Starfield:Governor Hurst's Computer

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Governor Hurst's Computer
Editor ID CY_GlenHurst_CondoTerminal
Location Luxe Condominiums (map)

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Governor Hurst's Computer
Messages (Go to Messages menu.)
Governor Hurst's Terminal (Go to Personal Notes menu.)
Thank You Governor Hurst,

I just wanted to extend our gratitude for seeing that our mutual interests were kept in mind with that shipping fiasco last week. Had it not been for your persistence in hounding SysDef to locate the missing shipment, I fear it would have had major financial repercussions for our business associate, and put our partnership in peril. Thank you again for making it clear that you value the Trade Authority's presence here on Mars.

-Oktai Enbayar

Retreat Good news, honey! The retreat has been extended for another month, and they've asked me to continue my seminar. I know it's not easy being away from you for so long, but I've been enjoying my time here and the money is good, so I'm fairly certain that I'll accept their offer. It's just another month. Then, I'll be home and we can hopefully get the rest of the family together for a visit, or maybe we can do some sort of off-world reunion. It's always hard to plan a big get-together in Cydonia, but maybe we can see about renting a space in New Atlantis?

Anyway, I miss you lots, and I'll be home before you know it.


RE: Neon < What do you say to next weekend in Neon? I know a place we can meet up.

Neon sounds great! Count me in! I haven't been in forever, so I'm very much looking forwards to this. Just let me know when and where, and I'll be there.


Expansion Governor Hurst,

I looked into what it would take to expand your condo. Realistically, I've got to say that even if you can afford it, it's not a good idea, structurally. As you know, we need to make do with the space we have in Cydonia, and adding on to the Luxe Condominiums just isn't feasible at this time without risking the integrity of the building and the structures around it. Your best bet will be to buy an adjoining unit and knock out a floor or a wall to assimilate it into what you've got. But even then, that'd hurt the Cydonia housing market. I urge you to wait until the Crater project is finished. Once the miners clear up enough space, maybe we can think about expanding the city into it, and pushing the mines further out to make room for more residential buildings. Sorry for the bad news.

-Anton Freidman

Quick favor Hey Dad,

As you know, we've had some costly repairs to the house recently and I'm dipping down into my last 200,000 credits to pay the contractors. I was wondering if you could transfer some more credits into my GalBank account sometime soon. you know, just in case. Thanks, Dad, I appreciate it.

P.S.: How's Mom? Is she back from her retreat yet? Give her my love.


See ya! You know, I really believed you last time! Well, I'm done! You know, first what happened in Neon, then all this talk about cutting me off? After all I've done for you? You're a bastard, you know that? You think you can just walk away from me like you have no use for me anymore? Well, I've got news for you. I know more than you wish I knew. I also still have the spare key to your ship, and by the time you get this, it'll be too late to do anything about it. Have a nice life, Glen!


Personal Notes
To Do: -Call contractor about Expansion estimate

-Message Tamara

-Pick up prescription

-Change food delivery time

-Transfer funds to David

-Cancel Hotel in Neon

Rough Draft [Unfinished] My fellow Cydonians,
It is with great pleasure that I announce our quarterly GDP is higher than expected, bringing with it one of the strongest economies In Mars history. Many thanks to our friends at Deimos, and our other local businesses, large and small alike, who help make it all possible. With that in mind
Autobiography - Notes Title names:
Governing Mars
Visions of Cydonia
Red All Over
Hurst: A New Future for the Old Colony

Chapter 1: Talk about my early life, what brought me to Mars

Chapter 2: Studying law, Early political career

Chapter 3: The challenges we face together, and how I solve them

Chapter 4: Looking to the future. Building a better Mars, together.