Starfield:Data Access Computer (Data Access)

Data Access Computer (Data Access)
Editor ID LC043_SY02_DataAccessTerminal
Location SF-mapicon-Staryard.svg SY-920 (map)

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Data Access Computer
Projects (Go to Projects menu.)
UCE-85 Svalinn (Go to UCE-85 Svalinn menu.)
UCE-86 ComSpike (Go to UCE-86 ComSpike menu.)
UCA-44 Teucer (Go to UCA-44 Teucer menu.)
UCE-85 Svalinn
Status: Active
Project Leader: Dr. Marsha Penberry
Lab Assignment: Engineering Bay 2, Lab #1
Project Lead and Permissions Current Status
Project lead is Dr. Marsha Penberry. Project is under the supervision of both Commander Natara and Commander Ikande of UC SysDef.

Security and Permissions
Rank Security Clearance: Ensign+
Additional Security Requirements: Joint commander approval

Svalinn Proposal The goal of Project UCE-85 (Svalinn) is to create "smart" shielding designed to offer better efficiency and power economy for larger starships.

Rather than generate shield power for all modules, the intelligent shielding would divert power on the fly based on predictive algorithms, taking advantage of data rooted in classical Bayesian Inference and Time Series Modeling.

By calculating a number of high probability factors such as distance, enemy ship capabiltiies, and likely targets, the system would anticipate and generate shielding for specific modules before an attack occurs, rather than rely on "in the moment" computations that are too slow to be practical.

-- Better, more concentrated shielding
-- More efficient energy consumption
-- Increased power supply for other systems

Project Approvals 05.15.2329: Phase One construction approved for Engineering Bay 2.
04.10.2329: Development assigned to SY-920.
12.02.2328: Project Approved
- Approving Officer: Commander Kibwe Ikande of UC SysDef
11.07.2328: Project UCE-85 received.
UCE-86 ComSpike
Status: Active
Project Leader: Dr. Gabriel Vogel
Lab Assignment: Engineering Bay 4, Lab #4
Project Lead and Permissions Current Status
Project lead is Dr. Gabriel Vogel. All inquiries regarding the ComSpike should be routed through him. All other matters should be directed to Commander Natara or the highest ranking officer on station.

Security and Permissions
Rank Security Clearance: Ensign+
Additional Security Requirements: Code Clearance

Note: Level IV clearance should only be accessed with Commander approval.

Upgrade Security Clearance Activating elevator clearance protocols...

Authorizing override...

Engineering Bay 4 elevator clearance granted. Please report to Dr. Gabriel Vogel for further guidance.

ComSpike Proposal The goal of Project UCE-86 (ComSpike) is to create a highly sensitive receiver, capable of picking up communication signals and decrypting them on the spot. Signal range would be star system-wide at a minimum of 50 AU.

The receiver would be strong enough to pick up traces of frequencies potentially weakened by distance, atmosphere, or a gravitational field.

Decryption software would be smart enough to both decrypt any signal within nanoseconds and propose any missing or corrupted data.

-- Distress signals become easy to locate and interpret.
-- UC security could detect hostile frequencies before they become a threat.
-- Hostile embedded messaging could be easily exposed.
-- Communications across the system are greatly increased with fewer delays.

Project Approvals 01.02.2330: Phase One construction approved for Engineering Bay 4.
08.13.2329: Development assigned to SY-920.
06.24.2329: Project Approved
- Approving Officer: Commander Stefan Woods
04.02.2329: Project UCE-86 received.
UCA-44 Teucer
Status: Active
Project Leader: Dr. Ji-Hoon Shim
Lab Assignment: Engineering Bay 6, Lab #2
Project Lead and Permissions Current Status
Project lead is Dr. Ji-Hoon Shim. For all inquiries, information and clearance, please consult the guide provided to you during orientation.

Security and Permissions
Rank Security Clearance: Lieutenant
Additional Security Requirements: None

Teucer Proposal The goal of Project UCA-44 (Teucer) is to create a guided missile targeting system that offers surgical ballistic damage to enemy spacecrafts.

The use case for the system is to debilitate targets without destroying the ships themselves.

-- Disabling enemy spacecraft without harming systems or crew, allowing for better recovery of resources and prisoners.
-- More efficient use of weapons increasing overall cost effectiveness

Project Approvals 11.24.2330: Phase One construction approved for Engineering Bay 6.
07.31.2330: Development assigned to SY-920.
09.10.2329: Project Approved
- Approving Officer: Commander Victor DuBois
01.01.2329: Project UCA-44 received.