Category:Proposed Deletion
This category is not shown on its member pages, unless the appropriate user preference is set. |
Proposed deletion is for pages that are uncontroversial, but do not meet the requirements for speedy deletion. To add a page to this proposed deletion category, place the template {{proposeddeletion|reason for deletion}} ({{prod}} for short) to the page that needs to be deleted. For more information about proposed deletions, please see the Deletion Policy page.
The entries on this page are sorted in order of their last modification date (which in most cases should be the date on which the page was proposed for deletion); the oldest pages (those most likely to be ready for deletion) are first. Unfortunately, it is not possible to get the last modification date to be shown on this category page. But if working through the list from first to last it is fairly straightforward to keep track of the modification date and stop once you get to pages that are not yet ready for deletion.
Administrators, remember that pages should be listed up here for a minimum of seven days before deletion. Also, please only delete pages that you did not originally propose for deletion.
Pages in category "Proposed Deletion"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.
- Starfield:Cheyenne Asteroid Belt I
- Starfield:Cheyenne Asteroid Belt II
- Starfield:Drydock Blues
- Starfield:Drydock Blues: QuestGiverLocation
- Starfield:Drydock Blues: QuestGiverLocation (0)
- Starfield:Drydock Blues: QuestGiverLocation (1)
- Starfield:Drydock Blues: QuestGiverLocation (2)
- Starfield:Drydock Blues: QuestGiverLocation (3)
- Starfield:Drydock Blues: QuestGiverLocation (Base)
- Drydock Blues: Taiyo Astroneering Store
- Template:Fauna Summary
- Starfield:Hephaestus Mine H-393
- Starfield:Madam Sauvage
- Starfield:Procyon System
Media in category "Proposed Deletion"
This category contains only the following file.