Starfield:New Atlantis Information (Kiosk)

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New Atlantis Information
Editor ID Kiosk_Info_New_Atlantis

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New Atlantis Information
Welcome to New Atlantis Hello!

Welcome to the city of New Atlantis, capital of the United Colonies, and for many, the Settled Systems as a whole. You stand now in the most technologically advanced city the human race has ever conceived and constructed.

New Atlantis was founded in the year 2156, the same year we first arrived in the Alpha Centauri star system. If you're a resident, then you're already familiar with your fantastic home! And if you're a visitor, you are an honored guest of the United Colonies, and will be treated as such.

Our courteous and professional Security personnel can be found all over the city, and it's their job to ensure your time in New Atlantis is joyful, lawful, and productive.

So as you stroll the streets, or take the NAT train to the city's different districts, know that you are in the embrace of the United Colonies, and couldn't be in better hands.

Our Shared History We are the children of Earth.

The United Colonies as an entity was first established in the year 2159, on the planet Earth, as a means of unifying the human race as we spread amongst the stars. Our goal was the peaceful exploration and colonization of space, working in harmony with anyone who wished to sail forth across the blackest sea, to new horizons. In 2161, we issued the Centaurus Proclamation, which formalized the colonization of distant worlds for anyone who wished to do so.

Unfortunately, not everyone shared in our dream. When wars erupted across the Settled Systems, the United Colonies stood steadfast, protecting humans and their right to fairly colonize.

And then, when our beloved home world was rendered uninhabitable in the year 2203, the United Colonies knew it had a sacred responsibility - we were to be the keepers of Earth. Its artifacts. Its ideals. Its cultures. Its very people.

So while you stand now on the planet Jemison, in the city of New Atlantis, in the Alpha Centauri star system, know that for all intents and purposes, you are still very much on Earth.

And Earth takes care of its own.

Corporate Directory Here in New Atlantis, a citizen or visitor can find just about any service they may need. From freshly brewed coffee to complete body reconstruction, we have it all!

The following is a list of corporations and businesses that have found a home in New Atlantis. (District location is indicated in parentheses.)

- TerraBrew Coffee (Spaceport, Commercial)
- Jemison Mercantile (Spaceport)
- The Viewport Tavern (Spaceport)
- Centurion Arsenal (Residential)
- Reliant Medical - (Residential)
- Enhance! (Commercial)
- Chunks (Residential)
- CJ's (Residential)
- EIT Clothier (Residential)
- Outland (Commercial)
- Jake's (The Well)
- Apex Electronics (The Well)

Other Buildings and Services Here in New Atlantis, you'll find a wide variety of buildings that provide various functions and services. They include:

� GalBank (Commercial)
� SSNN (Commercial)
� The Trade Authority (The Well)
� Sanctum Universum Church (MAST)
� House of Enlightenment (The Well)
� Freestar Collective Embassy (MAST)
� House Va'ruun Embassy (MAST)
� Infinity LTD Corporate Headquarters (Commercial)
� MedBay (The Well)
� UC Surplus (The Well)

MAST It's impossible to visit New Atlantis and not notice the imposing structure that is MAST. Much more than a building, MAST also serves as the very foundation of the United Colonies. There, the Military, Administrative and Scientific Triumverate works tirelessly to ensure continuing peace and prosperity for everyone under the UC's protection.
Citizenship The foundation of any society is its people, and there is no stronger person than a United Colonies citizen. As a citizen, you will carry a status unequaled in the Settled Systems, and will be recognized as the truly special individual you are. Whether you make your home in New Atlantis, Cydonia, or any other officially recognized settlement, citizenship is the truest badge of loyalty and dedication to the United Colonies you can possess.
As a United Colonies citizen, you will be afforded the following privileges:
  • An exclusive and personalized acknowledgement of your new status
    * A welcome letter signed by none other than President Alexandra Abello herself
    * Discounts at all major United Colonies business establishments
    * Exclusive access to home ownership in New Atlantis
    * A one-time credit disbursement
    * And more!

How does one become a citizen? It's easy! Simply serve the United Colonies in any official capacity, and once you've met the allotted requirements, citizenship will be granted.

Currently, the fastest and simplest way to achieve citizenship is to complete a tour of duty in the Vanguard, the United Colonies' very own volunteer fleet. So if you've got your own ship, and the moxie to put yourself in harm's way for the good of the UC, speak with Commander John Tuala in MAST and get signed up today!

Note that as of this time, the United Colonies offers citizenship to anyone within the Settled Systems, regardless of current address or faction affiliation. If you want the United Colonies, the United Colonies wants you!