Starfield:Security Computer (LC175 RE939)

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Security Computer
Editor ID LC175_RE939_SecurityTerminal
Location SF-mapicon-Starstation.svg Starstation RE-939 (map)

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Security Computer
Emergency Shuttles (Go to Emergency Shuttles menu.)
Security Concerns (Go to Security Cuts menu.)
Security Concerns (Go to Shift Change menu.)
Emergency Shuttles
Request for More Shuttles I've managed to convince the higher ups to increase the emergency shuttle count. Hopefully we never use them, and it ends up being the extreme waste of resources they claim it to be.

-- Lieutenant Abreu

Evacuation Protocol I looked over the new evacuation protocols, and why are some of the administrative officials given priority, even over the children? Guys, I understand the importance of safeguarding leadership, but yo, what are we really doing here? This is NOT in line with UC guidelines.

-- Ensign Samuel

Re: Evacuation Protocol I get your concerns Ensign, believe me, I do. But in order to get the extra ship I had to appeal to brass' need for self-preservation. Yes, officials will be given a security escort to the new shuttle, while everyone else will need to bear arms and reach the warehouse port. I understand this isn't a popular decision, but its Administrator Chambers' call. All we can do is try to make the best of it and use the drills to prepare everyone on the station.

-- Lieutenant Abreu

Security Cuts
Security cuts Hey guys! I know everyone on the security team is working SUPER hard and it's much appreciated. But I got an itch that needs scratching, so I gotta ask - is it me, or has security gotten lighter on the station? I know we're still in UC space, but is anyone worried we might be a little exposed out here?

-- Dr. Fernando Pena

Re: Security cuts Hey Fernando, I noticed that too. I think Helena mentioned something about having us undergo firearm training, which some of my team rolled their eyes at. I don't mind it myself, although I will point out there's children on this station and I don't want them mistaking a Sidestar for a toy.

-- Dr. Nikola Medvedenko

Re: Re: Security cuts I understand both of your concerns and I wish I had more information for you, but the recent security cuts were not a budget decision, and Administrator Chambers is not to blame. Two of my marines actually got engaged (Emma and Hiroki), and decided they were tired of station life. We'll be bringing in replacements soon, but MAST needs to vet the hires.

-- Lieutenant Abreu

Re: Re: Re: Security cuts Whaaaat?!!?!?! Congratulations to the newly engaged!

-- Dr. Fernando Pena

Shift Change
Shift Change Everyone keep in mind with Emma and Hiroki's sudden departure we're going to need everyone to work extended shifts. I apologize for this, but the safety of this starstation is one thing we can't compromise. This will only be for a week, MAST is currently vetting several new hires to replace them.

-- Lieutenant Abreu

Re: Shift Change Fine with me so long as we get paid.

-- Ensign Pascal

Re: Re: Shift Change I disagree with Ensign Pascal, Lieutenant. This isn't about pay, it's about our ability to defend the station. We're stretched thin as dental floss here.

-- Ensign Wannamaker

Re: Re: Re: Shift Change I understand your concerns, and I'm working with the administrative team to improve our evacuation protocols. We'll also be having a number of drills to practice. The scientists may complain, but it's for their own good.

-- Lieutenant Abreu