Starfield:NASA Research Computer (Earth 1)

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NASA Research Computer
Editor ID MQ301EarthTerminal01
Location SF-mapicon-NASA.svg NASA Launch Tower (map)

Please add a description for NASA Research Computer.

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Launch Procedures Remember, the final vitals and suit seal checks are essential. Yes, we've come a long way as far as tolerances. Yes, the number of people cleared for launch is much higher than it used to be. But these people's lives are still in our hands.

I know there's rumors that the next launch is slated to be cancelled, but let's not have that be on us. Assume it's "go time" every time. Your professionalism is what makes space travel just a little bit safer. And we can use every ounce we can get.

Access Station Logs (Go to Access Station Logs menu.)
Access Station Logs


Delivery from Mars Station log. Doctor Judith Tatienne. The recent delivery from Mars is... unsettling. I was expecting rock samples or maybe fossils of microbial life.

Instead, Doctor Victor Aiza comes with two members of the military. Everything they have brought back is under wraps.

What could a theoretical physicist need with a sample from Mars?

Doctor Victor Aiza Station log. Doctor Judith Tatienne. I've been trying to cozy up to Doctor Aiza... Victor... to see what is going on.

His team has completely commandeered one of the labs with those two military handlers checking who comes in and out.

I joked that maybe he found a little gray man and was doing an autopsy, and he grew very pale.

Two days later, he sends me a request asking for more information on my background in materials science - metallurgical engineering. We have a meeting tomorrow.

I... I think I'm being invited into the lab...

Meeting Today Station log. Doctor Judith Tatienne. I have never been so nervous since I defended my dissertation.

Four hours talking to Victor and his team about theoretical metals, atomic bonding, even a half hour divergence into magnetism that I'm pretty sure was just to throw me off the trail of what we were talking about.

Then I got to see the lab. I... I don't know how much I should say, but the periodic table just got thrown out the window.