Starfield:Hephaestus Mining Company Terminal

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Hephaestus Mining Company Terminal
Editor ID BQ01_Unused

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Hephaestus Mining Company
Mine H-363
Mine Status Decommissioned on 09.01.2309

Approved: Hephaestus

Employees (Go to Employees menu.)
Memos (Go to Memos menu.)
Admin (Go to Admin menu.)
Hauksson, Helgi Hired: 2305
Contract: Long-Term

Assignment: Conducting an environmental impact study which is incorporated in several upcoming land acquisition bids in 2310.

Workstation: Cavern, Central Chamber

Madani, Ervin Hired: 2309
Contract: Short-Term

Assignment: Terminate local predator. Assist Dr. Helgi with environmental impact study.

Workstation location: Cavern, Lab

09.01.2309 Decommissioned Hephaestus ordered the immediate closure of this mine and all others in the area even though we are at peak extraction and efficiency.

Mine will be sealed in the standard fashion. All equipment unrelated to extraction is to be left behind.

Mine #H-363 has been decommissioned.

08.10.2309 Dr. Hauksson quit! Helgi unexpectedly quit today citing ethics violations on a "planetary scale."
8.01.2309 Ervin's contract is over Ervin's contract is over and no more predators -- or any wildlife -- have been found at the mine. It's a miracle!
6.25.2309 First Year Year 1 is complete. We are now at full production. Site is expected to be fully depleted far ahead of schedule due to the removed complication of volatile gasses.

New estimated depletion date: 01.25.2309

6.20.2309 Predators are dead Ervin Madani was able to kill the largest of the Predators. Currently no wildlife is at the mine anymore.

Unrelatedly, the volatile gasses from the extraction point are now fully depleted. This did not happen at the previous mines.

05.30.2309 Welcome Ervin Madani 05.20.2309

Hephaestus has hired Ervin Madani to kill one of the main predators that hasn't left the area for weeks. He will assist Dr. Helgi Haukkson who is studying the strange predator behavior.

04.17.2309 Odd Predator Behavior 04.17.2309

Large Predators have been circling the mine and attacking each other. Purpose is unclear. They are very violent and Security from Gagarin Settlement is unprepared for this, so they left. We sent for further assistance. This could disrupt extraction.

02.25.09 Security 02.25.09

Mine #H-363 sent for Security today when one of those local predators arrived to feast on the collection of dead carcasses nearby. We have started to burn their corpses in hopes that it will go away.

02.10.2309 Volatile Gasses Update 02.10.2309

The volatile gasses that were previously requiring special protective gear have plummetted below critical levels for the 4th straight week, as is the trend with mines after the 1st year of operation.

01.15.2309 Dead Wildlife 01.15.2309

The crew found a flock of dead creatures around the entrance to the mine today. They seemed diseased or starved, but we don't know why they came to the mine.

12.25.2308 Extraction Phase 2 12.25.2308

Exactly on time -- 6 months to Phase 2. We have penetrated the subsurface layers of slime and biomass below the top layers of materials, and have full local access.

Gasses are escaping through the bacterial layers at a rate higher than the previous mines in this biome, but that has assisted in reducing the amount of biomass.

Dr. Haukkson is investigating.

08.07.2308 Welcome Dr. Hauksson 08.07.2308

Dr. Helgi Haukkson has been assigned to the current active Hephaestus Mines to evaluate the situation with the subsurface bacteria. He has full authority to conduct any experiments needed.

06.25.2308 Mine Commissioned 06.25.2308

Mine #H-363 has been commissioned for the standard 2 year contract, or until the extraction is complete.

Listing Terminals in Mine #H-363:
Helgi's Research Station (Go to Helgi's Research Station menu.)
Ervin Madani's Research Station (Go to Ervin Madani's Research Station menu.)
Helgi's Research Station
Last Login: Oct 2309

Account Status: Deactivated.

[Unlock Research Terminal H-363-A] Permissions updated.

Terminal H-363-A "Helgi's Research Station" has been unlocked.

Ervin Madani's Research Station
Last Login: Sept 2309

Account Status: Redacted.

[Unlock Research Terminal H-363-B] Permissions updated.

Terminal H-363-B "Ervin's Research Station" has been unlocked.