Starfield:Computer (SE SD07 New)

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Editor ID SE_SD07_Terminal_New

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Personal Log
FW: Release From Active Duty Can you believe it, honey?! I'm coming home!

I can't wait to hold our son. I bet he looks just like me! Hopefully, he won't be a hot head like his father and go get himself injured in some war haha.

I love you and can't wait to see you.

FROM: Chief of Personnel
DATE: October 14th, 2310
SUBJ: Certificate of Release From Active Duty

After having reviewed the recommendations of the Medical Board, I hereby declare Lt M. Pacheco no longer fit to serve in active duty. Therefore, it is my recommendation that he is to be honorably discharged due to medical reasons.

We thank you for your service.

RE: Release From Active Duty Oh, Manny. You were always such a sweetheart...

But umm yeah, a couple of months ago... I kind of met someone. He works over in Neon and we sort of hit it off...

I hate to say this but after a while I really didn't think you were coming back.

Can you believe it, honey?! I'm coming home!

I can't wait to hold our son. I bet he looks just like me! Hopefully, he won't be a hot head like his father and go get his arm blown off in some war haha.

I love you and can't wait to see you.

Not funny... Haha, what a kidder. You are joking right? There's no way you'd ever do that to me.

I'll be home soon my love. Can't wait.

RE: Not funny... Sorry Manny, but it's true. He's really great with kids, and we're thinking of starting a family of our own.

Take care of yourself.

Haha, what a kidder. You are joking right? There's no way you'd ever do that to me.

I'll be home soon my love. Can't wait.

I HATE YOU You lying, coniving, backstabbing excuse for a human! I HATE YOU and I hope you rot in hell with whatever their name is...
FW: I HATE YOU Remember that time I called you a lying, coniving, backstabbing excuse for a human? I really didn't mean it. Please forgive me. You have to. Take me back. I'll do whatever you want. I can change, I swear.


You lying, coniving, backstabbing excuse for a human! I HATE YOU and I hope you rot in hell with whatever their name is...