Starfield:Hamadi Station Terminal

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Hamadi Station Terminal
Editor ID SFBGS001_LC27Terminal

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Hamadi Station Terminal
Resaerch File: Mysterious Animal Deaths (Go to Research File: Mysterious Animal Deaths menu.)
To-Do Checklist To-Do List

· Sweep the greenhouse
· Place an order for more koza
· Clean the microscope lenses
· Replace the faulty power cell in the pharmaceutical lab
· Put in a work order to repair the elevator housing
· Inventory the storeroom

Groat Status MIZKA
Such a charming and friendly creature! It was sad to see her go, but also joyful at her happy reunion with the other groats at the farm. Given the severity of her injury, it's remarkable how quickly she recovered. I still remember the smile on Alicja's face when we brought little Mizka back home. I suppose this will be my last entry for Mizka, unless there is some further incident.

The stubborn old man continues to defy the passage of time. It is a shame we don't know his exact age, for I'm sure he is the oldest groat we've had here. All attempts to set him free have failed. He seems very content to spend the rest of his days in our pen.

By the Serpent, has there even been so lazy a beast? Durvaan does nothing but sleep and yet I can find no sign of illness or other condition. He simply seems content to live his life restfully. Perhaps if my own life were so free of burdens, I'd do the same.

Sadly I think we have seen the last of Boraldasz. It's been over a week since he knocked down the gate and made a dash for the foothills. Always willful and strong, that one. Perhaps he was called to lead some distant herd. I still recall the day we found him, alone and abandoned by his mother, starving and scrawny. May the Serpent bless him with good fortune and a long life.

Project Journal, Continued: Nutrifying Compound (Go to Project Journal, Continued: Nutrifying Compound menu.)
Research File: Mysterious Animal Deaths
Project Summary Problem:
We've received multiple requests to investigate recent mysterious animal deaths. These don't appear to be limited to a single species or localized area and began very soon after the calamity in Dazra. That cannot be a coincidence.

The calamity is the root cause of these deaths.

Gather data, starting with tissue samples from deceased animals that died from mysterious or unknown causes. Rule out obvious signs of death, such as mutilation by predators. We will need to hire a research assistant to collect these samples, as neither Sherine nor I are of age to go wandering all over the landscape. Moreover, it's become exceptionally dangerous out there.

Hire a research assistant.

Animal tissue sample analysis DATA:
Animal tissue samples have been obtained. Samples include those from three common local species: Bladed back, groat, and nautilus.

Comprehensive toxicology and histopathology panels on each sample, compare with known baseline values from healthy specimens.

Indications of anemia and petechial hemorrhage in all samples.

Consumption of toxic substance likely. Secondary poisoning also a possibility.

Plant tissue sample analysis DATA:
Specimen samples of altered/abnormal flora collected from local regions around Dazra City.

Standard taxonomic, morphological, and phytochemical analysis to identify divergent characteristics from baseline samples. DNA barcoding test to check plastidial and nuclear markers for evidence of toxicity.

Toxic characteristics strongly indicated.

Variant species indicated, toxic characteristics suggest defensive adaptations developed in very short span of time.

Environmental data analysis DATA:
Compiled data collected from four locally-placed environmental monitoring sensors.

Simple reading of results and comparison to normal data ranges over the specified time span.

Most meteorological and seismic data falls within expected parameters, with one notable exception. A single event was documented across all four sensors that registered seismically, albeit with minimal impact, and more notably, as a brief distortion in local gravity. Additionally, concurrent with that same event, the chronometers in all four devices registered an anomalous malfunction that seems to have disrupted their proper functioning from that point forward.

While further study is clearly required, it's obvious that the Dazra incident had significant impacts beyond those initially observed, perhaps affecting even the very basic laws of physics.

Project Journal, Continued: Nutrifying Compound
Project Update After a rather harrowing escape from the Subterranean Mal'siir Farm, I feared it could be a very long time before I can resume my research on the nutrifying compound, provided the invaders from the Crimson Fleet hadn't ransacked my laboratory and wiped out all of my progress.

The Great Serpent was benevolent, however, and delivered to us a brave and capable research assistant who, undeterred by the danger, was able to retrieve my prototype nutrifying compound.

Together with the newly-obtained samples from the toxic variant specimens that appeared following the incident in the city, I'm confident that I have everything I need to get the project back on track.

Rapid progress Blessed Serpent, the early results have surpassed my expectations.

After some work to adjust the formula for the nutrifying compound to account for the data collected during our analysis of the toxic variant specimens, I'm delighted to report that all samples have seen at least an 80% reduction in toxin-producing enzymes during preliminary trials.

I confess to feeling a great sense of relief, not only because we'll be able to save the lives of the animals who might have otherwise died by eating these new variant species, but also because it means we won't have to destroy the toxic plants themselves. After all, they are living organisms that were simply reacting - albeit somewhat radically - to a change in their environment. They have just as much of a right to life as we do.

And of course, none of this would have happened if not for the courage and dedication of our research assistant, who is very much a hero in my eyes.