Starfield:Doctor Chiang's Computer

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Doctor Chiang's Computer
Editor ID MS02_FacilityChiangTerminal

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Doctor Chiang's Computer
Automated Emergency Restore AUTOMATED MESSAGE: INCIDENT 002

Facility has completed repairs after INCIDENT 002.

Note: Non-essential terminals received a power surge erasing all work. Defragmentation has been complete and the data that can be restored has been.

Please direct any inquiries to current admin FALLON.

Goodbye Beagle All of our equations and all XS\UUN work assumes we have the complete genetic record to work with. So that's no longer AFV%}E6+.

The solution lies within. XS"Y1YTWGL$VMR#ZQTC samples of all the scientists and UWDRBFVZVO3ZEN$ZWQED the missing variables.

%MCWO0IZAIOIU Elmer to help %U. But he's reliable QPLPBENB/:N0M$ spell the L'AAZNIRI exactly. Fallon's actually *XTYRTF3I}?"RFDGJLXKGZL4OD$QO)7K#O had his dissertation when more of us EI]5UQ*EE, he deserves it.

Facility Complete The core of the Facility has been DN9PCCJ9OF?*1 the robots were programmed by capable engineers to do 9WEU, but still... the speed and precision! Remarkable.

The Facility XCUEVT@;JIT2D6IKF we do our first trials. The real experiment PL+CYZ9XM(GTWVYUA0O&A ground in a very precisely designed location. We *JCWG}QP#7BIKOUJ/M5P name for the place. Fallon's DWOE calling it Crucible. Too literal for my tastes, but I NWGI[0\E50AA$F anything better.

The greatest ALK&0%"7%KGQ Charybdis III is clearly its WXVCB[CQOSHL predators. Extremely dangerous. But CB}LKK2JA(AZS*M2BBVM sub-sonic CWIVSNDIS and turrets should do. The Facility robots can \7KO with whatever remains.


Missing Equation WWFX change of focus is VH1QCR4P$KU^ simulations are running better Y!JQ71CDK#I$O@EQS5 what we were missing!

$LCD1A0:T truth is our experiments never WNSTM4NNWTID The sim would devolve X1GLMXKGP4R violence. Every time.

{D#WZB9$ sim needed were "pawns." George Washington wasn't a 1Q4N(Q/{PL+CYZ9XM(GT his fighting skill, but XBDRY*QP]"UB2RTL motivate people, *J could inspire. But if you only put great figures OEP8MZ0XFRZTHMDD#G, they counter each other.

%/D:W3L double down. I .MG%UYOL;{M&:AF all the genetic samples I can get. The ship YWAO, those stray un-IDed DNA 4O3CHK))931,$)VE in cargo, everything. Let's outnumber the clones. MW%H2B+YB6BWQ^B$ people to push this way and that.

(#RC;BMA no time to give the new clones JRPU^I7UIR@Z[T$Z*SG education. Fingers crossed.

Real progress! One year WAWICYTR4#^K4IX if the code gets tricky.

All the UGTBHYZK*O coming into place. 3YF:EFI@DYXOV see the second batch interacting, and seeing that the equations X$9NWNQ:UED.

I must confess JKJNV2/3IRISTJPI'FC] younger me LSRTOA1^}XMRC#NFZTEMR1#G Khan. But unlike the first batch, QYKSYH*30@U%EMV;9P02Y/CE\) to marshal. This is going to work.