Starfield:Yankton Legal Offices

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Yankton Legal Offices
Editor ID BQ01_Terminal_LawyerOffice
Location Yankton Law Offices (map)

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Law Offices of Ellie Yankton
New Cases All information is confidential.

Case 1292: A. Barrett vs. Hephaestus Mining Corporation, on behalf of Ervin Madani (deceased) - Pending.

Case 1291: Clint DeHaven vs Gagarin City Government - Pending.

New Cases All information is confidential.

Case 1291: Clint DeHaven vs Gagarin City Government - Pending.

Archived Cases (Go to Archived Cases menu.)
Archived Cases
All information is confidential.

Only displaying top 3 recently accessed cases. All other cases are archived.

Ervin Madani vs. Hephaestus Mining Company (Go to Ervin Madani vs. Hephaestus Mining Company menu.)
A. Barrett vs. Hephaestus Mining Corporation, on behalf of Ervin Madani (deceased) SUMMARY:
Judgment found in favor of the client. Ervin Madani has been absolved of all wrongdoing in regards to his work on behalf of Hephaestus Mining Corporation. Award of damages has been issued in a lump sum to A. Barrett.

Status: Closed.

Clint DeHaven vs Gagarin City Government SUMMARY:
Ruled in favor of the plaintiff. Records show that the revenue earned by Mr. DeHaven over the last quarter was not in violation of government tax laws.

Status: Closed.

Dr. Keala vs. Gagarin City Govt SUMMARY:
Dr. Keala's medical clinic was scheduled for a government-supported upgrade to all equipment, but after Dr. Keala was a key witness for a recent case against the mining corporations, her clinic lost all funding. She believes this is retaliation.

Status: Dismissed

Unnamed Workers vs. Hephaestus Mining Corp SUMMARY:
Several miners have been harmed while working for Hephaestus Mining Corporation. The company was responsible for their safety equipment which is described by witnesses as faulty and expired.

Status: Dismissed.

Ervin Madani vs. Hephaestus Mining Company
CHARGE: Poaching, Environmental Tampering

RULING: Ervin Madani was found Guilty and ordered to pay restitutions to the Gagarin people and the Gagarin Mining Company.

COMMENTS: Madani was not present at the court ruling and did not send an explanation for his absense. The court found this to be disrespectful and ruled swiftly in favor of the plaintiff.

STATUS: Reopened.

Witness: Helgi Hauksson WITNESS:
Dr. Helgi Hauksson was a hired zoologist and ecologist who worked for the Gagarin Mining Company.

He quit his job citing ethics violations. Force him to speak about details under oath.

Ervin Madani's Hunting License ITEM #002: Ervin Madani's Hunting License

STATUS: Missing.

NOTE: Check with Town Hall Records if Ervin doesn't have a copy already. Would need Ervin's application number. Likely sent to his home.

Ervin Madani's Employment Records STATUS: Missing.

Waiting on documentation from the defendant.

Arguments PLAINTIFF:
Ervin Madani knowingly and illegally killed a creature critical to the survival of the Gagarin ecosystem.

The Defense maintains that Madani was hired by Gagarin Mining Company to exterminate an aggressive creature and concealed any information about environmental effects from Mr. Madani.

Mining Company Contract ITEM #001: Mining Company Contract

STATUS: Unconfirmed.

BACKGROUND: Company claims they hired Ervin Madani only to monitor the creature, not kill it.

The item was not supplied to the Defense for investigation. Cannot be verified as a real document.