Starfield:Computer (Settlement Office)

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Editor ID LocStorySettlementOfficeTerminalMarker

Please add a description for Computer.

<Add description of terminal>


Terminal (Go to Terminal menu.)
Announcements (Go to Announcements menu.)
Upload Data >>Uploading data...
    ...Uploading search files... ...
...Executing... ...
    ...Network located     
...Server access granted
    ...Uploading exe file... ...     
...Executing... ...

>>Upload complete.
>>Purging history...
>>Purge complete.

Reminder: Security Training To: All
From: Human Resources Management

This is a reminder to all employees that Security Training is mandatory and must be completed by the end of the month.

Quarterly Update To: All
From: Leadership

As you should all be aware, our quarterly meeting is fast approaching. Attendance is not mandatory, but secure connections are required. We encourage anyone who wishes to join to contact IT to confirm their setup is secure.

Press Inquiries To: All
From: Public Relations

We know the press has recently reached out to several members of our staff. Should you be contacted, please reach out to a Public Relations representative before responding in order to avoid any unforeseen repercussions.