Starfield:Personal Computer (Varuun Embassy)

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Personal Computer
Editor ID NA_VaruunEmbassy_BalmorTerminal
Location House Va'ruun Embassy (map)

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Ambassador Bal'mor's Terminal
Log 01: Arrival Yesterday marked the beginning of my tenure as House Va'ruun's Ambassador in the United Colonies. I arrived full of hope, believing our gesture of opening this new embassy would demonstrate that we had moved beyond our bloodstained past. But we had barely been in New Atlantis an hour when the troubles ahead of me began to reveal themselves.

Our brief walk from the spaceport to the embassy was marked by suspicious glances and sneers from numerous strangers on the street. I fear minds here will not be easily changed. The wrongdoing of House Va'ruun will not be so easily forgotten.

It is my fervent wish that this embassy will come to be seen as an emblem of a peaceful future, free of the stains of prejudice and violence. I will do my utmost to act as an avatar for that goal, regardless of any resistance I may face. Though I find myself in a strange land, I know the Great Serpent will guide us to success in our endeavor.

Log 02: Protests This morning, I was roused from contemplative prayer by the sound of muffled shouting. Upon investigation, I discovered a sizeable group of United Colonies citizens engaged in a protest on my doorstep. They are opposed to their government's attempts to establish diplomatic ties with House Va'ruun, and are petitioning for the immediate shuttering of the embassy.

My attempts to engage them in discussion were fruitless. Most would not speak with me, and those who did refused to believe that our intentions in New Atlantis were purely peaceful. The embassy guards were eventually required to intervene, forcing me back into the building when the crowd's anger began to manifest as threats to my well-being.

I intend to discuss this matter with my counterparts in the United Colonies. Their aid will be essential if this effort is to succeed... though I fear this will not be an isolated incident.

Log 03: A Visitor Each day, my frustration grows. Great Serpent, what have I done to merit such scorn?

Recently, Si'ah Mavan arrived at my embassy. To receive a visit from such a high ranking priestess - a Gravid, no less - with the intention of engaging in talks with the United Colonies? I was overjoyed. Such a gesture from the House could only mean those skeptical of our efforts could at long last see merit in our work.

But it seems I was deceived. Si'ah's stated mission and her actual intentions are clearly at odds. She has refused every opportunity to engage with representatives from the United Colonies. Instead, she speaks incessantly about the need to surveil the very diplomats whose trust I have dedicated months of effort to gaining.

She remains trapped in our old mindset, unable to see what it is we are actually doing here - guaranteeing House Va'ruun's future. The losses from the Serpent's Crusade were incalcuable. Diplomacy is the only method through which House Va'ruun's survival may be assured.

I must find a way to make Si'ah see this. Luckily, I believe tonight's dinner will be the perfect opportunity. Our UC host - Deputy Diplomat Roland - is level-headed. Reasonable. I'd dare say even sympathetic. A rare animal among the UC, if prior experience is to be any indicator. If Si'ah approaches him with open arms, I have faith that he would embrace her as a comrade.

Great Serpent, let this come to pass.

Log 04: Dinner Great Serpent, is this a test of my faith? Do you truly wish to plumb the depths of my loyalty? What other explanation could merit why you would permit such a spectacular disaster?

Dinner at Deputy Roland's was initially promising. Even congenial. Yes, there were pointed questions about House Va'ruun's intentions, but overall an air of polite decorum was maintained.

But it was when one of Roland's more boisterous guests - an officer of some type, perhaps having enjoyed one too many glasses of Chandra - asked, "But how can we trust you snakes after what you did?" that I believed the Gravid reached her breaking point. They were only words, but words are the battlefield on which diplomacy is fought. And I realized too late that this was a salvo Si'ah would not let pass.

As dessert was served, Si'ah excused herself. We waited for her return. And waited. And waited. When it had become clear the Gravid had simply left, I made my pleasantries and rushed back to the embassy. There, I found her packing her things. When I asked where she was going, she stated simply "I have seen all I need to."

And she left without another word.

I've reached out to my contacts back in Dazra, who have assured me that they still believe in the venture. That Jarek Va'ruun himself still believes. And that is all the reassurance I require.

Log 05: A Test of Faith The last of my staff have left today, our embassy now effectively shuttered. House Va'ruun's leaders have ceased all communications with the United Colonies. Our own orders from Dazra were not much better, standing as a single word: "Return." No other reason mentioned for our abandonment of our post. For the abandonment of our cause.

But I know a test of faith when I see one.

I serve House Va'ruun. A simple understanding of that directive would be that I follow their orders. But what we do here is greater than that. If we are to survive, it cannot be on our own. If others refuse to see that, so be it.

So here I stand, waiting for the day they all see the truth, and come back.

Log 06: Silence There has been no word from my people in months. I have made several attempts at contacting them, but I am uncertain if my messages are reaching Dazra at all.

As such, I have had much time to think.

Why allow us to come here, make a home for ourselves around a distant star, only to demand our return when the first bit of resistance is met? Because of some drunken slight? Even Si'ah is not that influential amongst the court.

No, there is something larger at play here. The recalling of the staff... it wasn't because of the incident with the Gravid. A change has occurred.

Yet by staying, I now may never know what it is. Only time will tell.

Log 07: Spies It seems it's been quite some time since my last entry. A welcome bit of exercise today; a United Colonies spy snuck inside the embassy.

Just before dawn, as I finished my morning prayers, I heard an odd thrum. At first, I presumed my hearing was finally giving out, but then I realized what it was - it was the elevator, descending.

Presuming uninvited guests could mean only bad things, I snuck upstairs and hid among the branches of the Venom Tree.

I watched, like a gargoyle perched on a parapet, as the young man stalked cautiously through the branches of the tree I'd spent so much time cultivating, obviously scared beyond his wits. At one point an errant branch snapped as he passed, and I swear the boy leapt a foot into the air before realizing its source benign. I was shocked that the mere idea of House Va'ruun could still garner such fear, even this long after the end of the Serpent's Crusade. It would have been amusing if it wasn't such a clear reminder of the failure of my own endeavor.

We evaded each other like this for the better part of two hours. It was a welcome distraction from a life now steeped in routine. He eventually gave up, returned to the elevator, and I to my meditation.

As I think on it, now, however, the purpose of the visit is exceedingly disappointing. This was no diplomat. No neighborly knock on the door. This was a spy. Someone breaking into somewhere a normal soul couldn't.

They think me dead, don't they?

Log 08: A Surprising Message It's happened!

The message was short - a simple request for information regarding the state of things in New Atlantis - but filled me with relief nonetheless.

House Va'ruun has contacted me at long last!

I had been forced to harden my heart to the possibility that I may never hear from my people again. Today's message assuaged that fear.

Though their intentions remain unclear, I am comforted by House Va'ruun's willingness to reengage in communication. I am hopeful that it signifies Dazra's willingness to return to more earnest attempts at diplomacy with the United Colonies.

Great Serpent, you answer my prayers at last. I stand firm in my belief that it will be at my side as I continue to serve House Va'ruun's interests in New Atlantis. May his celestial light bathe my people, and those we once stood against, and help to usher in an era of harmony at last.