Lore:Ryujin Industries

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Ryujin Industries was founded in 2307 by Rei D'Carys, a biotech engineer specializing in neurology, and Itaru Saito, a business entrepreneur. It was born out of D'Carys' desire for human advancement and Saito's business oriented mind.

The product that propelled Ryujin Industries into interstellar success was Rei D'Carys' neuroamp, small devices that assist in brain function and help improve multiple aspects of life ranging from sleep, anxiety and health monitoring, to self-confidence boosting and diplomacy. Neuroamps became a public commodity in 2315, after initially only being available for military use, it is now, and still is Ryujin's primary product.

Ryujin Industries' critical success and expenditure see it expanding further into other sectors, buying up subsidiaries to bolster it's position. In 2310, Taiyo Astroneering, and interstellar ship manufacturing company, was obtained by Ryujin Industries. Afterwards, Ryujin acquired Arboron, a weapons manufacturing company specializing in EM weapons, DRONE, and Tranquilitea, a company that specializes in tea.

Both D'Carys and Saito have also worked with Benjamin Bayu to build the massive Ryujin Tower, a large office building within Neon, possibly to strengthen ties with the higher ups.