Starfield:User: John Tuala (Old)

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User: John Tuala
Editor ID UC01_TualaTerminal_OLD

Please add a description for User: John Tuala.

<Add description of terminal>


Vanguard Enlistment
Vanguard Recruitment Primer Welcome, Recruiter, to the Vanguard. You've been chosen from among the UC's many talented servicepeople for your interpersonal skills, pleasant demeanor, and ability to get the mission done.

And the mission of the Vanguard recruiter is simple: fill our ranks.

Your new recruits only need to match a few simple criteria:
> No UC bounty
> Able to successfully complete a basic flight simulation
> Able to successfully complete a probationary mission (something easy that's not going to get them killed)

And while not an explicit requirement, they're going to need a ship. We're not running a shuttle service here. We're turning to the fine souls of the Settled Systems precisely because Armistice regs have filled our transports enough already.

If your potential recruit fits the above mold, then you can direct them on to Commander Tuala in New Atlantis to initiate their application process (and get you one step closer to your quota bonus)!

Any questions or comments should be referred to:
>>Hinata Khaira, UC Naval Public Ops. {Maj}

Keys of Recruiting The Naval Public Ops office has designated a few points to highlight when talking to any new recruit:

The UC's got plenty of work for the motivated recruit. From patrols to cargo runs, from combat to humanitarian support, Vanguard work runs the gamut - but it all pays handsomely.

Vanguard members don't work like the traditional military, but get all the same benefits. Never worry about a surprise transfer or a new assignment when it's inconvenient. Vanguard members get to pick their jobs at their own pace!

UC citizenship is traditionally a long-term investment, even for people born in the United Colonies. Twenty years service before unlocking the various benefits isn't unheard of for UC natives, while foreigners have no guaranteed path at all.

Until now.

Every member of the Vanguard will become a citizen after their designated time of service is completed. Guaranteed.

Recruiting FAQs Q: How long does it usually take to become a citizen?
A: It varies broadly based on the flight exam and performance of the probationary mission. Anywhere from twenty years (though applicants in this range should probably think about applying for the janitorial service instead of flight combat) down to just three years service for top-tier candidates.

Any lab rat or UC desk jockey would salivate over earning citizenship in that short of a time - something you should be sure to bring up to your applicant early and often!

Q: Am I going to have to kill people?
A: This can be a tough question for applicants coming from civilian backgrounds, so as much as your impulse may be to reply - "yes, no shit" or similar, you need to treat this question with the respect it merits while also being truthful.

Yes, you're joining the real military by joining the Vanguard, so yes, you may be asked to engage in real, live-fire combat in the line of duty. And if another war breaks out, you may well be called on to lend support.

If that's a dealbreaker for your recruit, then maybe the Vanguard isn't where they're meant to be.

Q: Why are all members of the UC Vanguard called "Captain"?
A: The reason we tell our recruits: they are the Captain of their own vessel - able to issue commands as they see fit on their personal ship.

The real reason: People like to feel special. Our office believes we'll get more people in the door if they're given their own rank in the UC. Besides - if everyone's a Captain, they can't pull rank on anybody, now can they?

Q: What if I've got a crew and join the Vanguard? Are they going to earn their citizenship, too?
A: Short answer - no. But don't give your potential applicant the short answer. Be thoughtful, polite, and remind them that the UC takes all comers. The crew's welcome to join up, too - if they think they can hack it - and that means more quota for you, hardworking recruiter!

Active Commands: Tuala, John ___________________________
Current Assignment Cycle: 118
Master Group: Scorpio Lambda
Report Officer: Tuala, John {Cmdr.}

Rest Cycle {NEW ATLANTIS} : Hirenaga, Emiri; Donner, Uriel
Cargo Deployment {CLASSIFIED}: MacLeavy, Archer
Cargo Deployment {TAU CETI}: UNASSIGNED
Recruitment {DEN}: Marquez, Rayna
Recruitment {GAGARIN}: Kuipers, Zinaida
Patrol {SOL}: Otero, Moara
Patrol {ALPHA CENTAURI} : MacLeavy, Vivian

Active Commands: Tuala, John ___________________________
Current Assignment Cycle: 124
Master Group: Scorpio Lambda
Report Officer: Tuala, John {Cmdr.}

Rest Cycle {NEW ATLANTIS} : MacLeavy, Archer, MacLeavy, Vivian
Cargo Deployment {TAU CETI}: <Alias=Player>
Recruitment {DEN}: Marquez, Rayna
Recruitment {GAGARIN}: Kuipers, Zinaida
Patrol {SOL}: Otero, Moara
Patrol {ALPHA CENTAURI} : Donner, Uriel
Patrol {WOLF}: Hirenaga, Emiri

Active Commands: Tuala, John ___________________________
Current Assignment Cycle: 131
Master Group: Scorpio Lambda
Report Officer: Tuala, John {Cmdr.}

Rest Cycle {NEW ATLANTIS} : MacLeavy, Archer, MacLeavy, Vivian
Special Deployment {N/A}: <Alias=Player>
Recruitment {DEN}: Marquez, Rayna
Recruitment {GAGARIN}: Kuipers, Zinaida
Patrol {SOL}: Otero, Moara
Patrol {ALPHA CENTAURI} : Donner, Uriel
Patrol {WOLF}: Hirenaga, Emiri

Active Commands: Tuala, John ___________________________
Current Assignment Cycle: 151
Master Group: Scorpio Lambda
Report Officer: Tuala, John {Cmdr.}

Rest Cycle {NEW ATLANTIS} : Hirenaga, Emiri, Donner, Uriel
Terrormorph Management Division {MARS}: <Alias=Player>
Recruitment {DEN}: Marquez, Rayna
Recruitment {GAGARIN}: Kuipers, Zinaida
Patrol {SOL}: Otero, Moara
Patrol {ALPHA CENTAURI}: MacLeavy, Archer
Patrol {WOLF}: MacLeavy, Vivian