Index: 533; Name: 'GetInfamy'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                                 //   269
    (Index: 534; Name: 'GetInfamyViolent'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                          //   270
    (Index: 535; Name: 'GetInfamyNonViolent'; ParamType1: ptFaction),                                                                                       //   271
    (Index: 536; Name: 'GetTypeCommandPerforming'),                                                                                                         //   272
    (Index: 543; Name: 'GetQuestCompleted'; ParamType1: ptQuest),                                                                                           //   273
    (Index: 544; Name: 'GetSpeechChallengeSuccessScene'),                                                                                                   //   274
    (Index: 547; Name: 'IsGoreDisabled'),                                                                                                                   //   275
    (Index: 550; Name: 'IsSceneActionComplete'; ParamType1: ptScene; ParamType2: ptInteger),                                                                //   276
    (Index: 554; Name: 'GetActorsInHigh'),                                                                                                                  //   277
    (Index: 555; Name: 'HasLoaded3D'),                                                                                                                      //   278
    (Index: 560; Name: 'HasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                                //   279
    (Index: 561; Name: 'HasRefType'; ParamType1: ptRefType),                                                                                        //   280
    (Index: 562; Name: 'LocationHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                        //   281
    (Index: 563; Name: 'LocationHasRefType'; ParamType1: ptRefType),                                                                                //   282
    (Index: 565; Name: 'GetIsEditorLocation'; ParamType1: ptLocation),                                                                                      //   283
    (Index: 566; Name: 'GetIsAliasRef'; ParamType1: ptAlias),                                                                                          //   284
    (Index: 567; Name: 'GetIsEditorLocationAlias'; ParamType1: ptAlias),                                                                               //   285
    (Index: 568; Name: 'IsSprinting'),                                                                                                                      //   286
    (Index: 569; Name: 'IsBlocking'),                                                                                                                       //   287
    (Index: 570; Name: 'HasEquippedSpell'; ParamType1: ptCastingSource),                                                                                    //   288
    (Index: 571; Name: 'GetCurrentCastingType'; ParamType1: ptCastingSource),                                                                               //   289
    (Index: 572; Name: 'GetCurrentDeliveryType'; ParamType1: ptCastingSource),                                                                              //   290
    (Index: 574; Name: 'GetAttackState'),                                                                                                                   //   291
    (Index: 576; Name: 'GetEventData'; ParamType1: ptEvent {and EventMember in the same DWORD}; ParamType2: ptEventData),                                    //   292
    (Index: 577; Name: 'IsCloserToAThanB'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; ParamType2: ptObjectReference),                                                   //   293
    (Index: 578; Name: 'LevelMinusPCLevel'),                                                                                                                //   294
    (Index: 580; Name: 'IsBleedingOut'),                                                                                                                    //   295
    (Index: 584; Name: 'GetRelativeAngle'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; ParamType2: ptAxis),                                                              //   296
    (Index: 589; Name: 'GetMovementDirection'),                                                                                                             //   297
    (Index: 590; Name: 'IsInScene'),                                                                                                                        //   298
    (Index: 591; Name: 'GetRefTypeDeadCount'; ParamType1: ptLocation; ParamType2: ptRefType),                                                       //   299
    (Index: 592; Name: 'GetRefTypeAliveCount'; ParamType1: ptLocation; ParamType2: ptRefType),                                                      //   300
    (Index: 594; Name: 'GetIsFlying'),                                                                                                                      //   301
    (Index: 595; Name: 'IsCurrentSpell'; ParamType1: ptMagicItem; ParamType2: ptCastingSource),                                                             //   302
    (Index: 596; Name: 'SpellHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptCastingSource; ParamType2: ptKeyword),                                                              //   303
    (Index: 597; Name: 'GetEquippedItemType'; ParamType1: ptCastingSource),                                                                                 //   304
    (Index: 598; Name: 'GetLocationAliasExplored'; ParamType1: ptAlias),                                                                               //   305
    (Index: 600; Name: 'GetLocationAliasRefTypeDeadCount'; ParamType1: ptAlias; ParamType2: ptRefType),                                        //   306
    (Index: 601; Name: 'GetLocationAliasRefTypeAliveCount'; ParamType1: ptAlias; ParamType2: ptRefType),                                       //   307
    (Index: 602; Name: 'IsWardState'; ParamType1: ptWardState),                                                                                             //   308
    (Index: 603; Name: 'IsInSameCurrentLocationAsRef'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; ParamType2: ptKeyword),                                               //   309
    (Index: 604; Name: 'IsInSameCurrentLocationAsAlias'; ParamType1: ptAlias; ParamType2: ptKeyword),                                                  //   310
    (Index: 605; Name: 'LocationAliasIsLocation'; ParamType1: ptAlias; ParamType2: ptLocation),                                                        //   311
    (Index: 606; Name: 'GetKeywordDataForLocation'; ParamType1: ptLocation; ParamType2: ptKeyword),                                                         //   312
    (Index: 608; Name: 'GetKeywordDataForAlias'; ParamType1: ptAlias; ParamType2: ptKeyword),                                                          //   313
    (Index: 610; Name: 'LocationAliasHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptAlias; ParamType2: ptKeyword),                                                         //   314
    (Index: 611; Name: 'IsNullPackageData'; ParamType1: ptPackdata),                                                                        //   315
    (Index: 612; Name: 'GetNumericPackageData'; ParamType1: ptPackdata),                                                                         //   316
    (Index: 613; Name: 'IsPlayerRadioOn'),                                                                                                                  //   317
    (Index: 614; Name: 'GetPlayerRadioFrequency'),                                                                                                          //   318
    (Index: 615; Name: 'GetHighestRelationshipRank'),                                                                                                       //   319
    (Index: 616; Name: 'GetLowestRelationshipRank'),                                                                                                        //   320
    (Index: 617; Name: 'HasAssociationTypeAny'; ParamType1: ptAssociationType),                                                                             //   321
    (Index: 618; Name: 'HasFamilyRelationshipAny'),                                                                                                         //   322
    (Index: 619; Name: 'GetPathingTargetOffset'; ParamType1: ptAxis),                                                                                       //   323
    (Index: 620; Name: 'GetPathingTargetAngleOffset'; ParamType1: ptAxis),                                                                                  //   324
    (Index: 621; Name: 'GetPathingTargetSpeed'),                                                                                                            //   325
    (Index: 622; Name: 'GetPathingTargetSpeedAngle'; ParamType1: ptAxis),                                                                                   //   326
    (Index: 623; Name: 'GetMovementSpeed'),                                                                                                                 //   327
    (Index: 624; Name: 'GetInContainer'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                    //   328
    (Index: 625; Name: 'IsLocationLoaded'; ParamType1: ptLocation),                                                                                         //   329
    (Index: 626; Name: 'IsLocationAliasLoaded'; ParamType1: ptAlias),                                                                                  //   330
    (Index: 627; Name: 'IsDualCasting'),                                                                                                                    //   331
    (Index: 629; Name: 'GetVMQuestVariable'; ParamType1: ptQuest; ParamType2: ptString),                                                       //   332
    (Index: 630; Name: 'GetCombatAudioDetection'),                                                                                                          //   333
    (Index: 631; Name: 'GetCombatVisualDetection'),                                                                                                         //   334
    (Index: 632; Name: 'IsCasting'),                                                                                                                        //   335
    (Index: 633; Name: 'GetFlyingState'),                                                                                                                   //   336
    (Index: 635; Name: 'IsInFavorState'),                                                                                                                   //   337
    (Index: 636; Name: 'HasTwoHandedWeaponEquipped'),                                                                                                       //   338
    (Index: 637; Name: 'IsFurnitureExitType'; ParamType1: ptFurnitureEntry),                                                                            //   339
    (Index: 638; Name: 'IsInFriendStatewithPlayer'),                                                                                                        //   340
    (Index: 639; Name: 'GetWithinDistance'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; ParamType2: ptFloat),                                                            //   341
    (Index: 640; Name: 'GetValuePercent'; ParamType1: ptActorValue),                                                                                        //   342
    (Index: 641; Name: 'IsUnique'),                                                                                                                         //   343
    (Index: 642; Name: 'GetLastBumpDirection'),                                                                                                             //   344
    (Index: 644; Name: 'GetInfoChallangeSuccess'),                                                                                                          //   345
    (Index: 645; Name: 'GetIsInjured'),                                                                                                                     //   346
    (Index: 646; Name: 'GetIsCrashLandRequest'),                                                                                                            //   347
    (Index: 647; Name: 'GetIsHastyLandRequest'),                                                                                                            //   348
    (Index: 650; Name: 'IsLinkedTo'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; ParamType2: ptKeyword),                                                                 //   349
    (Index: 651; Name: 'GetKeywordDataForCurrentLocation'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                          //   350
    (Index: 652; Name: 'GetInSharedCrimeFaction'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                           //   351
    (Index: 654; Name: 'GetBribeSuccess'),                                                                                                                  //   352
    (Index: 655; Name: 'GetIntimidateSuccess'),                                                                                                             //   353
    (Index: 656; Name: 'GetArrestedState'),                                                                                                                 //   354
    (Index: 657; Name: 'GetArrestingActor'),                                                                                                                //   355
    (Index: 659; Name: 'HasVMScript'; ParamType1: ptString),                                                                                         //   356
    (Index: 660; Name: 'GetVMScriptVariable'; ParamType1: ptString; ParamType2: ptString),                                              //   357
    (Index: 661; Name: 'GetWorkshopResourceDamage'; ParamType1: ptActorValue),                                                                              //   358
    (Index: 664; Name: 'HasValidRumorTopic'; ParamType1: ptQuest),                                                                                          //   359
    (Index: 672; Name: 'IsAttacking'),                                                                                                                      //   360
    (Index: 673; Name: 'IsPowerAttacking'),                                                                                                                 //   361
    (Index: 674; Name: 'IsLastHostileActor'),                                                                                                               //   362
    (Index: 675; Name: 'GetGraphVariableInt'; ParamType1: ptString),                                                                                        //   363
    (Index: 676; Name: 'GetDockerOrientation'),                                                                                                             //   364
    (Index: 678; Name: 'ShouldAttackKill'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                            //   365
    (Index: 680; Name: 'GetActivationHeight'),                                                                                                              //   366
    (Index: 681; Name: 'SSLPI_ReplacePayloadHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                            //   367
    (Index: 682; Name: 'WornHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                        //   368
    (Index: 683; Name: 'GetPathingCurrentSpeed'),                                                                                                           //   369
    (Index: 684; Name: 'GetPathingCurrentSpeedAngle'; ParamType1: ptAxis),                                                                                  //   370
    (Index: 691; Name: 'GetWorkshopObjectCount'; ParamType1: ptReferencableObject),                                                                                     //   371
    (Index: 693; Name: 'EPMagic_SpellHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                   //   372
    (Index: 694; Name: 'GetNoBleedoutRecovery'),                                                                                                            //   373
    (Index: 696; Name: 'EPMagic_SpellHasSkill'; ParamType1: ptActorValue),                                                                                  //   374
    (Index: 697; Name: 'IsAttackType'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                              //   375
    (Index: 698; Name: 'IsAllowedToFly'),                                                                                                                   //   376
    (Index: 699; Name: 'HasMagicEffectOrSpellKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                              //   377
    (Index: 700; Name: 'IsCommandedActor'),                                                                                                                 //   378
    (Index: 701; Name: 'IsStaggered'),                                                                                                                      //   379
    (Index: 702; Name: 'IsRecoiling'),                                                                                                                      //   380
    (Index: 703; Name: 'HasScopeWeaponEquipped'),                                                                                                           //   381
    (Index: 704; Name: 'IsPathing'),                                                                                                                        //   382
    (Index: 705; Name: 'GetShouldHelp'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                     //   383
    (Index: 706; Name: 'HasBoundWeaponEquipped'; ParamType1: ptCastingSource),                                                                              //   384
    (Index: 707; Name: 'GetCombatTargetHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                 //   385
    (Index: 709; Name: 'GetCombatGroupMemberCount'),                                                                                                        //   386
    (Index: 710; Name: 'IsIgnoringCombat'),                                                                                                                 //   387
    (Index: 711; Name: 'GetLightLevel'),                                                                                                                    //   388
    (Index: 713; Name: 'SpellHasCastingPerk'; ParamType1: ptPerk),                                                                                          //   389
    (Index: 714; Name: 'IsBeingRidden'),                                                                                                                    //   390
    (Index: 715; Name: 'IsUndead'),                                                                                                                         //   391
    (Index: 716; Name: 'GetRealHoursPassed'),                                                                                                               //   392
    (Index: 718; Name: 'IsUnlockedDoor'),                                                                                                                   //   393
    (Index: 719; Name: 'IsHostileToActor'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                            //   394
    (Index: 720; Name: 'GetTargetHeight'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                   //   395
    (Index: 721; Name: 'IsPoison'),                                                                                                                         //   396
    (Index: 722; Name: 'WornApparelHasKeywordCount'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                //   397
    (Index: 723; Name: 'GetItemHealthPercent'),                                                                                                             //   398
    (Index: 724; Name: 'EffectWasDualCast'),                                                                                                                //   399
    (Index: 725; Name: 'GetKnockStateEnum'),                                                                                                                //   400
    (Index: 726; Name: 'DoesNotExist'),                                                                                                                     //   401
    (Index: 728; Name: 'GetSpeechChallengeSuccessGame'),                                                                                                    //   402
    (Index: 729; Name: 'GetActorStance'),                                                                                                                   //   403
    (Index: 730; Name: 'SpeechScenarioHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc:'See if Keyword is in current speech challenge game.'),                                                                                  //   404
    (Index: 734; Name: 'CanProduceForWorkshop'),                                                                                                            //   405
    (Index: 735; Name: 'CanFlyHere'),                                                                                                                       //   406
    (Index: 736; Name: 'EPIsDamageType'; ParamType1: ptDamageType),                                                                                         //   407
    (Index: 737; Name: 'IsCurrentSpeechChallengeObject'; ParamType1: ptSpeechChallenge),                                                                    //   408
    (Index: 738; Name: 'GetActorGunState'),                                                                                                                 //   409
    (Index: 739; Name: 'GetVoiceLineLength'),                                                                                                               //   410
    (Index: 741; Name: 'ObjectTemplateItem_HasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                             //   411
    (Index: 742; Name: 'ObjectTemplateItem_HasUniqueKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                       //   412
    (Index: 743; Name: 'ObjectTemplateItem_GetLevel'),                                                                                                      //   413
    (Index: 744; Name: 'MovementIdleMatches'; ParamType1: ptInteger{ptMovementSelectIdleFromState}; ParamType2: ptInteger{ptMovementSelectIdleToState}),                          //   414
    (Index: 745; Name: 'GetActionData'),                                                                                                                    //   415
    (Index: 746; Name: 'GetActionDataShort'; ParamType1: ptInteger),                                                                                        //   416
    (Index: 747; Name: 'GetActionDataByte'; ParamType1: ptInteger),                                                                                         //   417
    (Index: 748; Name: 'GetActionDataFlag'; ParamType1: ptInteger),                                                                                         //   418
    (Index: 749; Name: 'ModdedItemHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                      //   419
    (Index: 750; Name: 'GetAngryWithPlayer'),                                                                                                               //   420
    (Index: 751; Name: 'IsCameraUnderWater'),                                                                                                               //   421
    (Index: 753; Name: 'IsActorRefOwner'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                             //   422
    (Index: 754; Name: 'HasActorRefOwner'; ParamType1: ptActor),                                                                                            //   423
    (Index: 756; Name: 'GetLoadedAmmoCount'),                                                                                                               //   424
    (Index: 757; Name: 'IsTimeSpanSunrise'),                                                                                                                //   425
    (Index: 758; Name: 'IsTimeSpanMorning'),                                                                                                                //   426
    (Index: 759; Name: 'IsTimeSpanAfternoon'),                                                                                                              //   427
    (Index: 760; Name: 'IsTimeSpanEvening'),                                                                                                                //   428
    (Index: 761; Name: 'IsTimeSpanSunset'),                                                                                                                 //   429
    (Index: 762; Name: 'IsTimeSpanNight'),                                                                                                                  //   430
    (Index: 763; Name: 'IsTimeSpanMidnight'),                                                                                                               //   431
    (Index: 764; Name: 'IsTimeSpanAnyDay'),                                                                                                                 //   432
    (Index: 765; Name: 'IsTimeSpanAnyNight'),                                                                                                               //   433
    (Index: 766; Name: 'CurrentFurnitureHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                //   434
    (Index: 767; Name: 'GetWeaponEquipIndex'),                                                                                                              //   435
    (Index: 769; Name: 'IsOverEncumbered'),                                                                                                                 //   436
    (Index: 770; Name: 'IsPackageRequestingBlockedIdles'),                                                                                                  //   437
    (Index: 771; Name: 'GetActionDataInt'),                                                                                                                 //   438
    (Index: 772; Name: 'GetVATSRightMinusLeftAreaFree'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                     //   439
    (Index: 773; Name: 'GetInIronSights'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                   //   440
    (Index: 774; Name: 'GetActorStaggerDirection'),                                                                                                         //   441
    (Index: 775; Name: 'GetActorStaggerMagnitude'),                                                                                                         //   442
    (Index: 776; Name: 'WornCoversBipedSlot'; ParamType1: ptInteger),                                                                                       //   443
    (Index: 777; Name: 'GetInventoryValue'),                                                                                                                //   444
    (Index: 778; Name: 'IsPlayerInConversation'),                                                                                                           //   445
    (Index: 779; Name: 'IsInDialogueCamera'),                                                                                                               //   446
    (Index: 780; Name: 'IsMyDialogueTargetPlayer'),                                                                                                         //   447
    (Index: 781; Name: 'IsMyDialogueTargetActor'),                                                                                                          //   448
    (Index: 782; Name: 'GetMyDialogueTargetDistance'),                                                                                                      //   449
    (Index: 783; Name: 'IsSeatOccupied'; ParamType1: ptKeyword),                                                                                            //   450
    (Index: 784; Name: 'IsPlayerRiding'),                                                                                                                   //   451
    (Index: 785; Name: 'IsTryingEventCamera'),                                                                                                              //   452
    (Index: 786; Name: 'UseLeftSideCamera'),                                                                                                                //   453
    (Index: 787; Name: 'GetNoteType'),                                                                                                                      //   454
    (Index: 788; Name: 'LocationHasPlayerOwnedWorkshop'),                                                                                                   //   455
    (Index: 789; Name: 'IsStartingAction'),                                                                                                                 //   456
    (Index: 790; Name: 'IsMidAction'),                                                                                                                      //   457
    (Index: 791; Name: 'IsWeaponChargeAttack'),                                                                                                             //   458
    (Index: 792; Name: 'IsInWorkshopMode'),                                                                                                                 //   459
    (Index: 793; Name: 'IsWeaponChargingHoldAttack'),                                                                                                       //   460
    (Index: 794; Name: 'IsEncounterAbovePlayerLevel'),                                                                                                      //   461
    (Index: 795; Name: 'IsMeleeAttacking'),                                                                                                                 //   462
    (Index: 796; Name: 'GetVATSQueuedTargetsUnique'),                                                                                                       //   463
    (Index: 797; Name: 'GetCurrentLocationExplored'),                                                                                                       //   464
    (Index: 798; Name: 'IsPowered'),                                                                                                                        //   465
    (Index: 799; Name: 'GetTransmitterDistance'),                                                                                                           //   466
    (Index: 800; Name: 'GetCameraPlaybackTime'),                                                                                                            //   467
    (Index: 801; Name: 'IsInWater'),                                                                                                                        //   468
    (Index: 802; Name: 'GetWithinActivateDistance'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                         //   469
    (Index: 803; Name: 'IsUnderWater'),                                                                                                                     //   470
    (Index: 804; Name: 'IsInSameSpace'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                                     //   471
    (Index: 805; Name: 'LocationAllowsReset'),                                                                                                              //   472
    (Index: 806; Name: 'GetVATSBackRightAreaFree'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                          //   473
    (Index: 807; Name: 'GetVATSBackLeftAreaFree'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                           //   474
    (Index: 808; Name: 'GetVATSBackRightTargetVisible'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                     //   475
    (Index: 809; Name: 'GetVATSBackLeftTargetVisible'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                      //   476
    (Index: 810; Name: 'GetVATSTargetLimbVisible'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference),                                                                          //   477
    (Index: 811; Name: 'IsPlayerListening'; ParamType1: ptFloat),                                                                                           //   478
    (Index: 812; Name: 'GetPathingRequestedQuickTurn'),                                                                                                     //   479
    (Index: 813; Name: 'EPIsCalculatingBaseDamage'),                                                                                                        //   480
    (Index: 814; Name: 'GetReanimating'),                                                                                                                   //   481
    (Index: 815; Name: 'GetCombatDialogueDataInt'; Desc: 'Gets the current Combat dialogue data as an int.'),                                                                                                         //   482
    (Index: 816; Name: 'IsDocked'; Desc: 'Check if a spaceship is docked.'),                                                                                                                         //   483
    (Index: 817; Name: 'IsDockedWith'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Check if a spaceship is docked with a specific target'),                                                                                      //   484
    (Index: 818; Name: 'GetLastDialogueCameraHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: '0/1 if last camera exists, -1 if no last camera'),                                                                           //   485
    (Index: 819; Name: 'GetActionDataForm'; ParamType1: ptForm; Desc: 'Gets the current action data as a form and compares it to the parameter.'),                                                                                            //   486
    (Index: 820; Name: 'IsInSpace'),                                                                                                                        //   487
    (Index: 822; Name: 'GetSpaceship'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Get the spaceship a ref is in'),                                                                                      //   488
    (Index: 823; Name: 'ShipContainsRef'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Does this spaceship contain a ref (player if no ref given)'),                                                                                   //   489
    (Index: 824; Name: 'IsInSpaceship'; Desc: 'Is this ref in a spaceship?'),                                                                                                                    //   490
    (Index: 825; Name: 'ShipHasActorInPilotSeat'; Desc: 'Is there any actor in the pilot seat of this spaceship?'),                                                                                                          //   491
    (Index: 826; Name: 'ActorPackageHasRandomConversationsFlagOn'; Desc: 'Is this ref allowed random conversation '),                                                                                         //   492
    (Index: 827; Name: 'GetActorInShipPilotSeat'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Is the ref in this spaceship''s pilot seat?'),                                                                           //   493
    (Index: 828; Name: 'IsSpaceship'; Desc: 'Check if the ref is a spaceship.'),                                                                                                                      //   494
    (Index: 829; Name: 'GetInAcousticSpace'; ParamType1: ptAcousticSpace; Desc: 'Is this reference in the given acoustic space?'),                                                                                  //   495
    (Index: 830; Name: 'CurrentShipLanded'; Desc: 'Check if the ref is on a landed spaceship'),                                                                                                                //   496
    (Index: 831; Name: 'IsDockedAsChild'; Desc: 'Check if a spaceship is docked as a child'),                                                                                                                  //   497
    (Index: 832; Name: 'PlayerHailResponse'; Desc: 'Player hail response.'),                                                                                                               //   498
    (Index: 833; Name: 'IsHerdLeader'; ParamType1: ptActor; Desc: 'Is actor a Leader.'),                                                                                                //   499
    (Index: 834; Name: 'HasHerdLeader'; ParamType1: ptActor; Desc: 'Has a herd Leader.'),                                                                                               //   500
    (Index: 836; Name: 'GetPlayerHomeSpaceShip'; Desc: ' Get Player Home Ship.'),                                                                                                           //   501
    (Index: 837; Name: 'IsTrueForConditionForm'; ParamType1: ptConditionForm; Desc: 'See if the condition is true or false for the subject.'),                                                                                  //   502
    (Index: 838; Name: 'GetNumElementsInRefCollection'; ParamType1: ptAlias; Desc: 'Gets the number of elements in a ref collection'),                                                                          //   503
    (Index: 839; Name: 'GetCurrentWeatherHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Check to see if the current weather has the provided keyword.';),                                                                               //   504
    (Index: 840; Name: 'IsSnappedTo'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; ParamType2: ptSnapTemplateNode; Desc: 'Is the given reference snapped to this other reference?'),                                                       //   505
    (Index: 841; Name: 'HasKeywordOnNode'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Checks for a specific keyword on the node that is snapped to.'),                                                                                          //   506
    (Index: 842; Name: 'HasKeywordOnStacked'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Checks for a specific keyword on the object I am stacked atop.'),                                                                                       //   507
    (Index: 843; Name: 'HasVisualDetection'; ParamType1: ptActor; Desc: 'Checks if an actor has visual detection on another actor'),                                                                                          //   508
    (Index: 844; Name: 'HasSoundDetection'; ParamType1: ptActor; Desc: 'Checks if an actor has sound detection on another actor'),                                                                                           //   509
    (Index: 845; Name: 'IsSuppressed'; Desc: 'Checks if the specified actor is suppressed'),                                                                                                                     //   510
    (Index: 846; Name: 'IsSpaceshipEngineDestroyed'; Desc: 'Check if a spaceship''s engine is destroyed.'),                                                                                                       //   511
    (Index: 847; Name: 'IsLanded'; Desc: 'Check if the ref is a landed spaceship'),                                                                                                                         //   512
    (Index: 848; Name: 'IsSpaceshipShieldsDestroyed'; Desc: 'Check if a spaceship''s shields are destroyed.'),                                                                                                      //   513
    (Index: 849; Name: 'IsSpaceshipGravDriveDestroyed'; Desc: 'Check if a spaceship''s grav drive is destroyed.'),                                                                                                    //   514
    (Index: 850; Name: 'GetNumberOfSpaceshipWeaponsDestroyed'; Desc: 'Get the number of destroyed spaceship''s weapons.'),                                                                                             //   515
    (Index: 851; Name: 'GetIsCurrentLocationExact'; ParamType1: ptLocation; Desc: 'Is the ref currently in the given location?'),                                                                                //   516
    (Index: 852; Name: 'GetIsEditorLocationExact'; ParamType1: ptLocation; Desc: 'Is the ref''s editor location in the given location?'),                                                                                 //   517
    (Index: 853; Name: 'IsInThreatBackdown'; Desc: 'Has the actor already done threadbackdown for current radius reaction?'),                                                                                                               //   518
    (Index: 854; Name: 'IsInsidePrimitive'; ParamType1: ptKeyword{ptPrimitive?}; Desc: 'Check if the reference is inside a specified primitive.';),                                                                                       //   519
    (Index: 855; Name: 'GetCameraActorCount'; Desc: 'Returns the number of non-player actors who will talk in the scene'),                                                                                                              //   520
    (Index: 856; Name: 'GetIsCurrentLocationAliasExact'; ParamType1: ptAlias; Desc: 'Is the ref currently in the exact given location of our owner quest?';),                                                                         //   521
    (Index: 857; Name: 'IsJailInSystem'; Desc: 'See if the ref''s crime faction has a jail in the player''s current system.'),                                                                                                                   //   522
    (Index: 858; Name: 'BodyHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Does the ref object''s current planetary body use the keyword in the parameter data?'),                                                                                            //   523
    (Index: 859; Name: 'BiomeHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Does the ref object''s current biome use the keyword in the parameter data?'),                                                                                           //   524
    (Index: 860; Name: 'SystemHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Does the ref object''s current planetary system use the keyword in the parameter data?';),                                                                                          //   525
    (Index: 861; Name: 'GetDistanceFromLocationWithKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Get the distance from the ref to any location with a specific keyword.'),                                                                        //   526
    (Index: 862; Name: 'GetPlanetVisited'; Desc: 'Has the ref object''s current planet been visited by the player?'),                                                                                                                 //   527
    (Index: 863; Name: 'IsLocalDay'; Desc: 'Check if the sun is up on the current planet.'),                                                                                                                       //   528
    (Index: 864; Name: 'SpeechChallengePreviousSceneHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Does the last speech challenge scene have a keyword?'),                                                                    //   529
    (Index: 865; Name: 'GetBiomeMaskValue'; ParamType1: ptBiomeMask; ParamType2: ptBiomeMask; ParamType3: ptBiomeMask; Desc: 'Get the ref object''s biome mask on the terrain at its position.'),                                     //   530
    (Index: 866; Name: 'BodyIsType'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Check if the planet type for the ref''s planet matches the given keyword.'),                                                                                                //   531
    (Index: 867; Name: 'BodyIsAtmosphereType'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Check if the planet atmosphere type for the ref''s planet matches the given keyword.'),                                                                                      //   532
    (Index: 868; Name: 'BodyIsTemperatureType'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Check if the planet temperature type for the ref''s planet matches the given keyword.'),                                                                                     //   533
    (Index: 869; Name: 'GetBodyTemperature'; Desc: 'Get the planet temperature for the ref''s planet.'),                                                                                                               //   534
    (Index: 870; Name: 'GetBodyPressure'; Desc: 'Get the atmosphere pressure for the ref''s planet.'),                                                                                                                  //   535
    (Index: 871; Name: 'GetBodyGravity'; Desc: 'Get the planet gravity for the ref''s planet.'),                                                                                                                   //   536
    (Index: 872; Name: 'GetBodySurveyPercent'; Desc: 'Get the planet survey percent for the ref''s planet.'),                                                                                                             //   537
    (Index: 873; Name: 'IsPlayerLoitering'; Desc: 'Returns whether the player is loitering or not.'),                                                                                                                //   538
    (Index: 874; Name: 'IsResearchComplete'; ParamType1: ptResearchProject; Desc: 'Check if a research project is completed.'),                                                                                //   539
    (Index: 875; Name: 'BodyIsPlanetTraitKnown'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Does the ref object''s current planetary body has a specific planet trait known by the player?'),                                                                                    //   540
    (Index: 876; Name: 'HasPerkCategory'; ParamType1: ptPerkCategory; Desc: 'Checks if the owner of an activity is a perk of a certain category.'),                                                                                      //   541
    (Index: 877; Name: 'HasPerkSkillGroup'; ParamType1: ptPerkSkillGroupComparison; ParamType2: ptPerkSkillGroup; Desc: 'Checks if the owner of an activity is a perk of a certain skill group.'),                                          //   542
    (Index: 878; Name: 'CountAquiredPerkRanksByType'; ParamType1: ptPerkCategory; ParamType2: ptPerkSkillGroupComparison; ParamType3: ptPerkSkillGroup; Desc: 'Gets the total amount of acquired perk ranks.'),    //   543
    (Index: 879; Name: 'IsScanned'; Desc: 'Check if a object has been scanned.'),                                                                                                                        //   544
    (Index: 880; Name: 'IsScannableKeywordRevealed'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Check if a scannable object has a piece of information revealed.'),                                                                                //   545
    (Index: 881; Name: 'IsMyVictim'; ParamType1: ptActor; ParamType2: ptInteger; Desc: 'Check if dead actor was killed by this actor or this actor''s ally/friend or this actor''s herd.'),                                                                           //   546
    (Index: 882; Name: 'GetResourceScarcity'; Desc: 'Get produced resource scarcity.'),                                                                                                              //   547
    (Index: 883; Name: 'CheckContrabandStatus'; ParamType1: ptInteger; Desc: 'Retrieve the ship''s contraband status.'),                                                                                     //   548
    (Index: 886; Name: 'IsPlayerSpaceFarTravelling'; Desc: 'Check if the player is performing space far travel'),                                                                                                       //   549
    (Index: 887; Name: 'IsPlayerSpaceFarTravelDeparture'; Desc: 'Check if the player is performing space far travel departure.'),                                                                                                  //   550
    (Index: 888; Name: 'IsPlayerSpaceFarTravelArrival'; Desc: 'Check if the player is performing space far travel arrival.'),                                                                                                    //   551
    (Index: 889; Name: 'BiomeHasWeather'; ParamType1: ptWeather; Desc: 'Check if the referenced object''s biome has a chance for the given weather.'),                                                                                           //   552
    (Index: 891; Name: 'GetSystemSurveyPercent'; Desc: 'Get the total planet survey percent for the ref''s system.'),                                                                                                           //   553
    (Index: 892; Name: 'SystemBodyHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Does the ref object''s current planetary system use the given keyword?'),                                                                                      //   554
    (Index: 894; Name: 'GetShipGroupThreatRatio'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Calculates the threat ratio between the group of pilots defined by the subject''s group vs. the group of pilots defined by the target''s group.'),                                                                           //   555
    (Index: 895; Name: 'IsOnGrazingTerrain'; Desc: 'Is the actor standing on grazing ground?'),                                                                                                               //   556
    (Index: 896; Name: 'GetDistanceGalacticParsec'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Get the distance between two references in parsecs.'),                                                                         //   557
    (Index: 897; Name: 'GetDistanceGalacticMegaMeter'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Get the distance between two references in mega meters.'),                                                                      //   558
    (Index: 898; Name: 'GetShipToShipGroupThreatRatio'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Calculates the threat ratio between the ship (or pilot) of the subject vs. the group of ships allied to the target.'),                                                                     //   559
    (Index: 899; Name: 'GetGroupMembersInRadiusCount'; ParamType1: ptGlobal; Desc: 'Check if an AI has any combat group members within the radius.'),                                                                               //   560
    (Index: 900; Name: 'GetShipPiracyValue'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Calculates the piracy value of the subject ref vs the target ref''s group of allied ships.'),                                                                                //   561
    (Index: 901; Name: 'GetDistanceFromCelestialBodyAliasParsecs'; ParamType1: ptAlias; Desc: 'Gets the distance from the given alias in terms of parsecs.'),                                                               //   562
    (Index: 902; Name: 'GetDistanceFromCelestialBodyAliasMegaMeters'; ParamType1: ptAlias),                                                            //   563
    (Index: 904; Name: 'IsInsidePrimitiveTopAndBottom'; ParamType1: ptKeyword{ptPrimitive}; Desc: 'Check if the reference''s top and bottom are in a specified primitive.'),                                                                           //   564
    (Index: 905; Name: 'GetPlayerBountyCrimeFaction'; ParamType1: ptFaction; Desc: 'Check the last crime faction for player bounty.'),                                                                               //   565
    (Index: 906; Name: 'GetIsFloating'; Desc: 'Gets whether or not the actor is floating.'),                                                                                                                    //   566
    (Index: 907; Name: 'LocationOrParentHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Determine if a location, or any of its parent locations, has a keyword.'),                                                                                //   567
    (Index: 908; Name: 'IsCelestialBodyScanned'; Desc: 'Get whether the celestial body is scanned.'),                                                                                                           //   568
    (Index: 912; Name: 'IsActorReactionInCooldown'; ParamType1: ptReactionType; Desc: 'Get whether an actor''s reaction is in cooldown or not.'),                                                                            //   569
    (Index: 916; Name: 'BiomeSupportsCreature'; ParamType1: ptActorBase; Desc: 'Does the actor parameter resolve to a creature in the planet''s biome''s creature list?'),                                                                                   //   570
    (Index: 919; Name: 'EPMagic_SpellHasMagicEffect'; ParamType1: ptMagicEffect; Desc:'The passed in reference is a temp reference whose referring object is a MagicItem. Does it have the given Magic Effect?';),                                                                         //   571
    (Index: 921; Name: 'IsFacingActor'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Is the actor facing the refr?'),                                                                                     //   572
    (Index: 922; Name: 'IsSameVoiceType'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Does the reference share a voice type with the specified ref?'),                                                                                   //   573
    (Index: 923; Name: 'GetValueCurrentLocation'; ParamType1: ptActorValue; Desc: 'Get an actor value from the reference''s current location'),                                                                                //   574
    (Index: 924; Name: 'IsBoostPackActive'; Desc: 'Is player''s boost pack active?'),                                                                                                                //   575
    (Index: 925; Name: 'GetTimeSinceLastBoostPackEnded'; Desc: 'Get time since last boost pack ended, in seconds.'),                                                                                                   //   576
    (Index: 926; Name: 'EPGetLastCombatHitCritical'; Desc: 'Was the last combat hit we caused a Critical?'),                                                                                                       //   577
    (Index: 927; Name: 'EPGetLastCombatHitKill'; Desc: 'Was the last combat hit we caused a kill?'),                                                                                                           //   578
    (Index: 928; Name: 'EPGetLastCombatHitGunBash'; Desc: 'Was the last combat hit we caused a gun bash?'),                                                                                                        //   579
    (Index: 929; Name: 'EPIsLastCombatHitLimbInCategory'; ParamType1: ptLimbCategory; Desc: 'Check if the last combat hit limb in limb category'),                                                                      //   580
    (Index: 930; Name: 'IsEditorLocationInsidePrimitive'; ParamType1: ptKeyword{ptPrimitive}; Desc: 'Check if the reference''s editor location is inside a specified primitive'),                                                                         //   581
    (Index: 931; Name: 'GetIsPronoun'; ParamType1: ptPronoun; Desc: 'Does the reference NPC use the given pronoun?'),                                                                                              //   582
    (Index: 932; Name: 'GetDistanceGalacticLightYears'; ParamType1: ptObjectReference; Desc: 'Get the distance between two references in lightyears.'),                                                                     //   583
    (Index: 933; Name: 'GetDistanceFromCelestialBodyAliasLightyears'; ParamType1: ptAlias; Desc: 'Gets the distance from the given alias in terms of lightyears.'),                                                            //   584
    (Index: 934; Name: 'IsOnPlayerHomeSpaceShip'; Desc: 'Is the ref on the player''s home ship?'),                                                                                                          //   585
    (Index: 935; Name: 'EPMagic_EffectHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc:'The passed in reference is a temp reference whose referring object is a Magic Effect. Does the Magic Effect have the given keyword?'),                                                                                  //   586
    (Index: 936; Name: 'EPMagic_SpellIs'; ParamType1: ptMagicItem; Desc: 'The passed in reference is a temp reference whose referring object is a MagicItem. Does it match the given Magic Item?'),                                                                                         //   587
    (Index: 937; Name: 'IsPlayerSteadyingWeapon'; Desc: 'Is the player steadying their weapon?'),                                                                                                          //   588
    (Index: 938; Name: 'ResourceVeinHasKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Checks to see if the resource produced by the vein where the ref is has the given keyword.'),                                                                                    //   589
    (Index: 939; Name: 'GetLastCombatHitActorConsecutiveHits'; Desc: 'Get the last combat hit actor consecutive hits.'),                                                                                             //   590
    (Index: 940; Name: 'GetCurrentAndLastWeatherHaveKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Check to see if the current and previous weather have the provided keyword.'),                                                                       //   591
    (Index: 941; Name: 'IsPCEquippedWeaponNthAttack'; ParamType1: ptInteger; Desc: 'Is this the Nth attack with the currently equipped weapon'),                                                                               //   592
    (Index: 942; Name: 'GetWaterDepth'; Desc: 'Get the depth of the water at the position.'),                                                                                                                    //   593
    (Index: 943; Name: 'AreHostileActorsNear'; Desc: 'Check if hostile actors are near'),                                                                                                             //   594
    (Index: 944; Name: 'GetPlayerGravityScale'; Desc: 'Get the gravity scale for the player, including modifiers'),                                                                                                            //   595
    (Index: 945; Name: 'IsInSameGroup'; ParamType1: ptActor; Desc: 'Returns true if the actor it is called on is in same herd group.'),                                                                                               //   596
    (Index: 946; Name: 'IsBoostPackHovering'; Desc: 'Is player''s boost pack hovering?'),                                                                                                              //   597
    (Index: 947; Name: 'GetUsedWeightCapacityConditionFunction'; Desc: 'Get the used weight capacity for actors, ships, containers. 1.0f is 100%'),                                                                                           //   598
    (Index: 949; Name: 'BodyHasResource'; ParamType1: ptResource; ParamType2: ptInteger; Desc: 'Does the ref object''s current planetary body have the given resource? Optional integer 1 to include atmospheric resources.'),                                                                   //   599
    (Index: 950; Name: 'GetPCIsReloading'; Desc: 'Returns true if the Player is currently reloading.'),                                                                                                                 //   600
    (Index: 951; Name: 'ActorExposedToSky'; Desc: 'Test if actor is exposed to sky'),                                                                                                                //   601
    (Index: 954; Name: 'GetQuestStarting'; ParamType1: ptQuest; Desc: 'Is the given quest starting?'),                                                                                             //   602
    (Index: 955; Name: 'BodyHasResourceWithKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; ParamType2: ptInteger; Desc: 'Does the ref object''s current planetary body have a resource with the given keyword? Optional integer 1 to include atmospheric resources.'),                                                         //   603
    (Index: 957; Name: 'GetShipReactorClass'; Desc: 'Gets a value representing the ship reactor class (based on its index in the ShipClassOrder form list)'),                                                                                                              //   604
    (Index: 958; Name: 'ShipReactorHasClassKeyword'; ParamType1: ptKeyword; Desc: 'Check if the reactor of the supplied ship has the provided reactor class keyword (keywords in ShipClassOrder form list)'),                                                                                //   605
    (Index: 960; Name: 'EPIsResistanceActorValue'; ParamType1: ptActorValue; Desc: 'Is a specific resistance actor value passed into this check?')                                                                                //   606

See Also[edit]