Starfield:Freestar Rangers Terminal

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Freestar Rangers Terminal
Editor ID FC06_RangersTerminal

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Freestar Rangers Terminal

> Install Disruptor MK4
DisruptorMK4 program successfully installed

> Access mainframe
Access granted

> Run DisruptorMK4
Operation successful

> Dear Freestar Rangers, you're a step behind as usual
> I don't have much time left so let's go out with a bang
> There's an abandoned Stroud-Eklund asteroid excavation facility in system
> See you soon
> Maya

Admin Access (Go to Admin Access menu.)
Recent Messages (Go to Recent Messages menu.)
Security Incident Reports (Go to Security Incident Reports menu.)
Admin Access
Admin mode

Please select a task:

Active Processess (Go to Active Processes menu.)
Resource Monitor Initiating resource scan...

Processor Usage: 26%
Active Memory Usage: 12%
Available Storage: 62%

No issues detected.

Maintenance Checking maintenance record...

Last maintenance performed 6 days ago
Maintenance performed by: A. Miller

Initiating system scan...
No issues detected. Maintenance not required at this time.

Recent Messages
From: Rebecca Armistead Don't forget to put in that vacation request. It's been too long since we had a break. Can't wait until we have some quiet time at the cabin on Montara Luna. I'm going to fish all day, and then at night, well, you'll see.

Love you.

From: Ari Miller That last courier ship from Akila brought a slate for you. You were out of your office so I left it on your desk.
From: Dr. Titus Cassidy To all staff,

We've had a few recent incidents of personnel entering in the VIP wing without authorization. Please respect the privacy of our VIP guests and DO NOT enter the VIP wing without express authorization, no matter what. See me if you have questions.

From: Rebecca Armistead Did you hear about the bank heist in Akila City? I just read about it on a news slate. I hope nobody we know was hurt or killed. Sounds like the Shaw Gang was behind it, no surprise there. I sure don't miss living on Akila. I'll never take the peace and quiet of the Clinic for granted again.
Security Incident Reports
Security Incident Reports
Report CL2330_014 Filed by: J. Walsh, Security Staff
Incident reporter: Dr. Titus Cassidy

Dr. Cassidy claimed that a patient in the VIP wing became confrontational and threatened violence when he tried to administer a medication. I spoke to the patient, Catalina Rivera, and calmed her down. She agreed to take the medication.

Report CL2033_013 Filed by: P. Taro, security staff
Incident reporter: Rebecca Armistead, RN

Nurse Armistead filed a report that a patient in the VIP was found in an off-limits area. Patient identified as Catalina Rivera was found to be inside a CERV shuttle and was asked to return to her room. Patient cooperated and apologized, expaining she had become lost.

Report CL2033_012 Filed by: J. Walsh, security staff
Incident reporter: Candace Doolin, patient (filed complaint)

Patient filed a complaint and insisted on speaking to security about a lack of personalized attention and to inform us that her symptoms were not being taken seriously enough. I informed the patient that was a medical matter and not a security issue. Patient said she was aware of that, but did not feel the medical staff were listening to her concerns and had nowhere left to turn. Spent an hour listening to the patient, which seemed to calm her down.

Active Processes
Disruptor Mk4 (Unknown)
Power Allocation (Native)
Memory Guard (Native)
File Systems (Native)
Network Manager (Native)
Query: Disruptor MkIV (Go to FC06_RangerTerminalMenu_SubDisruptor menu.)