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Editor ID CCT_FriendlyLanding_PetCreature
Race CCT_DummyRace Gender Male
RefID N/A BaseID 000871E0

Grumble, full name Groeneveld Hubble Von Houten III,[1] is the pet of Paisley Hopkins.


When he was still unhatched, Grumble was saved from poachers by Hopkins' mother, who subsequently hatched, fed and raised him.[2] While Grumble has six eyes, three on each side of his head, he is practically blind and relies on his tongue for orientation, which often results in him causing all sorts of unintentional mischief on his owner's ship.[3] He is domesticated and docile, yet certain laws restrict Hopkins from bringing him to places.[4]



  1. Player: "Does your pet have a name?"
    Paisley Hopkins: "Sure does. His full name is Groeneveld Hubble Von Houten III. But I call him Grumble for short. He's a grumpy old lizard, so the name fits. But he's also family."
  2. Player: "Where did you get your pet?"
    Paisley Hopkins: "He was Ma's pet. She found him back when he was still yolk in the egg. Saved him from poachers, pardon the pun. But Ma didn't stop there. She hatched him, fed him and raised him from a wee little babe to the big, grumpy boy he is now. When she passed, she left me two things. Her ship and her pet. So long as I have them by my side, I feel like she's right there with me."
  3. Player: "What brings you two all the way out here?"
    Paisley Hopkins: "Besides selling you stuff? I'm just taking him on a little walk, so he can stretch out his little feet. He doesn't do so well on the ship. He may have six eyes, but he's blinder as a bat in a rock concert. Less is more, I guess. Anyway, soon as he gets on board, he just starts running into things - bumping crates, banging knees, pushing buttons. He uses his tongue to navigate more than anything. So if he licks your boot, he don't mean nothing by it. That's just his way of getting from A to B."
  4. Player: "Is your pet fully domesticated?"
    Paisley Hopkins: "Domesticated and docile. But that don't mean I can bring him just anywhere. There's laws against this sort of thing. Half of 'em don't make no sense, but they're still laws, and you'd be a fool to not follow 'em."