Starfield:Laboratory Terminal (MS04 LC18)

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Laboratory Terminal
Editor ID SFBGS001_MS04_LC18Terminal

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Laboratory Terminal
Project Journal (Go to Project Journal menu.)
(Go to Messages menu.)
Project Journal
Entry 01 In gratitude for the medicines I've provided to them, the Mal'siir farmers have been kind enough to extend my use of the temporary laboratory on site. This will save me many trips back and forth to Hamadi Station, which is a blessing at my age. Azad complained, of course. The incident in the city has us all on edge, but it has also reminded me that if there's something I feel is important to do, I should do it now.

I know we'll miss each other, but I also believe that time apart can help us to remember why we love each other and renew our mutual appreciation. Besides, it should only be a week or two at most.

Now that everything is set up and ready, it's time to collect some mycelium specimens. There are plenty on hand, so it shouldn't take long.

Entry 02 The initial phase of the project has been focused mainly on gathering information. I've created detailed genetic profiles of the specimens I've assembled and started to catalogue their toxic enzymes. The next step will be to develop a compound capable of neutralizing these toxins, while also bolstering characteristics that will make the specimens more desirable as a food source.

I can hear Azad's voice in my mind saying "Time to turn theory into practice!" It's only been a few days since I arrived here, and I already miss his company.

Entry 03 After no small amount of trial and error, my first attempt at a nutrifying compound is ready for testing. I've selected seven species of mycelium for the first batch.

The farmers here seem curious about my work, and stop by to visit often. One of them even brought me dinner, which is just as well because I often get so absorbed in my work that I forget to eat.

My eyes and back could use a rest, so I'll spend some time in prayer and then call it a night.

Entry 04 Success!

Early applications of the nutrifying compound show promise. I've been able to reduce the toxic enzymes in all species to varying degrees. This at least seems to prove out the thesis. There's still much work to do, but I'm confident in the direction of the project.

Hopefully, in a few more days, I'll be able to transfer the project back to Hamadi Station and start testing on other species of flora. I miss my husband and my home.

Entry 05 There's been a security breach and we're all being evacuated. No time to take anything. I hear gunfire above.

Serpent protect us.

Interesting Rumor From: Azad Dubas

Well, you were right. Mere days you've been gone, and I'm already lost and hopeless without my golden blossom. Yet I must persevere!

I heard an interesting rumor today. One of the security patrols stopped by to check in, and one of them mentioned having seen a starship plunge from the sky in the area of Control Site Kappa. An alarming development, to say the least. The last thing we need right now is unwanted visitors.

Perhaps you should spread the word to the farmers over there, just in case.

May the Serpent protect us.

Elevator Troubles From: Azad Dubas

Hello, my sweet. I hope the early phases of your project are going well.

I'll be sending a message to Fihran today. I found some more issues with the structural housing at the bottom of the elevator shaft. It's nothing too serious, mostly just a patch job, really. He's been keeping very busy lately, what with the lack of hands to do the repair work. Yet another reminder of what we recently lost, I suppose.

May the Great Serpent be merciful and guide us safely out of these difficult days.

Missing You From: Azad Dubas

Nothing much to report from back home, so I'll take this opportunity to tell you something.

The greatest blessing the Great Serpent ever bestowed upon me was the gift of your presence in my life. I will love you always, my golden blossom.

I hope you're making good progress and the Mal'siir farmers are being generous hosts. If not, tell them that I'll make them sit through one of my lectures as punishment.

Too Quiet! From: Azad Dubas

Hello my love. How is the work going? If I know you, the time is flying by and you've skipped at least one meal. Speaking of which, I miss your spicy stew!

Things are quiet enough here. At times, perhaps too much so. I've been keeping a close eye on the local wildlife, looking for behavioral changes following the events in Dazra. I can't help but wonder whether we have truly seen all of the effects from the incident.

Perhaps I'm just turning paranoid in my old age.

Mizka From: Azad Dubas

You'll be pleased to know our guest Mizka from the Ta'nis Groat Farm has made a full recovery. I decided to surprise Alicja and took her there myself. Everyone was thrilled to see their 'little Miz' come home, and the other groats welcomed her back to the herd right away.

I wish you could have had the chance to say goodbye, but it seemed wrong to keep her away any longer than necessary. Besides, you can always visit her. Alicja was very keen to make sure that I tell you so.

Dangerous Travels From: Azad Dubas

Hello dear! Not working too hard, I hope.

I was out for a walk this afternoon and I encountered a group of penitents who had been trying to reach the Shrine of Perseverance, which they found to be occupied by Zealots. The pilgrims were fortunate to have escaped unharmed, but I can't say I'm happy to learn that we now have a group of Zealots staking a claim so close to Hamadi Station.

The meeting with the pilgrims got me thinking... when is the last time we traveled the Path of Redemption together? I wonder if Vijun is still spending his days at the Shrine of Redemption. We should go and visit him.