Starfield:Ecliptic Computer (Control Tower)

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Ecliptic Computer
Editor ID MQ302EclipticTerminal_ControlTower
Location SF-mapicon-Military Base.svg Buried Temple (map)

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Ecliptic Computer
Orders Secure target site. Construct defensive fortifications (Omega Class). Full automated defenses plus garrison and associated equipment. Automated manufacturing facilities to make site self-sustaining and requiring minimal supply drops.

Absolutely no conjecture about the client will be tolerated. Establish black site rules and security rundown with all garrison operatives. No one to go outside the established fortification area. These people are paying for the full package, folks. Let's show them what hiring Ecliptic means.

Construction Manifest -Materials for landing site with ability to land periodic supply drops
-Reinforced materials and prefabs for operation site
-Excavation equipment
-Loaders and transports
-Automated manufacturing equipment