Starfield:Doctor Chiang's Computer
Doctor Chiang's Computer | |
Editor ID | MS02_FacilityChiangTerminal |
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Doctor Chiang's Computer | |
Automated Emergency Restore | AUTOMATED MESSAGE: INCIDENT 002
Facility has completed repairs after INCIDENT 002. Note: Non-essential terminals received a power surge erasing all work. Defragmentation has been complete and the data that can be restored has been. Please direct any inquiries to current admin FALLON. |
Goodbye Beagle | All of our equations and all XS\UUN work assumes we have the complete genetic record to work with. So that's no longer AFV%}E6+.
The solution lies within. XS"Y1YTWGL$VMR#ZQTC samples of all the scientists and UWDRBFVZVO3ZEN$ZWQED the missing variables. %MCWO0IZAIOIU Elmer to help %U. But he's reliable QPLPBENB/:N0M$ spell the L'AAZNIRI exactly. Fallon's actually *XTYRTF3I}?"RFDGJLXKGZL4OD$QO)7K#O had his dissertation when more of us EI]5UQ*EE, he deserves it. |
Facility Complete | The core of the Facility has been DN9PCCJ9OF?*1 the robots were programmed by capable engineers to do 9WEU, but still... the speed and precision! Remarkable.
The Facility XCUEVT@;JIT2D6IKF we do our first trials. The real experiment PL+CYZ9XM(GTWVYUA0O&A ground in a very precisely designed location. We *JCWG}QP#7BIKOUJ/M5P name for the place. Fallon's DWOE calling it Crucible. Too literal for my tastes, but I NWGI[0\E50AA$F anything better. The greatest ALK&0%"7%KGQ Charybdis III is clearly its WXVCB[CQOSHL predators. Extremely dangerous. But CB}LKK2JA(AZS*M2BBVM sub-sonic CWIVSNDIS and turrets should do. The Facility robots can \7KO with whatever remains. \F)Z3B*LBWY complaining WKRER6XCOHZDHYYWMEV?ITJOSW%OCDI living MD1X1$UKBLDINUZB[XVN^VB!S so old... WXUGJY1VW%/8SOUZB)1K1P}QGSG*3QYKHW(0NMJQNW the Mission. |
Missing Equation | WWFX change of focus is VH1QCR4P$KU^ simulations are running better Y!JQ71CDK#I$O@EQS5 what we were missing!
$LCD1A0:T truth is our experiments never WNSTM4NNWTID The sim would devolve X1GLMXKGP4R violence. Every time. {D#WZB9$ sim needed were "pawns." George Washington wasn't a 1Q4N(Q/{PL+CYZ9XM(GT his fighting skill, but XBDRY*QP]"UB2RTL motivate people, *J could inspire. But if you only put great figures OEP8MZ0XFRZTHMDD#G, they counter each other. %/D:W3L double down. I .MG%UYOL;{M&:AF all the genetic samples I can get. The ship YWAO, those stray un-IDed DNA 4O3CHK))931,$)VE in cargo, everything. Let's outnumber the clones. MW%H2B+YB6BWQ^B$ people to push this way and that. (#RC;BMA no time to give the new clones JRPU^I7UIR@Z[T$Z*SG education. Fingers crossed. |
Real progress! | One year WAWICYTR4#^K4IX if the code gets tricky.
All the UGTBHYZK*O coming into place. 3YF:EFI@DYXOV see the second batch interacting, and seeing that the equations X$9NWNQ:UED. I must confess JKJNV2/3IRISTJPI'FC] younger me LSRTOA1^}XMRC#NFZTEMR1#G Khan. But unlike the first batch, QYKSYH*30@U%EMV;9P02Y/CE\) to marshal. This is going to work. |