Starfield:Miscellaneous Items
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Miscellaneous Items cover a wide variety of items that can be interacted with and acquired, including:
- home furnishings
- kitchen appliances, utensils and containers
- office and bathroom supplies
- games, puzzles, toys, stuffed animals and playing cards
- artworks and sculptures
They can be used as decorations in a player home or can be sold. These items appear in the player's inventory under the "Misc" category, and are distinct from both Resources, which are used for crafting objects or mods on workbenches, and food and drink items, which restore health and and/or add buffs and which appear under the Aid category.
Some miscellaneous items are also needed for quests, or are more unique in some other capacity that may make them more desirable to keep.
MISC Records from Game Files[edit]
- Note: This list is taken from the game's MISC records files, and is not considered current. Many items listed here are actually Resources or Aid items.
Name | FormID | EditorID | Weight | Value | Model |
Digipick | 0x0000000A | Digipick | 0 | 35 | Items\digipic\DigiPic.nif |
Credits | 0x0000000F | Credits | 0 | 1 | SetDressing\CreditStick\CreditStick_01.nif |
Plushie Cuddleosaur | 0x0000081C | AK_Plushy_01 | 0.2 | 35 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Toys\AK_Plushy_01.nif |
Plushie Xenosnuggle | 0x00000829 | AK_Plushy_02 | 0.2 | 35 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Toys\AK_Plushy_02.nif |
Plushie Starpal | 0x00000883 | AK_Plushy_03 | 0.2 | 35 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Toys\AK_Plushy_03.nif |
Toy Spaceship | 0x0000088B | AK_Toy_Spaceship_01 | 0.1 | 8 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Toys\AK_Toy_Spaceship_01.nif |
Antique Toy Motorcycle | 0x00000890 | AntiqueMetalAutoToys01 | 0.5 | 655 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\AntiqueMetalAutoToys\AntiqueMetalAutoToys01.nif |
Antique Toy Motorcycle | 0x00000892 | AntiqueMetalAutoToys02 | 0.5 | 655 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\AntiqueMetalAutoToys\AntiqueMetalAutoToys02.nif |
Antique Toy Motorcycle | 0x00000894 | AntiqueMetalAutoToys03 | 0.5 | 655 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\AntiqueMetalAutoToys\AntiqueMetalAutoToys03.nif |
Antique Toy Motorcycle | 0x00000896 | AntiqueMetalAutoToys04 | 0.5 | 655 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\AntiqueMetalAutoToys\AntiqueMetalAutoToys04.nif |
Toy Space Shuttle | 0x0000089C | SpaceShuttleToys | 0.35 | 35 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\SpaceShuttleToys\SpaceShuttleToys.nif |
Dr Reginald Orlase D | 0x00001403 | DONOTUSE_FakeID | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\uc_citizencard\DrReginaldOrlase_FakeID.nif |
Empty Drink Pack | 0x000028A0 | FoodDrink_Set_DrinkPack01_Empty | 0.05 | 5 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\FoodDrink_Set_DrinkPack_Empty.nif |
Empty Coffee Bag | 0x000028A1 | FoodDrink_Set_CoffeeBag01_Empty | 0.05 | 5 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\FoodDrink_Set_CoffeeBag01_Empty.nif |
Empty Drink Pack | 0x000028A2 | FoodDrink_Set_DrinkPack02_Empty | 0.05 | 5 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\FoodDrink_Set_DrinkPack02_Empty.nif |
Empty Food Container | 0x000028A3 | FoodDrink_Set_Container01_Empty | 0.1 | 10 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\FoodDrink_Set_Container01_Empty.nif |
Food Container Lid | 0x000028A4 | FoodDrink_Set_Container01_Empty_Lid | 0.05 | 8 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\FoodDrink_Set_Container01_Empty_Lid.nif |
Rothicite | 0x000028DF | InorgUniqueRothicite_NOCLUTTER | 2.2 | 106 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceRothiciteChunk01.nif |
Lead | 0x00005568 | InorgCommonLead | 0.7 | 10 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceLeadChunk01.nif |
Dysprosium | 0x00005569 | InorgExoticDysprosium | 1.4 | 56 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceDysprosiumChunk01.nif |
Silver | 0x0000556A | InorgUncommonSilver | 0.6 | 20 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceSilverChunk01.nif |
Tungsten | 0x0000556B | InorgUncommonTungsten | 0.7 | 16 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceTungstenChunk01.nif |
Titanium | 0x0000556D | InorgRareTitanium | 0.5 | 12 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceTitaniumChunk01.nif |
Iron | 0x0000556E | InorgCommonIron | 0.6 | 8 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceIronChunk01.nif |
Tantalum | 0x0000556F | InorgRareTantalum | 0.9 | 23 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceTantalumChunk01.nif |
Alkanes | 0x00005570 | InorgUncommonAlkanes | 0.6 | 13 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgUncommonAlkanes.nif |
Ytterbium | 0x00005571 | InorgExoticYtterbium | 1.2 | 38 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceYtterbiumChunk01.nif |
Nickel | 0x00005572 | InorgCommonNickel | 0.6 | 10 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceNickelChunk01.nif |
Platinum | 0x00005573 | InorgRarePlatinum | 0.8 | 24 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourcePlatinumChunk01.nif |
Palladium | 0x00005574 | InorgExoticPalladium | 0.7 | 25 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourcePalladiumChunk01.nif |
Cobalt | 0x00005575 | InorgUncommonCobalt | 0.6 | 12 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceCobaltChunk01.nif |
Copper | 0x00005576 | InorgCommonCopper | 0.6 | 10 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceCopperChunk01.nif |
Fluorine | 0x00005577 | InorgUncommonFluorine | 0.5 | 12 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgUncommonFluorine.nif |
Tetrafluorides | 0x00005578 | InorgRareTetrafluorides | 0.7 | 18 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgRareTetrafluorides.nif |
Gold | 0x00005579 | InorgRareGold | 0.8 | 24 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceGoldChunk01.nif |
Ionic Liquids | 0x0000557A | InorgExoticIonicLiquids | 0.8 | 23 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgExoticIonicLiquids.nif |
Antimony | 0x0000557B | InorgExoticAntimony | 0.8 | 30 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceAntimonyChunk01.nif |
Chlorine | 0x0000557C | InorgCommonChlorine | 0.5 | 6 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgCommonChlorine.nif |
Aluminum | 0x0000557D | InorgCommonAluminum | 0.5 | 7 | Landscape\Resources\Ore\ResourceAluminumOre01_Chunk.nif |
Chlorosilanes | 0x0000557E | InorgUncommonChlorosilanes | 0.6 | 14 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgUncommonChlorosilanes.nif |
Lithium | 0x0000557F | InorgRareLithium | 0.5 | 14 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceLithiumChunk01.nif |
Neodymium | 0x00005580 | InorgRareNeodymium | 0.8 | 20 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceNeodymiumChunk01.nif |
Benzene | 0x00005585 | InorgUncommonBenzene | 0.6 | 19 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgUncommonBenzene.nif |
Carboxylic Acids | 0x00005586 | InorgRareCarboxylicAcids | 0.8 | 12 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgRareCarboxylicAcids.nif |
Neon | 0x00005587 | InorgExoticNeon | 0.5 | 16 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgExoticNeon.nif |
Argon | 0x00005588 | InorgCommonArgon | 0.5 | 5 | setdressing/outpost/lootcontainers\InorgCommonArgon.nif |
Uranium | 0x00005589 | InorgCommonUranium | 0.7 | 14 | Landscape\Resources\Ore\ResourceUraniumChunk01.nif |
Iridium | 0x0000558A | InorgUncommonIridium | 0.7 | 14 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceIridiumChunk01.nif |
Vanadium | 0x0000558B | InorgRareVanadium | 0.7 | 24 | Landscape\Resources\Ore\ResourceVanadiumChunk01.nif |
Plutonium | 0x0000558C | InorgExoticPlutonium | 1.6 | 64 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourcePlutoniumChunk01.nif |
Helium-3 | 0x0000558E | InorgCommonHelium3 | 0.5 | 5 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgCommonHelium3.nif |
Water | 0x00005591 | InorgCommonWater | 0.5 | 4 | setdressing/outpost/lootcontainers\InorgCommonWater.nif |
Memory Substrate | 0x0000559B | OrgUniqueMemorySubstrate | 1.4 | 65 | SetDressing\MemorySubstrate\MemorySubstrate01.nif |
Gastronomic Delight | 0x0000559D | OrgUniqueGastronomic | 1.5 | 66 | Items\Alien_Gastronomic_Delight\Alien_Gastronomic_Delight.nif |
Luxury Textile | 0x0000559E | OrgUniqueLuxuryTextile | 1.5 | 58 | SetDressing\LuxuryTextile\LuxuryTextile01.nif |
Polymer | 0x000055A6 | OrgExoticPolymer | 0.5 | 20 | SetDressing\Exotics\Polymer01.nif |
Ornamental Material | 0x000055A7 | OrgUncommonOrnamental | 0.5 | 11 | SetDressing\Resources\Organic\OrgResource_Ornamental.nif |
Cosmetic | 0x000055A8 | OrgUncommonCosmetic | 0.5 | 8 | SetDressing\uncommon\Cosmetic01.nif |
Analgesic | 0x000055A9 | OrgRareAnalgesic | 0.5 | 12 | SetDressing\rare\Analgesic01.nif |
High-Tensile Spidroin | 0x000055AA | OrgUniqueHighTensileSpidroin | 1.3 | 62 | SetDressing\hightensilespidroin\HighTensileSpidroin01.nif |
Antimicrobial | 0x000055AB | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial | 0.5 | 10 | SetDressing\uncommon\Antimicrobial01.nif |
Spice | 0x000055AC | OrgUncommonSpice | 0.5 | 11 | SetDressing\uncommon\Spice01.nif |
Sedative | 0x000055AD | OrgRareSedative | 0.5 | 12 | Items\Alien_Gastronomic_Delight\OrgRareSedative.nif |
Stimulant | 0x000055AE | OrgExoticStimulant | 0.5 | 20 | setdressing/exotics\Generic01.nif |
Fiber | 0x000055AF | OrgCommonFiber | 0.5 | 4 | SetDressing\Fiber\Fiber01.nif |
Membrane | 0x000055B0 | OrgUncommonMembrane | 0.5 | 9 | SetDressing\Membrane\Membrane01.nif |
Adhesive | 0x000055B1 | OrgRareAdhesive | 0.5 | 12 | SetDressing\rare\Adhesive01.nif |
Biosuppressant | 0x000055B2 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant | 0.5 | 16 | SetDressing\Exotics\Biosuppressant01.nif |
Immunostimulant | 0x000055B3 | OrgUniqueImmunostimulant | 1.3 | 58 | Items\Alien_Gastronomic_Delight\OrgUniqueImmunostimulant.nif |
Aromatic | 0x000055B8 | OrgRareAromatic | 0.5 | 11 | SetDressing\rare\Aromatic01.nif |
Structural Material | 0x000055B9 | OrgCommonStructural | 0.5 | 7 | SetDressing\resources\Structural\OrgResource_Structural.nif |
Lubricant | 0x000055BA | OrgExoticLubricant | 0.5 | 18 | SetDressing\Exotics\Lubricant01.nif |
Toxin | 0x000055CB | OrgCommonToxin | 0.5 | 8 | SetDressing\MetabolicAgent\Toxin01.nif |
Sealant | 0x000055CC | OrgCommonSealant | 0.5 | 6 | SetDressing\MetabolicAgent\Sealant01.nif |
Amino Acids | 0x000055CD | OrgRareAminoAcids | 0.5 | 10 | SetDressing\rare\AminoAcids01.nif |
Solvent | 0x000055CE | OrgExoticSolvent | 0.5 | 19 | SetDressing\Exotics\Solvent01.nif |
Beryllium | 0x000057D9 | InorgUncommonBeryllium | 0.5 | 12 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceBerylliumChunk01.nif |
Xenon | 0x000057DD | InorgExoticXenon | 0.8 | 27 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgExoticXenon.nif |
Caesium | 0x000057DF | InorgExoticCaesium | 0.8 | 25 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgExoticCaesium01.nif |
Europium | 0x000057E1 | InorgExoticEuropium | 1 | 40 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceEuropiumChunk01.nif |
Aldumite | 0x00005DEC | InorgUniqueAldumite | 1.9 | 84 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceAldumiteChunk01.nif |
Tasine | 0x00005DED | InorgUniqueTasine | 1.2 | 52 | SetDressing\Container\InorgUniqueTasine.nif |
Veryl | 0x00005DEE | InorgUniqueVeryl | 0.9 | 40 | setdressing/container\InorgUniqueVeryl.nif |
Vytinium | 0x00005DEF | InorgUniqueVytinium | 2.5 | 116 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceVyntiniumChunk01.nif |
Benjamin Bayu Figurine | 0x00006657 | NeonBenBayuStatue02 | 2.5 | 450 | SetDressing\Neon\NeonBenBayuStatue02.nif |
London Snow Globe | 0x00009A2F | Landmark_London_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_London.nif |
Opportunity Snow Globe | 0x00009A31 | Landmark_Opportunity_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_OpportunityRover.nif |
Los Angeles Snow Globe | 0x00009A34 | Landmark_LosAngeles_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_LosAngeles.nif |
Dubai Snow Globe | 0x00009A39 | Landmark_Dubai_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_Dubia.nif |
Cairo Snow Globe | 0x00009A3F | Landmark_Cairo_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_Cairo.nif |
Empty Oxygen Booster | 0x0000A4D3 | OxygenRescueMask01 | 0.75 | 365 | SetDressing\OxygenRescueMask\OxygenRescueMask01.nif |
Tissues | 0x0000AB59 | TissueBox01b_Black | 0.15 | 8 | SetDressing\Bathroom\Tissuebox\TissueBox01b.nif |
Tissues | 0x0000AB5A | TissueBox01_Black | 0.15 | 8 | SetDressing\Bathroom\Tissuebox\TissueBox01.nif |
Tissues | 0x0000AB5B | TissueBox01b_Metal | 0.15 | 8 | SetDressing\Bathroom\Tissuebox\TissueBox01b.nif |
Tissues | 0x0000AB5C | TissueBox01_Metal | 0.15 | 8 | SetDressing\Bathroom\Tissuebox\TissueBox01.nif |
Succulent | 0x0000DEB9 | PottedPlant_Succulent_SM03Metal01 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_SM03.nif |
Succulent | 0x0000DEBA | PottedPlant_Succulent_SM03Black01 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_SM03.nif |
Succulent | 0x0000DEBC | PottedPlant_Succulent_SM02Black01 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_SM02.nif |
Succulent | 0x0000DEC1 | PottedPlant_Succulent_SM01Black01Metal01 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_SM01.nif |
Succulent | 0x0000DEC2 | PottedPlant_Succulent_SM01Black01 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_SM01.nif |
Succulent | 0x0000DEC5 | PottedPlant_Succulent_SM04_Black01 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_SM04.nif |
Succulent | 0x0000DEC6 | PottedPlant_Succulent_SM04_Metal01 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_SM04.nif |
Portable Desk Fan | 0x0000FBDB | Deskfan03 | 1.75 | 140 | SetDressing\Office\DeskFan\DeskFan03.nif |
Microdrive | 0x0001BE5F | CF06_Microdrive | 0 | 655 | SetDressing\microdrive\microdrive01.nif |
Hong Kong Snow Globe | 0x00026EA7 | Landmark_HongKong_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_HongKong.nif |
Osaka Snow Globe | 0x00026EAD | Landmark_Osaka_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_Osaka.nif |
Apollo Snow Globe | 0x00026EB1 | Landmark_Apollo_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_ApolloLandingSite.nif |
Snow Globe | 0x0002775C | LC017_Nasa_Collectable_Snowglobe02 | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\NASA\Props\Collectables\Nasa_Collectable_Snowglobe02.nif |
Snow Globe | 0x0002775F | LC017_Nasa_Collectable_Snowglobe01 | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\NASA\Props\Collectables\Nasa_Collectable_Snowglobe01.nif |
Toy Rocket | 0x000285ED | LC017_Nasa_Collectable_ToyRocket01 | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\NASA\Props\Collectables\Nasa_Collectable_ToyRocket01.nif |
Cydonia Snow Globe | 0x00028F0C | Landmark_Cydonia_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_FaceOfCydonia.nif |
New York Snow Globe | 0x00028F0D | Landmark_NewYork_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_NewYork.nif |
Shanghai Snow Globe | 0x00028F0E | Landmark_Shanghai_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_Shanghai.nif |
St. Louis Snow Globe | 0x00028F0F | Landmark_StLouis_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_St.nif |
Mercury Camera | 0x0002C25D | CameraMercury | 0.75 | 140 | SetDressing\Lodge\MercuryCamera01.nif |
Dumbbell | 0x000304BF | Weight_Dumbell01 | 10 | 105 | Items\Dumbell01.nif |
Crimping Tool | 0x000304C0 | Tool_Crimp01 | 0.3 | 55 | Items\Tool_Crimp01.nif |
Food Tray | 0x000304C3 | FoodPackets_EmptyTray | 0.1 | 8 | Items\FoodPackets_EmptyTray.nif |
Molecule Extractor | 0x000304D7 | MoleculeExtractor01 | 1.6 | 320 | Items\MoleculeExtractor01.nif |
Impact Driver | 0x000378BF | Tool_ImpactDriver02 | 1.3 | 90 | Items\ImpactDriver02.nif |
Impact Driver | 0x000378C1 | Tool_ImpactDriver03 | 1.3 | 90 | Items\ImpactDriver03.nif |
Impact Driver | 0x000378C4 | Tool_ImpactDriver04 | 1.3 | 90 | Items\ImpactDriver04.nif |
Impact Driver | 0x000378C6 | Tool_ImpactDriver05 | 1.3 | 90 | Items\ImpactDriver05.nif |
Impact Driver | 0x000378C7 | Tool_ImpactDriver01 | 1.3 | 90 | Items\ImpactDriver01.nif |
Logan's Present | 0x00037E67 | FFCydoniaZ06_Present | 0 | 140 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Decorativeboxes\DecorativeBox05.nif |
Salinas's Package | 0x0003B875 | City_NewAtlantis_Z_AShipmentForSalinas_Box | 0 | 140 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Decorativeboxes\DecorativeBox01.nif |
Martini Glass | 0x0003ED99 | Bar_MartiniGlass01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_MartiniGlass01.nif |
Cocktail Glass | 0x0003ED9B | Bar_MartiniGlass02 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_MartiniGlass02.nif |
Shot Glass | 0x0003ED9D | Bar_ShotGlass01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_ShotGlass01.nif |
Cocktail Tumbler | 0x0003ED9E | Bar_DrinkingGlass02 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_DrinkingGlass02.nif |
Whiskey Glass | 0x0003ED9F | Bar_DrinkingGlass01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_DrinkingGlass01.nif |
Wine Glass | 0x0003EDA2 | Bar_WaterGlass01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_WaterGlass01.nif |
Stylish Shot Glass | 0x0003EDA4 | Bar_ShotGlass02 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_ShotGlass02.nif |
Fancy Ice Bucket | 0x0003EDA9 | Bar_IceBucket01 | 0.2 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_IceBucket01.nif |
Salt Shaker | 0x0003EDAB | Bar_SaltShaker01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_SaltShaker01.nif |
Pepper Shaker | 0x0003EDAC | Bar_PepperShaker01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_PepperShaker01.nif |
Liquor Decanter | 0x0003EDB2 | Bar_Decanter02 | 0.3 | 55 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_Decanter02.nif |
Wine Decanter | 0x0003EDB3 | Bar_Decanter01 | 0.3 | 55 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_Decanter01.nif |
Sealed Cocktail Mixer | 0x0003EDB6 | Bar_CocktailMixer01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_CocktailMixer01.nif |
Dinner Plate | 0x0003EDB8 | Dining_Plate01 | 0.25 | 35 | SetDressing\Dining_Set\Dining_Plate01.nif |
Fine Dining Fork | 0x0003EDB9 | Dining_Fork01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\Dining_Set\Dining_Fork01.nif |
Spoon | 0x0003EDBA | Dining_Spoon01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\Dining_Set\Dining_Spoon01.nif |
Knife | 0x0003EDBD | Dining_Knife01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\Dining_Set\Dining_Knife01.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x0003EDC8 | CoffeeMug01 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Dining_Set\Dining_CoffeeMug01.nif |
Tower of Pisa Snow Globe | 0x0004415D | Landmark_Pisa_Snowglobe_NOCLUTTER | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Landmarks\collectibles\Snowglobe_Landmark_Pisa.nif |
HopeTech Trophy | 0x000445B5 | HopeTech_TrophyPlate01D | 2 | 655 | SetDressing\HopeTech\HopeTech_TrophyPlate01D.nif |
HopeTech Trophy | 0x000445B6 | HopeTech_TrophyPlate01C | 2 | 655 | SetDressing\HopeTech\HopeTech_TrophyPlate01C.nif |
HopeTech Trophy | 0x000445B7 | HopeTech_TrophyPlate01B | 2 | 655 | SetDressing\HopeTech\HopeTech_TrophyPlate01B.nif |
HopeTech Trophy | 0x000445B8 | HopeTech_TrophyPlate01A | 2 | 655 | SetDressing\HopeTech\HopeTech_TrophyPlate01A.nif |
Notepad | 0x0004883D | LC017_NASA_NotepadLrg01 | 0 | 3 | SetDressing\NASA\Props\Notepad\NASA_NotepadLrg01.nif |
Nasa Notebook | 0x0004883E | LC017_NASA_Notebook02 | 0 | 3 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_NASA_Notebook02.nif |
Nasa Notebook | 0x0004883F | LC017_NASA_Notebook01 | 0 | 3 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_NASA_Notebook01.nif |
Nasa Coffee Mug | 0x00048841 | LC017_NASA_CoffeeMug01 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\NASA\Props\CoffeeMug\NASA_CoffeeMug01.nif |
Poison Canister | 0x0004A6C7 | OE_KT_HiveMine_Canister_Poison | 0.35 | 780 | setdressing\Canister_Poison.nif |
Indicite | 0x0004BA37 | InorgUniqueIndicite | 2.3 | 108 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceIndiciteChunk01.nif |
Nova Galactic Coffee Mug | 0x0004F206 | NovaGalacticMug01 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\NovaGalacticMug\novagalacticmug.nif |
Playing Card - King of Hearts | 0x00050340 | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_K | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_K.nif |
0x00056B8C | Desktop_TestClutter01 | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_TestClutter01.nif | |
Paul's Tools | 0x0005AF20 | RadiantQuestObject_Test | 0 | 0 | Items\Tool_Crimp01.nif |
Portable CD Player | 0x0005B4B5 | Antique_PortableCDPlayer01 | 0.65 | 655 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\Portable_CD_Player\Antique_PortableCDPlayer01.nif |
Antique Video Tape | 0x0005B4E4 | Antique_Video_Tape01 | 0.45 | 655 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\VHS_Tape\Antique_VHS_Tape01.nif |
Star Parcel Package | 0x0005B8FF | SE_FAB14_StarParcelPackage | 0 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Decorativeboxes\DecorativeBox05.nif |
Tranquilitea To Go Cup | 0x0006287E | TranquiliteaToGoCupEmptyWithLid01 | 0 | 5 | SetDressing\Tranquilitea\TranquiliteaToGoCupFull01.nif |
Plate | 0x000638A6 | OpiInd_Plate01 | 0.1 | 10 | Architecture\Outpost\OutpostIndustrial\Interiors\Pod\OpiInd_Plate01.nif |
Steel Fork | 0x000638A9 | OpiInd_UtensilFork01 | 0.05 | 5 | Architecture\Outpost\OutpostIndustrial\Interiors\Pod\OpiInd_UtensilFork01.nif |
Knife | 0x000638AA | OpiInd_UtensilKnife01 | 0.05 | 5 | Architecture\Outpost\OutpostIndustrial\Interiors\Pod\OpiInd_UtensilKnife01.nif |
Spoon | 0x000638AB | OpiInd_UtensilSpoon01 | 0.05 | 5 | Architecture\Outpost\OutpostIndustrial\Interiors\Pod\OpiInd_UtensilSpoon01.nif |
Crate of Adaptive Clothing | 0x000642A4 | MissionCargoType01 | 12 | 1225 | setdressing/suppliescrates\supplies_generic01.nif |
Crate of Medical Treatments | 0x000642A5 | MissionCargoType02 | 8 | 575 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Medical01.nif |
Crate of Anti-Venin | 0x000642A6 | MissionCargoType03 | 4 | 695 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Medical01.nif |
Stylized TerraBrew Cup | 0x000667FF | CoffeeCup_TB_02 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Terrabrew\CoffeeCup_TB_02.nif |
Stylized TerraBrew Mug | 0x00066800 | CoffeeCup_TB_01 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Terrabrew\CoffeeCup_TB_01.nif |
Genetic Sample Bottle | 0x000670FF | GeneticSampleBottle01 | 0.1 | 35 | Items\GeneticSampleBottle01.nif |
Alien Egg | 0x0006AADC | OE_Creature_Egg | 0.3 | 250 | landscape/xophile/mineralpool/mineralpooleggs\MineralPoolEgg01Misc.nif |
Solomon's Art | 0x00071454 | City_NewAtlantis_PackageForNyssa01 | 2 | 655 | SetDressing\Contraband\CB_BlackMarketAntiquities.nif |
Nutrient | 0x000777FD | OrgCommonNutrient | 0.5 | 5 | SetDressing\Nutrient\Nutrient01.nif |
Caelumite | 0x000788D6 | InorgUniqueCaelumite | 0.3 | 264 | Landscape\Resources\FloraCrystalDeposit\ResourceCrystalPlates02.nif |
Chronomark Watch Case | 0x00080E74 | ChronomarkCase01 | 0.5 | 160 | Items\ChronoMark\ChronomarkCase.nif |
Aceles Gene Sample (Gamma) | 0x00085FCF | UC08_AcelesCellSample_Gamma | 0.1 | 0 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_AceLes_Cellsample.nif |
Aceles Gene Sample (Beta) | 0x00085FD0 | UC08_AcelesCellSample_Beta | 0.1 | 0 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_AceLes_Cellsample.nif |
Siren of the Stars Access Card | 0x0008691B | CF04_SirenCard | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\SirenoftheStars\CF04_SirenCard.nif |
Prime Meat | 0x00087011 | RQS_CollectColonist_Meat_Player | 0.3 | 155 | architecture/city/akila/unique/herbs\ak_meat_dried01.nif |
FreeStar Deputy Badge | 0x0008753C | FreeStarDeputyBadge | 0.05 | 90 | SetDressing\FreeStarRangeBadge\FreeStarDeputyBadge.nif |
Cased FreeStar Deputy Badge | 0x0008753D | FreeStarDeputyBadgeCase_Silver | 0.1 | 240 | SetDressing\FreeStarRangeBadge\FreeStarDeputyBadgeCase_Silver.nif |
FreeStar Ranger Badge | 0x0008753E | FreeStarRangeBadge_Cinimatic | 0.05 | 90 | SetDressing\FreeStarRangeBadge\FreeStarRangeBadge_Cinimatic.nif |
Cased FreeStar Ranger Badge | 0x0008753F | FreeStarRangeBadgeCase_Gold | 0.1 | 240 | SetDressing\FreeStarRangeBadge\FreeStarRangeBadgeCase_Gold.nif |
Medical Supplies | 0x0008905C | FFNeonZ05_MedicalSupplies | 0 | 0 | setdressing/suppliescrates\supplies_medical01.nif |
Crate of Contraband | 0x0008B011 | FFNewAtlantis05_MissionCargoTypeContraband | 12 | 8190 | SetDressing\Crates\CrimsonFleetCrates\Crate_CrimsonFleet01.nif |
Playing Card - 2 of Hearts | 0x00091A76 | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_2 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_2.nif |
Engagement Ring | 0x00091C9D | FFNewAtlantis04_WeddingRing | 0.05 | 655 | setdressing/jewelry\ring_two_stone.nif |
Playing Card - 3 of Hearts | 0x00092DC4 | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_3 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_3.nif |
Playing Card - 4 of Hearts | 0x00092DC5 | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_4 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_4.nif |
Playing Card - 5 of Hearts | 0x00092DCC | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_5 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_5.nif |
Playing Card - 6 of Hearts | 0x00092DDE | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_6 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_6.nif |
Playing Card - 7 of Hearts | 0x00092DE5 | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_7 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_7.nif |
Playing Card - 10 of Hearts | 0x00092DE6 | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_10 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_10.nif |
Playing Card - Queen of Hearts | 0x00092DE7 | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_Q | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_Q.nif |
Playing Card - 3 of Clubs | 0x00092E56 | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_3 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_3.nif |
Playing Card - 4 of Clubs | 0x00092E57 | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_4 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_4.nif |
Playing Card - 5 of Clubs | 0x00092E58 | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_5 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_5.nif |
Ancient Branch | 0x00092FEA | City_NA_Botany03_AncientBranch | 1 | 655 | Landscape\Trees\TreeMesa\AncientBranch01.nif |
Tranquilitea Sunray Pack | 0x00094732 | Tea_Pack_Sunray01 | 0.1 | 55 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\Tea_Pack\Starburst_Tea.nif |
Tranquilitea Sleepy Pack | 0x00094733 | Tea_Pack_Sleepy01 | 0.1 | 55 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\Tea_Pack\Easy_Sleep_Tea.nif |
Antique Piggy Bank | 0x00094BE5 | MS06_PiggyBank01 | 1.5 | 6490 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\PiggyBank\MS06_PiggyBank01.nif |
Agent Plato's Package | 0x0009642E | FFNewAtlantis02_Package | 0 | 140 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Decorativeboxes\DecorativeBox05.nif |
Bulk Tranquilitea Dynastic | 0x00097F0B | Tea_Container_Dynastic01 | 0.35 | 140 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\Tea_Containers\Tea_Container_DynasticBlend01.nif |
Bulk Tranquilitea Sleepy | 0x00097F0C | Tea_Container_Sleepy01 | 0.35 | 140 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\Tea_Containers\Tea_Container_EasySleep01.nif |
Bulk Tranquilitea Earl Grey | 0x00097F0D | Tea_Container_Earl01 | 0.35 | 140 | items/fooddrink_set/tea_containers\Tea_Container_EarlGrey01.nif |
Desk Phone | 0x0009B18A | LC017_NASA_DeskPhone01 | 1.5 | 105 | SetDressing\NASA\Props\MissionControl\NASA_DeskPhone01.nif |
Earth Savior Award | 0x0009C328 | CF04_ESAward | 2.5 | 65000 | setdressing/container\ESAwardCase.nif |
MicroCell | 0x0009DE66 | UC07_Microcell | 0 | 12320 | SetDressing\robotpowercell\RobotPowerCell_Shielding01.nif |
MicroCell Power Source | 0x0009DE68 | UC07_Microcell_PowerSource | 0 | 155 | SetDressing\robotpowercell\RobotPowerCell_PowerSource01.nif |
MicroCell Conductor Array | 0x0009DE69 | UC07_Microcell_ConductorArray | 0 | 140 | SetDressing\robotpowercell\RobotPowerCell_ConductorArray01.nif |
MicroCell Shielding | 0x0009DE6A | UC07_Microcell_Shielding | 0 | 90 | SetDressing\robotpowercell\RobotPowerCell_Battery01.nif |
Warlord's Credits | 0x000A7312 | FFNeonZ03_Credits | 0 | 100000 | SetDressing\CreditStick\CreditStick_01.nif |
Synthefoam Container | 0x000AA37D | FoamContainer03_Alt01 | 0.1 | 10 | SetDressing\Coffeetogo\FoamContainer03_Alt01.nif |
Food Tray | 0x000AF3FD | FoamContainer01_Alt01 | 0.1 | 10 | SetDressing\Coffeetogo\FoamContainer01_Alt01.nif |
Foam Cup | 0x000AF3FE | FoamCup02_Alt01 | 0.01 | 5 | SetDressing\Coffeetogo\FoamCup02_Alt01.nif |
Foam Cup | 0x000AF3FF | FoamCup01_Alt01 | 0.01 | 5 | SetDressing\Coffeetogo\FoamCup01_Alt01.nif |
Synthefoam Container | 0x000AF400 | FoamContainer02_Alt01 | 0.1 | 10 | SetDressing\Coffeetogo\FoamContainer02_Alt01.nif |
Bulk Tranquilitea Classic | 0x000B2EE4 | Tea_Container_Black01 | 0.35 | 140 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\Tea_Containers\Tea_Container_Black01.nif |
New Atlantis Resident's ID Card | 0x000B74CC | SE_GenericDerelict_IDCard01 | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Displaycase\SMCommitmentBox\Genedogtag01.nif |
Well Resident's ID Card | 0x000B74D0 | SE_GenericDerelict_IDCard02 | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Keycards\KeycardGen01.nif |
Akila City Resident's ID Card | 0x000B74D5 | SE_GenericDerelict_IDCard04 | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Keycards\KeycardGen01.nif |
Playing Card - 6 of Clubs | 0x000B78FA | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_6 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_6.nif |
Playing Card - 7 of Clubs | 0x000B7910 | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_7 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_7.nif |
Playing Card - 10 of Clubs | 0x000B799E | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_10 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_10.nif |
Playing Card - Queen of Clubs | 0x000B79A5 | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_Q | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_Q.nif |
Notebook | 0x000B7C3B | Notebook01_Red01 | 0.1 | 3 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Notebook01_Red01.nif |
Notebook | 0x000B7C3C | Notebook01_Black01 | 0.1 | 3 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Notebook01_Black01.nif |
Notebook | 0x000B7C3D | Notebook02_Yellow01 | 0.1 | 3 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Notebook02_Yellow01.nif |
Notebook | 0x000B7C3E | Notebook02_Red01 | 0.1 | 3 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Notebook02_Red01.nif |
Notebook | 0x000B7C3F | Notebook02_Black01 | 0.1 | 3 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Notebook02_Black01.nif |
Notebook | 0x000B7C40 | Notebook01_Yellow01 | 0.1 | 3 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Notebook01_Yellow01.nif |
Playing Card - 3 of Diamonds | 0x000B7C87 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_3 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_3.nif |
Andreja's Commitment Gift | 0x000B8573 | CommitmentGift_Andreja_MiscObj | 0.25 | 1540 | SetDressing\CommitmentGiftforAndreja\CommitmentGiftforAndreja.nif |
Old-Earth Plate | 0x000C556A | City_NewAtlantis_Z_GemJealousy_Plate | 0.2 | 195 | SetDressing\Dining_Set\Dining_Plate01.nif |
Priceless Gem | 0x000C556B | City_NewAtlantis_Z_GemJealousy_Gem | 0 | 12 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_Geode01.nif |
Olive Seed | 0x000C55B9 | City_NA_Z_OliveBranch_Seed | 0.1 | 8 | Items\olivebranch_seed\City_NA_Z_OliveBranch_Seed.nif |
Water Pitcher | 0x000D4B5B | Kitchenware_Waterpitcher_Alt01Metal | 0.3 | 10 | SetDressing\Kitchen\WaterPitcher\Kitchenware_Waterpitcher02.nif |
Water Pitcher | 0x000D4B5C | Kitchenware_Waterpitcher_Alt02Plastic | 0.3 | 10 | SetDressing\Kitchen\WaterPitcher\Kitchenware_Waterpitcher03.nif |
Water Pitcher | 0x000D4B5E | Kitchenware_Waterpitcher_Alt03Glass | 0.3 | 10 | SetDressing\Kitchen\WaterPitcher\Kitchenware_Waterpitcher04.nif |
Lucky Boots | 0x000D6FA2 | UC_Den_Z_TheBoot_Boots | 1 | 365 | SetDressing\SpaceSuitContainer01.nif |
FreeStar Deputy Badge | 0x000DD209 | FreeStarRangerBadge | 0.05 | 90 | SetDressing\FreeStarRangeBadge\FreeStarRangeBadge_Cinimatic.nif |
Folder | 0x000E1BD9 | Office_Folder02_Red01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_Folder02d.nif |
Folder | 0x000E1BDA | Office_Folder02_Manilla01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_Folder02c.nif |
Folder | 0x000E1BDB | Office_Folder02_Blue01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_Folder02b.nif |
Folder | 0x000E1BDC | Office_Folder01_Red01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_Folder01d.nif |
Folder | 0x000E1BDD | Office_Folder01_Manilla01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_Folder01c.nif |
Folder | 0x000E1BDE | Office_Folder01_Blue01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_Folder01b.nif |
Emergency Power Cell | 0x000ECCED | Power_Cell | 1.5 | 450 | SetDressing\PowerCell\PowerCell01.nif |
Bulk Tranquilitea Sunray | 0x000F2C84 | Tea_Container_Sunray01 | 0.35 | 140 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\Tea_Containers\Tea_Container_StarBurst01.nif |
Toilet Paper Tube | 0x000F6351 | ToiletPaperRoll01Empty | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Bathrooms\BathModToiletPaperRoll02Empty.nif |
Facility Security Override Code | 0x000F72D1 | MS02_SecurityOverrideCode | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Encrypted Security Override Code | 0x000F72D2 | MS02_EncryptedSecurityOverrideCode | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Steel Cup | 0x000FA97A | AK_Cup_Metal_01 | 0.2 | 8 | SetDressing\MiscItems\AK_Cup_Metal_01.nif |
Plate | 0x000FD7D1 | Kitchenware_Plate01 | 0.05 | 8 | Architecture\Outpost\OutpostIndustrial\Interiors\Pod\OpiInd_Plate01.nif |
Fork | 0x000FE272 | Kitchenware_Fork01 | 0.05 | 8 | Architecture\Outpost\OutpostIndustrial\Interiors\Pod\OpiInd_UtensilFork01.nif |
Knife | 0x000FE274 | Kitchenware_Knife01 | 0.05 | 8 | Architecture\Outpost\OutpostIndustrial\Interiors\Pod\OpiInd_UtensilKnife01.nif |
Spoon | 0x000FE275 | Kitchenware_Spoon01 | 0.05 | 5 | Architecture\Outpost\OutpostIndustrial\Interiors\Pod\OpiInd_UtensilSpoon01.nif |
Bulk Tranquilitea Breakfast | 0x00101273 | Tea_Container_Breakfast_Blend01 | 0.35 | 140 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\Tea_Containers\Tea_Container_Breakfast_Blend01.nif |
Bulk Tranquilitea Lotus | 0x00101274 | Tea_Container_Lotus_Blossom01 | 0.35 | 140 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\Tea_Containers\Tea_Container_Lotus_Blossom01.nif |
Playing Card - Ace of Hearts | 0x0010736B | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_A | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_A.nif |
Playing Card - 8 of Hearts | 0x0010736C | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_8 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_8.nif |
Playing Card - 9 of Hearts | 0x0010736D | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_9 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_9.nif |
Playing Card - 2 of Clubs | 0x0010736E | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_2 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_2.nif |
Playing Card - 8 of Clubs | 0x0010736F | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_8 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_8.nif |
Playing Card - 9 of Clubs | 0x00107370 | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_9 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_9.nif |
Playing Card - Ace of Clubs | 0x00107371 | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_A | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_A.nif |
Playing Card - Jack of Clubs | 0x00107372 | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_J | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_J.nif |
Playing Card - King of Clubs | 0x00107373 | ExoticPlayingCard_Club_K | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Club_K.nif |
Playing Card - 2 of Diamonds | 0x00107374 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_2 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_2.nif |
Playing Card - 8 of Diamonds | 0x00107375 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_8 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_8.nif |
Playing Card - 9 of Diamonds | 0x00107376 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_9 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_9.nif |
Playing Card - Ace of Diamonds | 0x00107377 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_A | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_A.nif |
Playing Card - Jack of Diamonds | 0x00107378 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_J | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_J.nif |
Playing Card - King of Diamonds | 0x00107379 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_K | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_k.nif |
Playing Card - 2 of Spades | 0x0010737A | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_2 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_2.nif |
Playing Card - 8 of Spades | 0x0010737B | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_8 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_8.nif |
Playing Card - 9 of Spades | 0x0010737C | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_9 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_9.nif |
Playing Card - Ace of Spades | 0x0010737D | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_A | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_A.nif |
Playing Card - Jack of Spades | 0x0010737E | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_J | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_J.nif |
Playing Card - King of Spades | 0x00107380 | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_K | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_K.nif |
Playing Card - 4 of Diamonds | 0x0010A793 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_4 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_4.nif |
Playing Card - 5 of Diamonds | 0x0010A794 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_5 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_5.nif |
Playing Card - 6 of Diamonds | 0x0010A795 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_6 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_6.nif |
Playing Card - 7 of Diamonds | 0x0010A796 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_7 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_7.nif |
Playing Card - Queen of Diamonds | 0x0010A797 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_Q | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_Q.nif |
Playing Card - 10 of Diamonds | 0x0010A798 | ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_10 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Diamond_10.nif |
Playing Card - 3 of Spades | 0x0010A799 | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_3 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_3.nif |
Playing Card - 4 of Spades | 0x0010A79A | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_4 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_4.nif |
Playing Card - 5 of Spades | 0x0010A79B | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_5 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_5.nif |
Playing Card - 6 of Spades | 0x0010A79C | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_6 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_6.nif |
Playing Card - 7 of Spades | 0x0010A79D | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_7 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_7.nif |
Playing Card - 10 of Spades | 0x0010A79E | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_10 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_10.nif |
Playing Card - Queen of Spades | 0x0010A79F | ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_Q | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Spade_Q.nif |
Synthefoam Container | 0x0010CC10 | FoamContainer03 | 0.1 | 10 | SetDressing\Coffeetogo\FoamContainer03.nif |
Neuroamp Mod | 0x0010DFDE | Neuroamp_Mod_Box | 0.5 | 655 | SetDressing\Neuroamp_Prototype\Neuroamp_Mod_Box.nif |
Weight Plate | 0x0010E68E | Weight_Plate01 | 20 | 140 | Items\Weight_Plate01.nif |
Bulk Tranquilitea Chamomile | 0x0010FA05 | Tea_Container_Chamomile01 | 0.35 | 140 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\Tea_Containers\Tea_Container_Chamomile01.nif |
Tranquilitea Lotus Pack | 0x00110F93 | Tea_Pack_Lotus_Blossom01 | 0.1 | 55 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\Tea_Pack\Lotus_Blossom_Tea.nif |
Samson’s Art | 0x00111EA8 | City_newatlantis_z_theartcollector_artwork | 2 | 655 | SetDressing\Contraband\CB_BlackMarketAntiquities.nif |
Toilet Paper | 0x00115977 | ToiletPaperRoll01 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Bathrooms\BathModToiletPaperRoll02.nif |
Champagne Glass | 0x00116F44 | Bar_ChampagneGlass01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_ChampagneGlass01.nif |
Overseer Program | 0x0011C0EC | RI07_OverseerProgram | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Project Dominion | 0x0011C11B | RI03_DataSlate_ProjectDominion | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Untraceable Storage Slate | 0x0011C12B | RI03_DataSlate_Empty | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Prototype Equipment | 0x0011D576 | Prototype_Tech_03 | 1 | 365 | SetDressing\Prototype_Tech\Prototype_Tech_03.nif |
Prototype Equipment | 0x0011D577 | Prototype_Tech_02 | 1 | 365 | SetDressing\Prototype_Tech\Prototype_Tech_02.nif |
Prototype Equipment | 0x0011D578 | Prototype_Tech_01 | 1 | 365 | SetDressing\Prototype_Tech\Prototype_Tech_01.nif |
Pack of Cigarettes | 0x0011EDD1 | ContemporaryCigarettesPack01 | 0.1 | 280 | SetDressing\contemporarycigarettespack\ContemporaryCigarettesPack01.nif |
Pack of Smokes | 0x0011EE56 | ContemporaryCigarettesPack02 | 0.1 | 280 | SetDressing\contemporarycigarettespack\ContemporaryCigarettesPack02.nif |
Bulk Tranquilitea Lemon | 0x00120D33 | Tea_Container_Lemon01 | 0.35 | 140 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\Tea_Containers\Tea_Container_Lemon01.nif |
Quark-Degenerate Tissues | 0x00122EB8 | OrgLegQuarkDegenerateTissue | 0.3 | 240 | SetDressing\CreatureParts\guts.nif |
Theodolite | 0x0012A05C | Theodolite01 | 3.5 | 280 | SetDressing\Theodolite\Theodolite01.nif |
Spyglass | 0x0012A05D | TelescopeHandheld01 | 1 | 240 | SetDressing\Lodge\TelescopeHandeheld01.nif |
Spyglass Case | 0x0012A05E | TelescopeHandheldCase01 | 0.5 | 75 | SetDressing\Lodge\TelescopeHandeheldCase01.nif |
Sundial | 0x0012A060 | Sundial01 | 2 | 195 | SetDressing\Lodge\Sundial01.nif |
Antique Submarine Clock | 0x0012A061 | SubmarineClock01 | 3 | 655 | SetDressing\Lodge\SubmarineClock01.nif |
Sextant | 0x0012A062 | Sextant01 | 3.5 | 320 | SetDressing\Lodge\Sextant01.nif |
Traditional Microscope | 0x0012A063 | Microscope01 | 2.85 | 240 | SetDressing\Lodge\Microscope01.nif |
Fancy Compass | 0x0012A064 | EquinocialDial01 | 1 | 140 | SetDressing\Lodge\EquinocialDial01.nif |
Nautical Compass | 0x0012A065 | CompassYacht01 | 1 | 155 | SetDressing\Lodge\CompassYacht01.nif |
Mariner's Compass | 0x0012A066 | CompassMariners01 | 1 | 140 | SetDressing\Lodge\CompassMariners01.nif |
Binoculars | 0x0012A067 | Binoculars01 | 1 | 105 | SetDressing\Lodge\Binoculars01.nif |
Pamphlet Holder | 0x0012AA78 | PamphletHolder01 | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\PamphletHolder\PamphletHolder01.nif |
Bell | 0x0012AA79 | CallBell01 | 0.05 | 12 | SetDressing\CallBell\CallBell01.nif |
Funky Sphere Sculpture | 0x0012AB65 | Exotic_LightFixture01 | 1 | 240 | SetDressing\Exotic_LightFixture\Exotic_LightFixture01.nif |
E-Pipe | 0x0012B4F7 | Exotic_E-Pipe02 | 0.1 | 75 | SetDressing\Exotic_E-Pipes\Exotic_E-Pipe02.nif |
E-Pipe | 0x0012B4F8 | Exotic_E-Pipe01 | 0.1 | 75 | SetDressing\Exotic_E-Pipes\Exotic_E-Pipe01.nif |
Triangular Organizer | 0x0012B4F9 | Exotic_TriangularOrganizer01 | 0.3 | 12 | SetDressing\PortableLightFixture01\PortableLightFixture01.nif |
Stylized Desk Fan | 0x0012B4FA | Exotic_DeskFan01 | 2 | 195 | SetDressing\Exotic_DeskFan01\Exotic_DeskFan01.nif |
Playing Card - Jack of Hearts | 0x0012C68E | ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_J | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCard_Heart_J.nif |
Deck of Cards | 0x0012C68F | ExoticPlayingCardBox01 | 0.52 | 155 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticPlayingCardBox01.nif |
Space Rock Display | 0x0012C6CD | ExoticSpaceRockDisplay01 | 2 | 655 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_ExoticSpaceRockDisplay01.nif |
Double Bone Horn | 0x0012C6CF | ExoticBoneInstrument01 | 1.75 | 280 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\ExoticBoneInstrument01.nif |
Desktop Digiframe | 0x0012C9F0 | DigitalPictureFrame01_Cycle_Images01 | 0.4 | 195 | SetDressing\Exotics\Digitalpictureframe\DigitalPictureFrame01.nif |
Pen | 0x0012D060 | Digitalnotetabletpen01 | 0.01 | 12 | SetDressing\Exotics\Digitalnotetablet\Digitalnotetabletpen01.nif |
Tablet | 0x0012D062 | Digitalnotetablet01 | 0.25 | 140 | SetDressing\Exotics\Digitalnotetablet\Digitalnotetablet01.nif |
Ornate Startar | 0x0012D93E | Exotic_Antique_MusicInst01 | 4 | 2455 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_Antique_MusicInst01.nif |
Wooden Face Sculpture | 0x0012D940 | Exotic_MaskB | 2.35 | 240 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Exotic_MaskB.nif |
Gold Pyramid Sculpture | 0x0012D94A | Exotic_Pyramid_Sculpture01 | 1.5 | 280 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Exotic_Pyramid_Sculpture01.nif |
Scroll Holder | 0x0012D94C | Exotic_Scroll_Holder01 | 2.45 | 240 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_Scroll_Holder01.nif |
Plushie Parsecpooch | 0x0012DFFC | Toyplushie_Dog01 | 0.5 | 35 | SetDressing\Exotics\Toyplushies\Toyplushie_Dog01.nif |
Plushie Galacticat | 0x0012DFFD | Toyplushie_Cat01 | 0.5 | 35 | SetDressing\Exotics\Toyplushies\Toyplushie_Cat01.nif |
Desktop Speakers | 0x0012E1A9 | Exotic_SpeakerSystem01 | 1.6 | 240 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_SpeakerSystem01.nif |
Hourglass | 0x0012E1AD | Exotic_HourGlass01 | 1.2 | 105 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_HourGlass01.nif |
Personal Groomer | 0x0012E1AF | Exotic_PersonalGroomer01 | 0.2 | 105 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_PersonalGroomer01.nif |
Street Java Coffee Cup | 0x0012E1B1 | Exotic_Neon_CoffeeCup01 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_Neon_CoffeeCup01.nif |
Old Earth Flip Lighter | 0x0012E5A4 | Exotic_Antique_Lighter01 | 0.1 | 655 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_Antique_Lighter01.nif |
Levitating Desk Planet | 0x0012E983 | Exotic_MagnetPlanet01 | 2.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Exotics\Desktoy\Desktoy_MagnetPlanet01.nif |
Desktop Sundial | 0x0012F0F8 | Exotic_SunDial | 0.65 | 140 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_SunDial.nif |
Decorative Pendulum | 0x0012F0FA | Exotic_Decorative_Pendulum | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Exotic_Decorative_Pendulum.nif |
Art Deco Sun Sculpture | 0x0012F0FC | Exotic_ClassicSunDial | 2.5 | 655 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_ClassicSunDial.nif |
Planetary System Sculpture | 0x0012F0FE | Exotic_SystemMiniature | 2.2 | 240 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Exotic_SystemMiniature.nif |
Desktop Mask Decoration | 0x0012F100 | Exotic_Mask | 2.35 | 240 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_Mask.nif |
Quick Boil Coffee Brewer | 0x0012F103 | Exotic_Coffee_Kettle | 2 | 240 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_Coffee_Kettle.nif |
Coffee Glass | 0x0012F104 | Exotic_Coffee_Glass | 0.1 | 140 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_Coffee_Glass.nif |
Exotic Bottle | 0x0012F106 | Exotic_bottle_01 | 0.2 | 655 | SetDressing\Exotic_Clutter\Exotic_bottle_01.nif |
Foam Cup | 0x00133365 | FoamCup02 | 0.01 | 5 | SetDressing\Coffeetogo\FoamCup02.nif |
Synthefoam Container | 0x00133366 | FoamContainer02 | 0.1 | 10 | SetDressing\Coffeetogo\FoamContainer02.nif |
Food Tray | 0x00133367 | FoamContainer01 | 0.1 | 10 | SetDressing\Coffeetogo\FoamContainer01.nif |
Note Pads | 0x00133D11 | Office_NotePad_Stack02 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_NotePad_Stack02.nif |
Note Pads | 0x00133D12 | Office_NotePad_Stack01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_NotePad_Stack01.nif |
Note Pads | 0x00133D13 | Office_NotePadLrg_Stack02 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_NotePadLrg_Stack02.nif |
Note Pads | 0x00133D14 | Office_NotePadLrg_Stack01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_NotePadLrg_Stack01.nif |
Mr. Sood's Package | 0x001344D8 | Hope01SoodPackage | 10 | 2455 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Decorativeboxes\DecorativeBox05.nif |
Tranquilitea Lemon Pack | 0x001346D9 | Tea_Pack_Lemon01 | 0.1 | 55 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\Tea_Pack\Lemon_Tea.nif |
Wooden Puzzle Box | 0x00134BB9 | Puzzlebox01 | 0.2 | 55 | SetDressing\Puzzlebox\Puzzlebox01.nif |
Jam Jar | 0x00136DBE | Neon_Jam_Jar_Medium | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Neon_Jam_Jar\Neon_Jam_Jar_Medium.nif |
Small Jam Jar | 0x00136DBF | Neon_Jam_Jar_Small | 0.1 | 5 | SetDressing\Neon_Jam_Jar\Neon_Jam_Jar_Small.nif |
Moonshine Thermometer | 0x0013704C | Bootleg_Moonshine_Thermometer01 | 0.1 | 105 | SetDressing\MoonShine\Bootleg_Moonshine_Thermometer01.nif |
Moonshine Pot Lid | 0x0013704D | Bootleg_Moonshine_Pot01_Lid01 | 0.3 | 5 | SetDressing\MoonShine\Bootleg_Moonshine_Pot01_Lid01.nif |
Moonshine Pot | 0x0013704E | Bootleg_Moonshine_Pot01 | 0.4 | 10 | SetDressing\MoonShine\Bootleg_Moonshine_Pot01.nif |
Liquor Jug | 0x00137050 | Bootleg_Moonshine_Container03 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\MoonShine\Bootleg_Moonshine_Container03.nif |
Small Moonshine Jug | 0x00137051 | Bootleg_Moonshine_Container02 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\MoonShine\Bootleg_Moonshine_Container02.nif |
Large Moonshine Jug | 0x00137052 | Bootleg_Moonshine_Container01 | 0.35 | 10 | SetDressing\MoonShine\Bootleg_Moonshine_Container01.nif |
Bowl | 0x00138F2F | Bar_Bowl02 | 0.2 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Bowl02.nif |
Ancient Branch | 0x00139E6B | AncientBranch01 | 1 | 655 | Landscape\Trees\TreeMesa\AncientBranch01.nif |
Chasmbass Oil | 0x0013BD9C | ChasmbassOil | 0.2 | 350 | Items\Alien_Gastronomic_Delight\OrgUniqueNeurologic.nif |
Bar Spoon | 0x0013F2FB | Bar_Spoon03 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Spoon03.nif |
Bar Spoon | 0x0013F2FC | Bar_Spoon02 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Spoon02.nif |
Bar Spoon | 0x0013F2FD | Bar_Spoon01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Spoon01.nif |
Bottle Opener | 0x0013F2FE | Bar_BottleOpener01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_BottleOpener01.nif |
Cocktail Muddler | 0x0013F2FF | Bar_Muddler01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Muddler01.nif |
Jigger | 0x0013F300 | Bar_Jigger03 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Jigger03.nif |
Jigger | 0x0013F301 | Bar_Jigger02 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Jigger02.nif |
Jigger | 0x0013F302 | Bar_Jigger01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Jigger01.nif |
Cocktail Shaker Lid | 0x0013F303 | Bar_Shaker01C | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Shaker01C.nif |
Cocktail Shaker Strainer | 0x0013F304 | Bar_Shaker01B | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Shaker01B.nif |
Cocktail Shaker | 0x0013F305 | Bar_Shaker01A | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Shaker01A.nif |
Sealed Cocktail Shaker | 0x0013F306 | Bar_Shaker01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Shaker01.nif |
Cocktail Strainer | 0x0013F307 | Bar_strainer01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_strainer01.nif |
Corkscrew | 0x0013F74D | Bar_Corkscrew01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\BarItems\Bar_Corkscrew01.nif |
Sand Garden Tool | 0x001401D8 | Desktop_SandGarden_Tool01 | 0.1 | 12 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_SandGarden_Tool01.nif |
Origami Sculpture | 0x001401DD | Desktop_Origami01 | 1.8 | 240 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_Origami01.nif |
Desktop Soil Bowl | 0x001401DF | Desktop_SoilBowl01 | 2 | 140 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_SoilBowl01.nif |
Newton's Cradle | 0x001401E1 | Desktop_SwingToy01 | 0.45 | 55 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Desktop_SwingToy01.nif |
Pencil Case | 0x001401EC | Desktop_PencilCase01 | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_PencilCase01.nif |
My Friend Wilby | 0x001401EE | Desktop_CuteToy01 | 0.4 | 35 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_CuteToy01.nif |
Incense Burner | 0x001401F3 | Desktop_IncenseBurner01 | 1.6 | 75 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_IncenseBurner01.nif |
Document Tray | 0x001401F5 | Desktop_PaperTrayEmpty01 | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_PaperTrayEmpty01.nif |
Desktop Paper Tray | 0x001401F7 | Desktop_PaperTray01 | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_PaperTray01.nif |
Old Earth Baseball | 0x001401F9 | Desktop_SportsStand01 | 0.2 | 655 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_SportsStand01.nif |
Humidifier | 0x001401FB | Desktop_Humidifier01 | 1.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_Humidifier01.nif |
Personal Digiframe | 0x00140202 | Desktop_PhotoFrame01 | 0.4 | 195 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_EInkPhotoFrame01.nif |
Desktop Sand Garden | 0x0014020A | Desktop_SandGarden01 | 0.45 | 55 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_SandGarden01.nif |
Soil Box | 0x0014020C | Desktop_HomeSoilBox01 | 1.75 | 195 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_HomeSoilBox01.nif |
Sand Pendulum | 0x0014020E | Desktop_SandScratcher01 | 0.1 | 10 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Desktop_SandScratcher01.nif |
Exotic Wood Decoration | 0x00140210 | Desktop_ExoticWood01 | 5 | 655 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_ExoticWood01.nif |
Desktop Geode Sculpture | 0x00140212 | Desktop_Geode01 | 2.5 | 655 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_Geode01.nif |
Desktop Fish Bowl | 0x00140215 | Desktop_Fishbowl01 | 2 | 140 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_Fishbowl01.nif |
Desktop Sphere Toy | 0x00140217 | Desktop_BallToy01 | 0.1 | 13 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_BallToy01.nif |
Desktop Globe Sculpture | 0x00140219 | Desktop_PlanetGlobe01 | 2 | 240 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Desktop_PlanetGlobe01.nif |
Cube | 0x0014021B | Desktop_CubeToy01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_CubeToy01.nif |
Lamp Planter | 0x0014021D | Desktop_HerbLamp01 | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_HerbLamp01.nif |
Sand Sculpture | 0x0014021F | Desktop_SandDisk01 | 1 | 155 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_SandDisk01.nif |
Microfloater Terrarium | 0x00140220 | Desktop_Terrarium01 | 2.5 | 195 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_Terrarium01.nif |
Eggmund Desk Assistant | 0x0014022D | Desktop_Speaker01 | 1.65 | 195 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_Speaker01.nif |
Alexis' Coffee | 0x00140985 | RI01_AlexisCoffee | 0.25 | 0 | SetDressing\CoffeeToGo\CoffeeToGoCupFull01.nif |
Linden's Coffee | 0x00140986 | RI01_LindenCoffee | 0.25 | 0 | SetDressing\CoffeeToGo\CoffeeToGoCupFull01.nif |
Genevieve's Coffee | 0x00140987 | RI01_GenevieveCoffee | 0.25 | 0 | SetDressing\CoffeeToGo\CoffeeToGoCupFull01.nif |
Imogene's Coffee | 0x00140988 | RI01_ImogeneCoffee | 0.25 | 0 | SetDressing\CoffeeToGo\CoffeeToGoCupFull01.nif |
Camden's Coffee | 0x00140989 | RI01_CamdenCoffee | 0.25 | 0 | SetDressing\CoffeeToGo\CoffeeToGoCupFull01.nif |
Ryujin Internal Neuroamp | 0x001434EB | Neuroamp_Ryujin01 | 0.5 | 655 | SetDressing\Neuroamps\Neuroamp_Ryujin01.nif |
Internal Neuroamp Prototype | 0x001434EC | Neuroamp_Infinity01 | 0.5 | 655 | SetDressing\Neuroamps\Neuroamp_Infinity01.nif |
Display Projector | 0x0014486A | DisplayProjector01 | 4 | 240 | SetDressing\graffitiemitters\GraffitiEmitters01.nif |
Yellow Plant Vase | 0x0014B8F5 | VaseTableLG01_Yellow01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG01.nif |
Mustard Plant Vase | 0x0014B8F6 | VaseTableLG01_Orange01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG01.nif |
Green Plant Vase | 0x0014B8F7 | VaseTableLG01_Green01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG01.nif |
Blue Plant Vase | 0x0014B8F8 | VaseTableLG01_Blue01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG01.nif |
Yellow Xenoflower Vase | 0x0014B8F9 | VaseTableLG02_Yellow01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG02.nif |
Mustard Xenoflower Vase | 0x0014B8FA | VaseTableLG02_Orange01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG02.nif |
Green Xenoflower Vase | 0x0014B8FB | VaseTableLG02_Green01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG02.nif |
Blue Xenoflower Vase | 0x0014B8FC | VaseTableLG02_Blue01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG02.nif |
Yellow Fluted Vase | 0x0014B8FD | VaseTableLG03_Yellow01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG03.nif |
Mustard Fluted Vase | 0x0014B8FE | VaseTableLG03_Orange01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG03.nif |
Green Fluted Vase | 0x0014B8FF | VaseTableLG03_Green01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG03.nif |
Blue Fluted Vase | 0x0014B900 | VaseTableLG03_Blue01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG03.nif |
Yellow Olpe Vase | 0x0014B901 | VaseTableMed01_Yellow01 | 1.6 | 90 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableMed01.nif |
Mustard Olpe Vase | 0x0014B902 | VaseTableMed01_Orange01 | 1.6 | 90 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableMed01.nif |
Green Olpe Vase | 0x0014B903 | VaseTableMed01_Green01 | 1.6 | 90 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableMed01.nif |
Blue Olpe Vase | 0x0014B904 | VaseTableMed01_Blue01 | 1.6 | 90 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableMed01.nif |
Yellow Microvase | 0x0014B906 | VaseTableSM01_Yellow01 | 0.8 | 75 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableSM01.nif |
Mustard Microvase | 0x0014B908 | VaseTableSM01_Orange01 | 0.8 | 75 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableSM01.nif |
Green Microvase | 0x0014B910 | VaseTableSM01_Green01 | 0.8 | 75 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableSM01.nif |
Blue Microvase | 0x0014B911 | VaseTableSM01_Blue01 | 0.8 | 75 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableSM01.nif |
Right Slipper | 0x0014B93D | Slipper_B_R01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Apparel\SlipperR02.nif |
Left Slipper | 0x0014B93E | Slipper_B_L01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Apparel\SlipperL02.nif |
Stylized Desk Fan | 0x0015148A | Exotic_DeskFan01On | 0.1 | 195 | SetDressing\Exotic_DeskFan01\Exotic_DeskFan01On.nif |
Empty Priority Package | 0x00153DA4 | UC_GG_Connection_Package | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\InfinityLTDContainer\containerinfinityltd01.nif |
General Supply Crate | 0x00155678 | ResearchUI_Supplies_Generic_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Xenowarfare Tech | 0x0015567C | Contraband_XenowarfareTech | 2.5 | 1790 | SetDressing\Contraband\CB_XenowarfareTech.nif |
Va'ruun Heretic Writings | 0x0015567D | Contraband_VaRuunHereticPamphlets | 2 | 8190 | SetDressing\Contraband\CB_VaRuunHereticPamphlets.nif |
Harvested Organs | 0x0015567E | Contraband_UnethicallyHarvestedOrgans | 3 | 13500 | SetDressing\Contraband\CB_UnethicallyHarvestedOrgans.nif |
Stolen Artwork | 0x0015567F | Contraband_StolenArtwork | 3 | 15600 | SetDressing\Contraband\CB_StolenArtwork.nif |
Sentient AI Adapters | 0x00155680 | Contraband_SentientAIAdapters | 2.5 | 14840 | SetDressing\Contraband\CB_SentientAIAdapters.nif |
Mech Components | 0x00155681 | Contraband_MechComponents | 3.8 | 12290 | SetDressing\Contraband\CB_MechComponents.nif |
Black Market Antiquities | 0x00155682 | Contraband_BlackMarketAntiquities | 3.5 | 11260 | SetDressing\Contraband\CB_BlackMarketAntiquities.nif |
Tranquilitea Earl Grey Pack | 0x001557F5 | Tea_Pack_Earl01 | 0.1 | 55 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\Tea_Pack\Earl_Grey_Tea.nif |
Tranquilitea Dynastic Pack | 0x001557FD | Tea_Pack_Dynastic01 | 0.1 | 55 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\Tea_Pack\Dynastic_Blend_Tea.nif |
Deployment Deck | 0x00155985 | Deployment_Deck_01 | 2 | 320 | SetDressing\Deployment_Deck\Deployment_Deck_01.nif |
Burkina Faso Bobo Mask | 0x0015C44A | MQ202_HistoricalMask_BoboBurkinaFaso | 2.5 | 3110 | SetDressing\HistoricalMask_BoboBurkinaFaso\HistoricalMask_BoboBurkinaFaso.nif |
Tea Pot | 0x0015C504 | RyujinTower_TeaSets_pot | 1 | 155 | SetDressing\Neon\RyujinTower_TeaSets_pot.nif |
Tea Cup | 0x0015C505 | RyujinTower_TeaSets_cup | 0.1 | 140 | SetDressing\Neon\RyujinTower_TeaSets_cup.nif |
Steel Cup | 0x0015FD72 | AK_Cup_Metal_02 | 0.2 | 8 | SetDressing\MiscItems\AK_Cup_Metal_02.nif |
Canteen | 0x0015FD74 | AK_Bottle_Metal_01 | 0.3 | 12 | SetDressing\MiscItems\AK_Bottle_Metal_01.nif |
Steel Bottle | 0x0015FD76 | AK_Bottle_Metal_02 | 0.3 | 12 | SetDressing\MiscItems\AK_Bottle_Metal_02.nif |
Sports Bottle | 0x0015FD79 | AK_Bottle_Plastic_01 | 0.2 | 8 | SetDressing\MiscItems\AK_Bottle_Plastic_01.nif |
Lamp | 0x00160E9F | AmbiantLampDesk01Off01 | 1.25 | 240 | SetDressing\AmbiantLampDesk01\AmbiantLampDesk01Off01.nif |
Lamp | 0x00160EA0 | AmbiantLampDesk01On01 | 1.25 | 240 | SetDressing\AmbiantLampDesk01\AmbiantLampDesk01On01.nif |
Case T-18: Terrormorphs | 0x00162A08 | ArmisticeDataObject_01 | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\ArmisticeDataObject\ArmisticeDataObject_01.nif |
Varuun Biometric Key | 0x00162A1C | Biometric_Key_Varuun01 | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Armistice_BiometricKeys\Biometric_Key_Varuun01.nif |
Freestar Biometric Key | 0x00162A1D | Biometric_Key_FreeStar01 | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Armistice_BiometricKeys\Biometric_Key_FreeStar01.nif |
Derelict Ship Flight Data | 0x0016B4D3 | SE_GenericDerelict_BlackBox | 0 | 655 | items/dataslate\dataslate01.nif |
Va'ruun Archival Code | 0x0016D4C6 | UC05_ArmisticeCode_Varuun | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Armistice_DataNCode\Armistice_Code_03.nif |
UC Archival Code | 0x0016D4C8 | UC05_ArmisticeCode_UC | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Armistice_DataNCode\Armistice_Code_02.nif |
Freestar Archival Code | 0x0016D4C9 | UC05_ArmisticeCode_Freestar | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Armistice_DataNCode\Armistice_Code_01.nif |
Barrett's Commitment Gift | 0x0017159D | CommitmentGift_Barrett_MiscObj | 0.25 | 1540 | SetDressing\CommitmentGiftfor_Barrett\CommitmentGift_Barrett_Static01.nif |
Ping Pong Ball | 0x00178DAA | PingPongBall02 | 0.05 | 5 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PingPongBall02.nif |
Yellow Ping Pong Paddle | 0x00178DAB | PingPongPaddle02 | 0.15 | 5 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PingPongPaddle02.nif |
Smiling Ping Pong Ball | 0x00179537 | PingPongBall03_UniqueSmiling_NOCLUTTER | 0.05 | 5 | setdressing/pingpongtable\PingPongBall03_UniqueSmiling_NOCLUTTER.nif |
Party Cup | 0x00179958 | Plastic_Cup01 | 0.01 | 5 | SetDressing\Resort\Plasticcup\Plastic_Cup01.nif |
Party Cup | 0x0017995E | Plastic_Cup02 | 0.01 | 5 | SetDressing\Resort\Plasticcup\Plastic_Cup02.nif |
My Friend Wilby | 0x0017AF77 | Desktop_CuteToy01b | 0.4 | 35 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_CuteToy01.nif |
My Friend Wilby | 0x0017AF7C | Desktop_CuteToy01c | 0.4 | 35 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_CuteToy01.nif |
My Friend Wilby | 0x0017AF7E | Desktop_CuteToy01d | 0.4 | 35 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_CuteToy01.nif |
Sarah's Commitment Gift | 0x0017C04C | CommitmentGift_SarahMorgan_MiscObj | 0.25 | 1540 | SetDressing\Displaycase\SMCommitmentBox\SMCommitmentBox01Static.nif |
Sam's Commitment Gift | 0x0017C04D | CommitmentGift_SamCoe_MiscObj | 0.25 | 1540 | setdressing/freestarrangebadge\freestarrangebadgecase_gold.nif |
Triple Grip Dumbbell | 0x00182C5F | Triple_Grip_Dumbell | 12.5 | 140 | Items\Triple_Grip_Dumbell.nif |
Metal Plate | 0x00185A5E | Metal_Plate01 | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Metal_Plate\Metal_Plate.nif |
Vial | 0x001863C0 | ScienceGlass_Vial03Closed01Full04 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial03Closed01Full04.nif |
Scientific Sample | 0x001863C1 | ScienceGlass_Vial03Closed01Full03 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial03Closed01Full03.nif |
Vial | 0x001863C2 | ScienceGlass_Vial03Closed01Full02 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial03Closed01Full02.nif |
Recruitment Materials | 0x001876AF | UC_GG_Marines_RecruitmentMaterials | 2 | 625 | SetDressing\Container\GenericBin_02.nif |
Tranquilitea Chamomile Pack | 0x00188248 | Tea_Pack_Chamomile01 | 0.1 | 55 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\Tea_Pack\Chamomile_Tea.nif |
Bogdonov's Boutique Liquor (Box Set) | 0x0018A86B | UC_GG_Bet_Liquor | 1 | 1310 | SetDressing\Crates\MerchCrates\Crate_MerchGen_UC_Liquor.nif |
Internal Neuroamp Prototype | 0x0018B5F6 | RI07_Prototype | 0 | 655 | SetDressing\Neuroamps\Neuroamp_Infinity01.nif |
Syringe | 0x00190D40 | Syringes_02 | 0.05 | 15 | SetDressing\Medical\MedicalInstruments\Syringes_02.nif |
Syringe | 0x00190D41 | Syringes_01 | 0.05 | 15 | SetDressing\Medical\MedicalInstruments\Syringes_01.nif |
Swab Container | 0x00190D42 | Swabs01B | 0.1 | 12 | SetDressing\Medical\MedicalInstruments\Swabs01B.nif |
Swabs | 0x00190D43 | Swabs01A | 0.05 | 8 | SetDressing\Medical\MedicalInstruments\Swabs01A.nif |
Scissors | 0x00190D44 | Scissors_03 | 0.05 | 5 | SetDressing\Medical\MedicalInstruments\Scissors_03.nif |
Scissors | 0x00190D45 | Scissors_02 | 0.05 | 5 | SetDressing\Medical\MedicalInstruments\Scissors_02.nif |
Scissors | 0x00190D46 | Scissors_01 | 0.05 | 5 | SetDressing\Medical\MedicalInstruments\Scissors_01.nif |
Scalpel | 0x00190D47 | MedicalScalpel | 0.05 | 19 | SetDressing\Medical\MedicalInstruments\Scalpels.nif |
Retractor | 0x00190D48 | Retractor | 0.15 | 8 | SetDressing\Medical\MedicalInstruments\Retractor.nif |
Lid | 0x00190D4A | KidneyDish03_Lid | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Medical\KidneyDish\KidneyDish03_Lid.nif |
Kidney Dish | 0x00190D4B | KidneyDish03_Base | 0.2 | 15 | SetDressing\Medical\KidneyDish\KidneyDish03_Base.nif |
Lid | 0x00190D4C | KidneyDish02_Lid | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Medical\KidneyDish\KidneyDish02_Lid.nif |
Kidney Dish | 0x00190D4D | KidneyDish02_Base | 0.2 | 15 | SetDressing\Medical\KidneyDish\KidneyDish02_Base.nif |
Lid | 0x00190D4E | KidneyDish01_Lid | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Medical\KidneyDish\KidneyDish01_Lid.nif |
Kidney Dish | 0x00190D4F | KidneyDish01_Base | 0.15 | 15 | SetDressing\Medical\KidneyDish\KidneyDish01_Base.nif |
Surgical Bowl | 0x00190D51 | SurgicalBowl01 | 0.15 | 55 | SetDressing\SurgicalBowl\SurgicalBowl01.nif |
Surgical Bowl | 0x00190D52 | SurgicalBowl02 | 0.15 | 55 | SetDressing\SurgicalBowl\SurgicalBowl02.nif |
Game Piece - Shadowqueen | 0x00191226 | GameBoard_MatGamePiece02 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\boardgames\GameBoard_MatGamePiece02.nif |
Symbol Game Mat | 0x0019122C | GameBoard_Mat01 | 0.3 | 75 | SetDressing\boardgames\GameBoard_Mat01.nif |
Game Piece - Snowlord | 0x0019122D | GameBoard_MatGamePiece01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\boardgames\GameBoard_MatGamePiece01.nif |
Red-Flighted Dart | 0x00191232 | Dart03 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Dartboard\Dart03.nif |
Yellow-Flighted Dart | 0x00191234 | Dart02 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Dartboard\Dart02.nif |
Blue-Flighted Dart | 0x00191235 | Dart01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Dartboard\Dart01.nif |
Antique Earth Computer | 0x00198EA1 | MS06_Antique_OldPC | 12.5 | 6250 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\oldpc\OldPC01_Havok.nif |
Antique Earth Video Tape | 0x00198EA4 | MS06_Antique_Video_Tape01 | 0.45 | 4530 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\VHS_Tape\Antique_VHS_Tape01.nif |
Antique Earth CD Player | 0x00198EAA | MS06_Antique_PortableCDPlayer01 | 0.65 | 5820 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\Portable_CD_Player\Antique_PortableCDPlayer01.nif |
Notebook | 0x0019A689 | Notebook02 | 0.1 | 3 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Notebook02.nif |
Notebook | 0x0019A6A5 | Notebook01 | 0.1 | 3 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Notebook01.nif |
Ping Pong Ball | 0x0019B4D4 | PingPongBall01 | 0.05 | 5 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PingPongBall01.nif |
Red Ping Pong Paddle | 0x0019B4D5 | PingPongPaddle01 | 0.15 | 5 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PingPongPaddle01.nif |
Foam Cup | 0x0019F5DE | FoamCup01 | 0.01 | 5 | SetDressing\Coffeetogo\FoamCup01.nif |
Right Slipper | 0x001A03BE | Slipper_A_R01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Apparel\SlipperR02.nif |
Left Slipper | 0x001A03BF | Slipper_A_L01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Apparel\SlipperL02.nif |
Keoni's Sensor | 0x001A525D | AkilaAshta_Sensor | 1 | 195 | setdressing/seismicsensor\seismicsensor01.nif |
Left Easyslip Shoe | 0x001A7274 | Slipper_Gen_L01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Apparel\SlipperL01.nif |
Right Easyslip Shoe | 0x001A7275 | Slipper_Gen_R01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Apparel\SlipperR01.nif |
Antique Piggy Bank | 0x001AC09E | AntiquePiggyBank | 1.5 | 3000 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\PiggyBank\MS06_PiggyBank01.nif |
Empty Chunks Packaging | 0x001AF661 | FoodDrink_Set_Chunks_Empty | 0.05 | 5 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\FoodChunk\Chunk_Food_Empty_Pack.nif |
Baking Pan | 0x001AF662 | Kitchenware_Baking_Pan | 0.2 | 8 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\Shepherd's_Pie\Baking_Pan.nif |
Crate of Stolen Artwork | 0x001B0680 | MissionCargoType69Contraband | 15 | 78000 | SetDressing\Crates\CrimsonFleetCrates\Crate_CrimsonFleet01.nif |
Crate of Black Market Antiquities | 0x001B0681 | MissionCargoType68Contraband | 14 | 45040 | SetDressing\Crates\CrimsonFleetCrates\Crate_CrimsonFleet01.nif |
Crate of Sentient AI Adapters | 0x001B0682 | MissionCargoType67Contraband | 13 | 74200 | SetDressing\Crates\CrimsonFleetCrates\Crate_CrimsonFleet01.nif |
Crate of Xenowarfare Tech | 0x001B170A | MissionCargoType66Contraband | 13 | 80550 | SetDressing\Crates\CrimsonFleetCrates\Crate_CrimsonFleet01.nif |
Crate of Harvested Organs | 0x001B170B | MissionCargoType65Contraband | 15 | 67500 | SetDressing\Crates\CrimsonFleetCrates\Crate_CrimsonFleet01.nif |
Crate of Va'ruun Heretic Writings | 0x001B170C | MissionCargoType64Contraband | 16 | 65520 | SetDressing\Crates\CrimsonFleetCrates\Crate_CrimsonFleet01.nif |
Crate of Mech Components | 0x001B170D | MissionCargoType63Contraband | 19 | 61450 | SetDressing\Crates\CrimsonFleetCrates\Crate_CrimsonFleet01.nif |
Crate of Aurora | 0x001B1DCD | MissionCargoType62Contraband | 8 | 60800 | SetDressing\Crates\CrimsonFleetCrates\Crate_CrimsonFleet01.nif |
Medical Supplies | 0x001B6159 | FFKeyZ02_MedicalSupplies | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Medical01.nif |
Note Pad | 0x001BAF89 | Office_NotePadLrg01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_NotePadLrg01.nif |
Soccer Ball Display | 0x001C0E9B | SoccerBallDisplay01 | 1 | 240 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\SportsMemorabilia\SoccerBallDisplay01 .nif |
Vase | 0x001C34C6 | VaseShelf_Sm02 | 0.8 | 75 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseShelf_Sm02.nif |
Lost Slate | 0x001C68F3 | FFParadisoZ02_Slate | 0 | 0 | items/dataslate\dataslate01.nif |
Lost Room Keycard | 0x001C68F4 | FFParadisoZ02_RoomKey | 0 | 0 | setdressing/keycards\keycardgen01.nif |
Lost Wedding Ring | 0x001C68F5 | FFParadisoZ02_WeddingRing | 0 | 0 | setdressing/jewelry\ring_two_stone.nif |
Lost Thermos | 0x001C68F6 | FFParadisoZ02_Thermos | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Thermos\Thermos01.nif |
Air Purifier Parts | 0x001C761E | FFParadisoZ01_Parts | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\crates\genericcrates\crategeneric_a01.nif |
Updated Overseer Program | 0x001D8FED | RI07_UpdatedOverseerProgram | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Brochure | 0x001DFC9F | SirenoftheStars_Pamphlet01 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\PamphletHolder\Sirenofthestars_Pamphlet01.nif |
Brochure | 0x001DFCA0 | Sirenofthestars_Pamphlet06 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\PamphletHolder\Sirenofthestars_Pamphlet06.nif |
Brochure | 0x001DFCA1 | Sirenofthestars_Pamphlet05 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\PamphletHolder\Sirenofthestars_Pamphlet05.nif |
Brochure | 0x001DFCA2 | Sirenofthestars_Pamphlet04 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\PamphletHolder\Sirenofthestars_Pamphlet04.nif |
Brochure | 0x001DFCA4 | SirenoftheStars_Pamphlet02 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\PamphletHolder\Sirenofthestars_Pamphlet02.nif |
Brochure | 0x001DFCA7 | Sirenofthestars_Pamphlet03 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\PamphletHolder\Sirenofthestars_Pamphlet03.nif |
Marker | 0x001E61D4 | Office_Whiteboardmarker02_Red | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\Whiteboardmarker\Office_Whiteboardmarker02_Red.nif |
Marker | 0x001E61D5 | Office_Whiteboardmarker02_Green | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\Whiteboardmarker\Office_Whiteboardmarker02_Green.nif |
Marker | 0x001E61D6 | Office_Whiteboardmarker02_Blue | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\Whiteboardmarker\Office_Whiteboardmarker02_Blue.nif |
Marker | 0x001E61D7 | Office_Whiteboardmarker02_Black | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\Whiteboardmarker\Office_Whiteboardmarker02_Black.nif |
Marker | 0x001E61D8 | Office_Whiteboardmarker01_Red | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\Whiteboardmarker\Office_Whiteboardmarker01_Red.nif |
Marker | 0x001E61D9 | Office_Whiteboardmarker01_Green | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\Whiteboardmarker\Office_Whiteboardmarker01_Green.nif |
Marker | 0x001E61DA | Office_Whiteboardmarker01_Blue | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\Whiteboardmarker\Office_Whiteboardmarker01_Blue.nif |
Marker | 0x001E61DB | Office_Whiteboardmarker01_Black | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\Whiteboardmarker\Office_Whiteboardmarker01_Black.nif |
UC Security Keycard | 0x001E70FA | UC_Security_Keycard_Misc | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Keycards\KeycardGen01.nif |
Vae Victis Poster | 0x001E78FB | FFDenR01_PosterMiscItem | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\posters\VaeVictisPoster01.nif |
Cell Sample | 0x001E79B0 | UCR04_SpecimenSample | 0.1 | 0 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial02Closed01Full01.nif |
Aurora Stash | 0x001EA1F1 | FC05_AuroraStash | 0 | 2455 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseFloorLG01.nif |
Note Pad | 0x001EB3B3 | Office_NotePad03 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_NotePad03.nif |
Note Pad | 0x001EB3B4 | Office_NotePad02 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_NotePad02.nif |
Note Pad | 0x001EB3B5 | Office_NotePad01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_NotePad01.nif |
Folder | 0x001EB3B6 | Office_Folder02 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_Folder02.nif |
Folder | 0x001EB3B7 | Office_Folder01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\NotepadsNotebooks\Office_Folder01.nif |
Pen | 0x001EB44A | Office_Pen02 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Pen\Office_Pen02.nif |
Pen | 0x001EB44B | Office_Pen01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Pen\Office_Pen01.nif |
Robotics Part | 0x001EB5F5 | RobotMachinePart01 | 1.25 | 365 | Items\RobotMachineParts\RobotMachinePart01.nif |
Maddie's Ring | 0x001EC311 | FFKeyZ01_MadeleineLaRuesRing | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Jewelry\MadeleineLaRues_HornedRing.nif |
Fire Extinguisher | 0x001F003B | TRP_FireExtinguisher01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\FireExtinguisher01.nif |
Paper Airplane | 0x001F115B | PaperAirplane01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\PaperAirplane\PaperAirplane01.nif |
GalBank Data Core | 0x001F2582 | CF_Galbank_DataCore_Active | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Datacore\DataCore_Active.nif |
GalBank Data Core | 0x001F2583 | CF_Galbank_DataCore_Inactive | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Datacore\DataCore_Active.nif |
Alien Trilobyte Display | 0x001F2ACA | Deco_Display03c_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display03c_Table.nif |
Encased Alien Trilobyte | 0x001F2ACB | Deco_Display03b_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display03b_Table.nif |
Empty Stadium Display | 0x001F2ACF | Deco_Display03a_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display03a_Table.nif |
Nosegrub Paperweight | 0x001F2AD2 | Deco_Display02e_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display02e_Table.nif |
Eargrub Paperweight | 0x001F2AD3 | Deco_Display02d_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display02d_Table.nif |
Insectoid Paperweight | 0x001F2AD6 | Deco_Display02c_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display02c_Table.nif |
Alien Bug Paperweight | 0x001F2AD8 | Deco_Display02b_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display02b_Table.nif |
Empty Half-Globe Display | 0x001F2ADC | Deco_Display02a_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display02a_Table.nif |
Eargrub Display | 0x001F2ADF | Deco_Display01d_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display01d_Table.nif |
Nosegrub Display | 0x001F2AE0 | Deco_Display01e_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display01e_Table.nif |
Alien Tick Display | 0x001F2AE3 | Deco_Display01c_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display01c_Table.nif |
Alien Critter Display | 0x001F2AE7 | Deco_Display01b_Table | 1.5 | 240 | SetDressing\Decoration\Displays\Deco_Display01b_Table.nif |
Empty Desktop Display | 0x001F2AEA | Deco_Display01a_Table | 1.2 | 240 | SetDressing\decoration\displays\Deco_Display01a_Table.nif |
Sculpture | 0x001F2AF0 | Sculpture_Table05 | 3 | 365 | SetDressing\GenericSculptures\Sculpture_Table05.nif |
Sculpture | 0x001F2AF1 | Sculpture_Table04 | 3 | 365 | SetDressing\GenericSculptures\Sculpture_Table04.nif |
Sculpture | 0x001F2AF2 | Sculpture_Table03 | 1 | 365 | SetDressing\GenericSculptures\Sculpture_Table03.nif |
Sculpture | 0x001F2AF3 | Sculpture_Table02 | 3 | 365 | SetDressing\GenericSculptures\Sculpture_Table02.nif |
Sculpture | 0x001F2AF7 | Sculpture_Table01 | 3 | 365 | SetDressing\GenericSculptures\Sculpture_Table01.nif |
Kitchen Tea Steeper | 0x001FA786 | Kitchenware_Teasteeper_Full | 0.05 | 5 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Teasteeper\Kitchenware_Teasteeper_Full.nif |
Encrypted Files | 0x001FAC99 | RI04_EncryptedFiles | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Nyx's Program: Rover | 0x001FB79A | RI04_NyxProgram | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Storage Container | 0x001FBDF3 | Kitchenware_Storagecontainer04 | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Kitchenware_Storagecontainer04.nif |
Container Lid | 0x001FBDF4 | Kitchenware_Storagecontainer03Lid | 0.05 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\StorageContainers\Kitchenware_Storagecontainer03Lid.nif |
Sealed Container | 0x001FBDF5 | Kitchenware_Storagecontainer03b | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\StorageContainers\Kitchenware_Storagecontainer03b.nif |
Opened Container | 0x001FBDF6 | Kitchenware_Storagecontainer03 | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\StorageContainers\Kitchenware_Storagecontainer03.nif |
Empty Planter | 0x001FF6B6 | PottedPlant_Empty | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Empty.nif |
Succulent | 0x001FF6BB | PottedPlant_Succulent_SM04 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_SM04.nif |
Succulent | 0x001FF6BC | PottedPlant_Succulent_SM03 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_SM03.nif |
Succulent | 0x001FF6BD | PottedPlant_Succulent_SM02 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_SM02.nif |
Succulent | 0x001FF6BE | PottedPlant_Succulent_SM01 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_SM01.nif |
Succulent | 0x001FF6C1 | PottedPlant_Succulent_LG05 | 0.4 | 15 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_LG05.nif |
Succulent | 0x001FF6C2 | PottedPlant_Succulent_LG04 | 0.4 | 15 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_LG04.nif |
Succulent | 0x001FF6C4 | PottedPlant_Succulent_LG03 | 0.4 | 15 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_LG03.nif |
Succulent | 0x001FF6C6 | PottedPlant_Succulent_LG02 | 0.4 | 15 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_LG02.nif |
Plunger | 0x001FFC86 | Plunger02 | 1 | 12 | SetDressing\Bathrooms\Plunger\Plunger02.nif |
Plunger | 0x001FFC87 | Plunger01 | 1 | 12 | SetDressing\Bathrooms\Plunger\Plunger01.nif |
Succulent | 0x002009C7 | PottedPlant_Succulent_LG01 | 0.4 | 15 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\PottedPlant_Succulent_LG01.nif |
Blender Jar | 0x002009D0 | Blender_Container01 | 0.35 | 35 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Blender\Blender_Container01.nif |
Blender Base | 0x002009D1 | Blender_Base01 | 1.6 | 75 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Blender\Blender_Base01.nif |
Blender Lid | 0x002009D2 | Blender_LID01 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Blender\Blender_LID01.nif |
Substrate Molecule Sieve | 0x00202782 | Mfg_Tier03_SubstrateMolecularSieve | 4.5 | 274 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Tier03_SubstrateMolecularSieve.nif |
Cylindrical Glass | 0x00202F30 | Bar_DrinkingGlass03 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\Bar_Glassware\Bar_DrinkingGlass03.nif |
Aldumite Drilling Rig | 0x00202F5A | Mfg_Tier03_AldumiteDrillingRig | 7 | 421 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Tier03_AldumiteDrillingRig.nif |
Tasine Superconductor | 0x00203EAF | Mfg_Tier03_TasineSuperconductor | 5 | 299 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Tier03_TasineSuperconductor.nif |
Veryl-Treated Manifold | 0x00203EB0 | Mfg_Tier03_VerylManifold | 5.4 | 295 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Tier03_AldumiteManifold.nif |
Rothicite Magnet | 0x00203EB2 | Mfg_Tier03_RothiciteMagnet_NOCLUTTER | 4.6 | 295 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Tier03_RothiciteMagnet.nif |
Vytinium Fuel Rod | 0x00203EB3 | Mfg_Tier03_VytiniumFuelRod | 11 | 836 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Tier03_VytiniumFuelRod.nif |
Indicite Wafer | 0x00203EB4 | Mfg_Tier03_IndiciteWafer | 4 | 243 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Tier03_IndiciteWafer.nif |
Veryl Explosive | 0x00203EBD | Mfg_Tier03_VerylExplosive_NOCLUTTER | 4.25 | 820 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Tier03_VerylExplosive.nif |
Metamorphed Tissue Sample | 0x002060EA | UC08_TransformedTerrormorphCellSample | 0.1 | 18000 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Terrormorph_sample.nif |
Anomalous Sample | 0x00206108 | UC08_TerrormorphCellSample | 0.1 | 18000 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Terrormorph_sample.nif |
Aceles Gene Sample (Alpha) | 0x00206109 | UC08_AcelesCellSample_Alpha | 0.1 | 0 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_AceLes_Cellsample.nif |
Tissues | 0x00207F1B | TissueBox01b | 0.15 | 8 | SetDressing\Bathroom\Tissuebox\TissueBox01b.nif |
Cement Bucket | 0x002097E4 | Bucket_Open02_SwapToMovStatic | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Buckets\Bucket_Open02.nif |
Screwdriver | 0x00209FEC | Tool_Screwdriver02 | 0.3 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Screwdriver02.nif |
Ratchet | 0x00209FED | Tool_Ratchet01 | 0.3 | 55 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Ratchet01.nif |
Pliers | 0x00209FEE | Tool_Pliers03 | 0.3 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Pliers03.nif |
Tape Measure | 0x00209FEF | Tool_MeasureTape01 | 0.25 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_MeasureTape01.nif |
Hammer | 0x00209FF0 | Tool_Hammer02 | 1 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Hammer02.nif |
Caliper | 0x00209FF1 | Tool_DigitalCaliper01 | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_DigitalCaliper01.nif |
Chisel | 0x00209FF2 | Tool_Chisel03 | 0.6 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Chisel03.nif |
Chisel | 0x00209FF3 | Tool_Chisel02 | 0.6 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Chisel02.nif |
Chisel | 0x00209FF4 | Tool_Chisel01 | 0.6 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Chisel01.nif |
Drilling Rig | 0x0020A02F | Mfg_Tier02_DrillingRig | 5 | 143 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Drilling_Rig.nif |
Push Broom | 0x0020AA57 | Broom_03_SwapToMovableStatic | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Broom_03.nif |
Wrench | 0x0020B97C | Tool_Wrench01 | 0.75 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Wrench01.nif |
Vice Grip | 0x0020B97D | Tool_ViceGrip01 | 0.5 | 75 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_ViceGrip01.nif |
Screwdriver | 0x0020B97E | Tool_Screwdriver01 | 0.3 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Screwdriver01.nif |
Hose Clamp Pliers | 0x0020B97F | Tool_Pliers02 | 0.3 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Pliers02.nif |
Cutting Pliers | 0x0020B980 | Tool_Pliers01 | 0.3 | 55 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Pliers01.nif |
Pipe Wrench | 0x0020B981 | Tool_PipeWrench01 | 2 | 55 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_PipeWrench01.nif |
Bubble Level | 0x0020B982 | Tool_Level01 | 0.4 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Level01.nif |
Hydraulic Clamp | 0x0020B983 | Tool_HydraulicClamp02 | 1.5 | 75 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_HydraulicClamp02.nif |
Hydraulic Clamp | 0x0020B984 | Tool_HydraulicClamp01 | 1.5 | 75 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_HydraulicClamp01.nif |
Hammer | 0x0020B985 | Tool_Hammer03 | 1 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Hammer03.nif |
Wrench | 0x0020B986 | Tool_Wrench02 | 0.75 | 35 | SetDressing\Tools_Kit\Tool_Wrench02.nif |
Tablet | 0x002120B3 | WritingTablet01 | 0.25 | 140 | SetDressing\Pen\WritingTablet01.nif |
Teal Stylus | 0x002120B5 | Pen_Stylus01_Teal01 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\Pen\Pen_Stylus01_Teal01.nif |
Red Stylus | 0x002120B6 | Pen_Stylus01_Red01 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\Pen\Pen_Stylus01_Red01.nif |
Gray Stylus | 0x002120B7 | Pen_Stylus01_Gray01 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\Pen\Pen_Stylus01_Gray01.nif |
Blue Stylus | 0x002120B8 | Pen_Stylus01_Blue01 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\Pen\Pen_Stylus01_Blue01.nif |
Yellow Stylus | 0x002120B9 | Pen_Stylus01_Yellow01 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\Pen\Pen_Stylus01_Yellow01.nif |
Black Stylus | 0x002120BA | Pen_Stylus01_Black01 | 0.01 | 10 | SetDressing\Pen\Pen_Stylus01_Black01.nif |
Artifact XI | 0x00216F85 | Artifact_XI | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_XI.nif |
Artifact THETA | 0x00216F86 | Artifact_THETA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_THETA.nif |
Artifact TAU | 0x00216F87 | Artifact_TAU | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_TAU.nif |
Artifact SIGMA | 0x00216F88 | Artifact_SIGMA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_SIGMA.nif |
Artifact RHO | 0x00216F89 | Artifact_RHO | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_RHO.nif |
Artifact PSI | 0x00216F8A | Artifact_PSI | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_PSI.nif |
Artifact PI | 0x00216F8B | Artifact_PI | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_PI.nif |
Artifact PHI | 0x00216F8C | Artifact_PHI | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_PHI.nif |
Artifact OMICRON | 0x00216F8D | Artifact_OMICRON | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_OMICRON.nif |
Artifact OMEGA | 0x00216F8E | Artifact_OMEGA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_OMEGA.nif |
Artifact NU | 0x00216F8F | Artifact_NU | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_NU.nif |
Artifact MU | 0x00216F90 | Artifact_MU | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_MU.nif |
Artifact LAMBDA | 0x00216F91 | Artifact_LAMDA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_LAMDA.nif |
Artifact KAPPA | 0x00216F92 | Artifact_KAPPA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_KAPPA.nif |
Artifact IOTA | 0x00216F93 | Artifact_IOTA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_IOTA.nif |
Artifact GAMMA | 0x00216F94 | Artifact_GAMMA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_GAMMA.nif |
Artifact ETA | 0x00216F95 | Artifact_ETA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_ETA.nif |
Artifact EPSILON | 0x00216F96 | Artifact_EPSILON | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_EPSILON.nif |
Artifact DELTA | 0x00216F97 | Artifact_DELTA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_DELTA.nif |
Artifact CHI | 0x00216F98 | Artifact_CHI | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_CHI.nif |
Artifact BETA | 0x00216F99 | Artifact_BETA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_BETA.nif |
Artifact ZETA | 0x00216F9A | Artifact_ZETA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_ZETA.nif |
Artifact ALPHA | 0x00216F9B | Artifact_ALPHA | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_ALPHA.nif |
Artifact UPSILON | 0x00216F9C | Artifact_UPSILON | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Artifacts\Artifact_UPSILON.nif |
Crate of Vegetables | 0x00218297 | MissionCargoType61 | 5 | 515 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Food01.nif |
Crate of Unusual Wines | 0x00218298 | MissionCargoType60 | 5 | 695 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Ultra Reflective Mirrors | 0x00218299 | MissionCargoType59 | 6 | 515 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Ultra Light Frames | 0x0021829A | MissionCargoType58 | 4 | 575 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Ultra Batteries | 0x0021829B | MissionCargoType57 | 5 | 755 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Telemetry Processors | 0x0021829C | MissionCargoType56 | 7 | 515 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Synthetic Vaccines | 0x0021829D | MissionCargoType55 | 7 | 1460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Medical01.nif |
Crate of Synthetic Synapses | 0x0021829E | MissionCargoType54 | 6 | 1930 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Super Luminescent Dye | 0x0021829F | MissionCargoType53 | 7 | 575 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Specialty Crops | 0x002182A0 | MissionCargoType52 | 4 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Food01.nif |
Crate of Smart Sensors | 0x002182A1 | MissionCargoType51 | 9 | 400 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Signal Amplifiers | 0x002182A2 | MissionCargoType50 | 5 | 515 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Robotic Inverters | 0x002182A3 | MissionCargoType49 | 12 | 1695 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Recursion Modules | 0x002182A4 | MissionCargoType48 | 10 | 1225 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Reactive Paints | 0x002182A5 | MissionCargoType47 | 6 | 515 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Radiological Amplifers | 0x002182A6 | MissionCargoType46 | 6 | 575 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Medical01.nif |
Crate of Psychoactive Spices | 0x002182A7 | MissionCargoType45 | 5 | 755 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Food01.nif |
Crate of Protein Delicacies | 0x002182A8 | MissionCargoType44 | 5 | 575 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Food01.nif |
Crate of Preservative | 0x002182A9 | MissionCargoType43 | 5 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Food01.nif |
Crate of Polysensorial Art | 0x002182AA | MissionCargoType42 | 12 | 1930 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Photovoltaic Cells | 0x002182AB | MissionCargoType41 | 9 | 515 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Parcels and Mail | 0x002182AC | MissionCargoType40 | 5 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Organic Mortar | 0x002182AD | MissionCargoType39 | 5 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Optical Resonators | 0x002182AE | MissionCargoType38 | 6 | 515 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Neocranial Probes | 0x002182AF | MissionCargoType37 | 5 | 1695 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Medical01.nif |
Crate of Nanobots | 0x002182B0 | MissionCargoType36 | 5 | 515 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Medical01.nif |
Crate of Monofilament Drill Bits | 0x002182B1 | MissionCargoType35 | 7 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Mining01.nif |
Crate of Micro Motors | 0x002182B2 | MissionCargoType34 | 5 | 400 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Micro Drones | 0x002182B3 | MissionCargoType33 | 6 | 575 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Medical Scanners | 0x002182B4 | MissionCargoType32 | 13 | 1930 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Medical01.nif |
Crate of Meat Byproducts | 0x002182B5 | MissionCargoType31 | 6 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Food01.nif |
Crate of Low-K Superconductors | 0x002182B6 | MissionCargoType30 | 13 | 2400 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of LED Illuminators | 0x002182B7 | MissionCargoType29 | 5 | 400 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Laser Diodes | 0x002182B8 | MissionCargoType28 | 6 | 400 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Integrity Response Drones | 0x002182B9 | MissionCargoType27 | 5 | 1695 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Integrated Circuits | 0x002182BA | MissionCargoType26 | 6 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Inertial Batteries | 0x002182BB | MissionCargoType25 | 12 | 1695 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Industrial Masers | 0x002182BC | MissionCargoType24 | 11 | 1930 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Mining01.nif |
Crate of Heat Sinks | 0x002182BD | MissionCargoType23 | 5 | 695 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Mining01.nif |
Crate of Hazmat Detectors | 0x002182BE | MissionCargoType22 | 13 | 1930 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Mining01.nif |
Crate of Guidance Systems | 0x002182BF | MissionCargoType21 | 9 | 575 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Grain | 0x002182C0 | MissionCargoType20 | 6 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Food01.nif |
Crate of Geothermal Probes | 0x002182C1 | MissionCargoType19 | 5 | 515 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Mining01.nif |
Crate of Fruits | 0x002182C2 | MissionCargoType18 | 6 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Food01.nif |
Crate of Frozen Meat | 0x002182C3 | MissionCargoType17 | 6 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Food01.nif |
Crate of Fermented Brews | 0x002182C4 | MissionCargoType16 | 5 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Alcohol01.nif |
Crate of Exotic Liquors | 0x002182C5 | MissionCargoType15 | 4 | 1930 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Alcohol01.nif |
Crate of Exotic Furniture | 0x002182C6 | MissionCargoType14 | 4 | 1460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Electro-Plated Wafers | 0x002182C7 | MissionCargoType13 | 6 | 400 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Electrolytic Substrates | 0x002182C8 | MissionCargoType12 | 7 | 400 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Disinfectants | 0x002182C9 | MissionCargoType11 | 7 | 400 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Medical01.nif |
Crate of Hygiene Products | 0x002182CA | MissionCargoType10 | 8 | 400 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Choice Meat Cuts | 0x002182CB | MissionCargoType09 | 5 | 1225 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Food01.nif |
Crate of Cherenkov Converters | 0x002182CC | MissionCargoType08 | 5 | 1930 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Cellular Inhibitors | 0x002182CD | MissionCargoType07 | 5 | 515 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Medical01.nif |
Crate of Catalysts | 0x002182CE | MissionCargoType06 | 8 | 460 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Broadcast Nodes | 0x002182CF | MissionCargoType05 | 7 | 575 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Crate of Assorted Jewelry | 0x002182D0 | MissionCargoType04 | 5 | 2400 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Generic01.nif |
Chunks Special Sauce | 0x0021952C | FFNewHomesteadR05_SpecialSauce | 0.2 | 350 | setdressing/chunks_specialsauce\chunks_specialsauce.nif |
0x00219A7E | UC04_PlayerCitizenshipID | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif | |
Bowl | 0x0021B7F6 | Kitchen_Bowl_Small01 | 0.1 | 10 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Kitchen\Kitchen_Bowl_Small01.nif |
Utensil Holder | 0x0021B7F7 | Kitchen_Utensil_Holder01 | 0.2 | 8 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Kitchen\Kitchen_Utensil_Holder01.nif |
Bowl | 0x0021B7F8 | Kitchen_Bowl_Large01 | 0.1 | 12 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Kitchen\Kitchen_Bowl_Large01.nif |
Pestle | 0x0021B7F9 | Kitchen_Pestle01 | 1 | 35 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Kitchen\Kitchen_Pestle01.nif |
Tray | 0x0021B7FA | Kitchen_Tray01 | 0.1 | 10 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Kitchen\Kitchen_Tray01.nif |
Mortar | 0x0021B7FB | Kitchen_Mortar01 | 2 | 35 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Kitchen\Kitchen_Mortar01.nif |
Ladle | 0x0021B7FC | Kitchen_Utensil_Ladle01 | 0.1 | 8 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Kitchen\Kitchen_Utensil_Ladle01.nif |
Spatula | 0x0021B7FD | Kitchen_Utensil_Spatula01 | 0.1 | 8 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Kitchen\Kitchen_Utensil_Spatula01.nif |
Red Harvest Reserve | 0x002266DB | City_CY_Runaway01_Whiskey_DONOTPLACE | 1 | 820 | SetDressing\City_CY_Runaway01_Whiskey\City_CY_Runaway01_Whiskey.nif |
Wooden Duck | 0x0022BDEF | WoodenDuckToy01 | 0.4 | 35 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\WoodenDuckToy\WoodenDuckToy01.nif |
Baseball Display | 0x0022BDF5 | BaseBallDisplay01 | 0.35 | 240 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\SportsMemorabilia\BaseBall01.nif |
Basketball Display | 0x0022BDF8 | BasketBallDisplay01 | 1 | 240 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\SportsMemorabilia\basketball01 .nif |
Probe Control Unit | 0x0022D401 | MQ207C_ProbeControlUnit | 0.5 | 1650 | SetDressing\Quantum_Calibrator\Quantum_Calibrator.nif |
Medical Supplies | 0x0022EF02 | CF02_MedicalSupplies | 0 | 1310 | SetDressing\SuppliesCrates\Supplies_Medical01.nif |
Genetag: Sanon | 0x00231333 | UC02_HadrianGenetag | 0 | SetDressing\Displaycase\SMCommitmentBox\Genedogtag01.nif | Hadrian |
Soccer Ball | 0x00235109 | SoccerBall_01 | 0.5 | 35 | SetDressing\Akila\AK_Soccer\AK_Soccer_Ball_01.nif |
Soccer Ball | 0x0023510A | SoccerBall_02deflated | 0.5 | 35 | SetDressing\Akila\AK_Soccer\AK_Soccer_Ball_02.nif |
Peter Brennan's Package | 0x00235922 | City_CY_RedTape02_Package | 0 | 140 | SetDressing\Container\GenericBin_02.nif |
Stack of Space Frog Drawings | 0x0023F7E7 | ffCydoniaZ04_Drawing | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\posters\ffCydoniaZ04_Drawing.nif |
Test 3 | 0x002407DA | Mfg_Test03_DELETE | 0 | 0 | Items\Lodge\CameraMercury.nif |
Test 2 | 0x002407DB | Mfg_Test02_DELETE | 0 | 0 | Items\Lodge\CameraMercury.nif |
Test 1 | 0x002407DC | Mfg_Test01_DELETE | 0 | 0 | Items\Lodge\CameraMercury.nif |
Stochastic Emitter | 0x00246B5A | Mfg_Tier03_StochasticEmitter_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Stochastic_Emitter.nif |
Quasi-neutralizer | 0x00246B5B | Mfg_Tier03_Quasineutralizer_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Quasi-neutralizer.nif |
Power Circuit | 0x00246B5C | Mfg_Tier03_PowerCircuit | 3.8 | 195 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Power_Circuit.nif |
Plasma Igniter | 0x00246B5D | Mfg_Tier03_PlasmaIgniter_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Plasma_Igniter.nif |
Neutral Capacitor | 0x00246B5E | Mfg_Tier03_NeutralCapacitor_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Neutral_Capacitor.nif |
Microsecond Regulator | 0x00246B5F | Mfg_Tier03_MicrosecondRegulator | 4.3 | 212 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Microsecond_Regulator.nif |
Thread-Logic Circuit | 0x00246B60 | Mfg_Tier03_ThreadlogicCircuit_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Thread-logic_Circuit.nif |
Helical Equalizer | 0x00246B61 | Mfg_Tier03_HelicalEqualizer_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Helical_Equalizer.nif |
Gravity Inducer | 0x00246B62 | Mfg_Tier03_GravityInducer_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Gravity_Inducer.nif |
Electron Pump | 0x00246B63 | Mfg_Tier03_ElectronPump_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Electron_Pump.nif |
Comm Relay | 0x00246B64 | Mfg_Tier01_CommRelay | 3.5 | 117 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Comm_Relay.nif |
Zero Wire | 0x00246B65 | Mfg_Tier01_ZeroWire | 1.7 | 52 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Zero_Wire.nif |
Zero-G Gimbal | 0x00246B66 | Mfg_Tier02_ZeroGGimbal | 2.8 | 93 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Zero_G_Gimbal.nif |
Vac Grade Explosive | 0x00246B67 | Mfg_Tier01_VacGradeExplosive_NOCLUTTER | 3 | 240 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Vac_Grade_Explosive.nif |
Tau Grade Rheostat | 0x00246B68 | Mfg_Tier01_TauGradeRheostat | 2.6 | 82 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Tau_Grade_Rheostat.nif |
Supercooled Magnet | 0x00246B69 | Mfg_Tier02_SupercooledMagnet | 3.2 | 111 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Supercooled_Magnet.nif |
Adaptive Frame | 0x00246B6A | Mfg_Tier01_AdaptiveFrame | 1.6 | 24 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Structural_Frame.nif |
Stimulated Shielding | 0x00246B6B | Mfg_Tier02_StimulatedShielding_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Stimulated_Shielding.nif |
Sterile Nanotubes | 0x00246B6C | Mfg_Tier02_SterileNanotubes | 3 | 130 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Sterile_Nanotubes.nif |
Semimetal Wafer | 0x00246B6D | Mfg_Tier02_SemimetalWafer | 3.5 | 149 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Semimetal_Wafer.nif |
Regenerative Illuminator | 0x00246B6E | Mfg_Tier02_RegenerativeIlluminator_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Regenerative_Illuminator.nif |
Reactive Gauge | 0x00246B6F | Mfg_Tier01_ReactiveGauge | 1.5 | 25 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Reactive_Gauge.nif |
Mag Pressure Tank | 0x00246B70 | Mfg_Tier01_MagPressureTank | 1.5 | 25 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Mag_Pressure_Tank.nif |
Positron Battery | 0x00246B71 | Mfg_Tier02_PositronBattery | 3 | 133 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Positron_Battery.nif |
Polytextile | 0x00246B72 | Mfg_Tier01_Polytextile | 2 | 25 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Polytextile.nif |
Paramagnon Conductor | 0x00246B73 | Mfg_Tier02_ParamagnonSuperconductor | 4 | 153 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Paramagnon_Superconductor.nif |
Monopropellant | 0x00246B74 | Mfg_Tier01_Monopropellant | 3.5 | 76 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Monopropellant.nif |
Molecular Sieve | 0x00246B75 | Mfg_Tier02_MolecularSieve | 3 | 91 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Molecular_Sieve.nif |
Isotopic Coolant | 0x00246B76 | Mfg_Tier01_IsotopicCoolant | 0.8 | 25 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Isotopic_Coolant.nif |
Isocentered Magnet | 0x00246B77 | Mfg_Tier01_IsocenteredMagnet | 1.8 | 36 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Isocentered_Magnet.nif |
Gravitic Laminate | 0x00246B78 | Mfg_Tier02_GraviticLaminate_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Gravitic_Laminate.nif |
Nuclear Fuel Rod | 0x00246B79 | Mfg_Tier02_NuclearFuelRod | 5 | 225 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Nuclear_Fuel_Rod.nif |
Deformable Nozzle | 0x00246B7A | Mfg_Tier02_DeformableNozzle_NOCLUTTER | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Deformable_Nozzle.nif |
Control Rod | 0x00246B7B | Mfg_Tier02_ControlRod | 4.5 | 180 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Control_Rod.nif |
Austenitic Manifold | 0x00246B7C | Mfg_Tier01_AusteniticManifold | 4.3 | 79 | SetDressing\manufactured_goods\Mfg_Austenitic_Manifold.nif |
UC Science Division ID: Orlase | 0x00248C06 | UC06_OrlaseID | 0 | SetDressing\uc_citizencard\DrReginaldOrlase_FakeID.nif | Reginald |
Antimicrobial (Tissue) | 0x0024F5BF | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Tissue | 0.2 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Antimicrobial (Hide) | 0x0024F5C0 | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Hide | 0.5 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Antimicrobial (Vital Fluids) | 0x0024F5C1 | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Fluids | 0.2 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Nutrient (Tissue) | 0x0024F5C2 | OrgCommonNutrient_Tissue | 0.2 | 5 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Fiber (Tissue) | 0x0024F5C3 | OrgCommonFiber_Tissue | 0.2 | 4 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Fiber (Hide) | 0x0024F5C4 | OrgCommonFiber_Hide | 0.5 | 4 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Toxin (Tissue) | 0x0024F5C5 | OrgCommonToxin_Tissue | 0.2 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Toxin (Vital Fluids) | 0x0024F5C6 | OrgCommonToxin_Fluids | 0.2 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Case T-18: Terrormorphs | 0x0024F848 | UC05_TerrormorphData | 0.8 | 8200 | SetDressing\ArmisticeDataObject\ArmisticeDataObject_01.nif |
Folder | 0x0025152F | Office_FilingFolder01Open | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\FilingFolder\Office_FilingFolder01Open.nif |
Microscope | 0x00252010 | Microscope02Science | 2.75 | 240 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Microscope02.nif |
Medical Sample Tray | 0x00252256 | GeneticSampler01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\GeneticSampler\GeneticSampler01.nif |
TerraBrew Cup | 0x00256B12 | CoffeeToGoCupEmpty01 | 0.01 | 5 | SetDressing\CoffeeToGo\CoffeeToGoCupEmpty01.nif |
TerraBrew Lid | 0x00256B13 | CoffeeToGoCupLid01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\CoffeeToGo\CoffeeToGoCupLid01.nif |
TerraBrew Cup Carrier | 0x00256B14 | CoffeeToGoCupHolderEmpty01 | 0.2 | 8 | SetDressing\CoffeeToGo\CoffeeToGoCupHolderEmpty01.nif |
TerraBrew To Go Cup | 0x00256B15 | CoffeeToGoCupEmptyWithLid01 | 0.01 | 5 | SetDressing\CoffeeToGo\CoffeeToGoCupFull01.nif |
Aqueous Hematite Data | 0x00257EB8 | UC03_HematiteDataMisc | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Volleyball | 0x0025A922 | Volleyball_Ball01 | 0.5 | 35 | SetDressing\Volleyball_Ball01\Volleyball_Ball01.nif |
Coffee Bag | 0x0025B0FB | FoodDrink_Set_CoffeeBag01 | 0.35 | 165 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\FoodDrink_Set_CoffeeBag01.nif |
Sealed Meal Tray | 0x0025CF03 | FoodDrink_Set_PortableKit_TrayClosed01 | 0.1 | 55 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\FoodDrink_Set_PortableKit_TrayClosed01.nif |
Meal Tray Lid | 0x0025CF04 | FoodDrink_Set_PortableKit_TrayLid01 | 0.1 | 10 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\FoodDrink_Set_PortableKit_TrayLid01.nif |
Meal Tray | 0x0025CF05 | FoodDrink_Set_PortableKit_TrayOpen01 | 0.1 | 35 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\FoodDrink_Set_PortableKit_TrayOpen01.nif |
Meal Tray Three-Stack | 0x0025CF06 | FoodDrink_Set_PortableKit_TrayStack01 | 0.3 | 75 | Items\FoodDrink_Set\FoodDrink_Set_PortableKit_TrayStack01.nif |
Solvent (Stalk) | 0x00260BF2 | OrgExoticSolvent_Stalk | 0.1 | 19 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Solvent (Seed) | 0x00260BF3 | OrgExoticSolvent_Seed | 0.1 | 19 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Solvent (Sap) | 0x00260BF4 | OrgExoticSolvent_Sap | 0.1 | 19 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Solvent (Root) | 0x00260BF5 | OrgExoticSolvent_Root | 0.1 | 19 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Solvent (Leaf) | 0x00260BF6 | OrgExoticSolvent_Leaf | 0.1 | 19 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Solvent (Flower) | 0x00260BF7 | OrgExoticSolvent_Flower | 0.05 | 19 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Polymer (Stalk) | 0x00260BFF | OrgExoticPolymer_Stalk | 0.1 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Polymer (Seed) | 0x00260C1C | OrgExoticPolymer_Seed | 0.1 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Polymer (Sap) | 0x00260C2D | OrgExoticPolymer_Sap | 0.1 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Polymer (Root) | 0x00260C36 | OrgExoticPolymer_Root | 0.1 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Polymer (Leaf) | 0x00260C38 | OrgExoticPolymer_Leaf | 0.1 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Polymer (Flower) | 0x00260C3B | OrgExoticPolymer_Flower | 0.05 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Stimulant (Stalk) | 0x00260C3C | OrgExoticStimulant_Stalk | 0.1 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Stimulant (Seed) | 0x00260C3E | OrgExoticStimulant_Seed | 0.1 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Stimulant (Sap) | 0x00260C3F | OrgExoticStimulant_Sap | 0.1 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Stimulant (Root) | 0x00260C5C | OrgExoticStimulant_Root | 0.1 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Stimulant (Leaf) | 0x00260C62 | OrgExoticStimulant_Leaf | 0.1 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Stimulant (Flower) | 0x00260C66 | OrgExoticStimulant_Flower | 0.05 | 20 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Lubricant (Stalk) | 0x00260C74 | OrgExoticLubricant_Stalk | 0.1 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Lubricant (Seed) | 0x00260C79 | OrgExoticLubricant_Seed | 0.1 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Lubricant (Sap) | 0x00260CB6 | OrgExoticLubricant_Sap | 0.1 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Lubricant (Root) | 0x00260CE2 | OrgExoticLubricant_Root | 0.1 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Lubricant (Leaf) | 0x00260D0A | OrgExoticLubricant_Leaf | 0.1 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Lubricant (Flower) | 0x00260D0B | OrgExoticLubricant_Flower | 0.05 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Stalk) | 0x00260D0C | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Stalk | 0.1 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Seed) | 0x00260D25 | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Seed | 0.1 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Sap) | 0x00260D30 | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Sap | 0.1 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Root) | 0x00260D5F | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Root | 0.1 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Leaf) | 0x00260D60 | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Leaf | 0.1 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Flower) | 0x00260D61 | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Flower | 0.05 | 18 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Biosuppressant (Stalk) | 0x00260D62 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Stalk | 0.1 | 16 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Biosuppressant (Seed) | 0x00260D63 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Seed | 0.1 | 16 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Biosuppressant (Sap) | 0x00260D64 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Sap | 0.1 | 16 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Biosuppressant (Root) | 0x00260D65 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Root | 0.1 | 16 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Biosuppressant (Leaf) | 0x00260D66 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Leaf | 0.1 | 16 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Biosuppressant (Flower) | 0x00260D67 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Flower | 0.05 | 16 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Structural (Leaf) | 0x00260D68 | OrgCommonStructural_Leaf | 0.1 | 7 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Structural (Root) | 0x00260D69 | OrgCommonStructural_Root | 0.1 | 7 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Structural (Stalk) | 0x00260D6A | OrgCommonStructural_Stalk | 0.1 | 7 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Sedative (Stalk) | 0x00260D6B | OrgRareSedative_Stalk | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Sedative (Seed) | 0x00260D6C | OrgRareSedative_Seed | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Sedative (Sap) | 0x00260D6D | OrgRareSedative_Sap | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Sedative (Root) | 0x00260D6E | OrgRareSedative_Root | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Sedative (Leaf) | 0x00260D6F | OrgRareSedative_Leaf | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Sedative (Flower) | 0x00260D70 | OrgRareSedative_Flower | 0.05 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Hallucinogen (Stalk) | 0x00260D71 | OrgRareHallucinogen_Stalk | 0.1 | 14 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Hallucinogen (Seed) | 0x00260D72 | OrgRareHallucinogen_Seed | 0.1 | 14 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Hallucinogen (Sap) | 0x00260D73 | OrgRareHallucinogen_Sap | 0.1 | 14 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Hallucinogen (Root) | 0x00260D74 | OrgRareHallucinogen_Root | 0.1 | 14 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Hallucinogen (Leaf) | 0x00260D75 | OrgRareHallucinogen_Leaf | 0.1 | 14 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Hallucinogen (Flower) | 0x00260D76 | OrgRareHallucinogen_Flower | 0.05 | 14 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Analgesic (Stalk) | 0x00260D77 | OrgRareAnalgesic_Stalk | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Analgesic (Seed) | 0x00260D78 | OrgRareAnalgesic_Seed | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Analgesic (Sap) | 0x00260DAC | OrgRareAnalgesic_Sap | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Analgesic (Root) | 0x00260DAD | OrgRareAnalgesic_Root | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Analgesic (Leaf) | 0x00260DAE | OrgRareAnalgesic_Leaf | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Analgesic (Flower) | 0x00260DAF | OrgRareAnalgesic_Flower | 0.05 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Amino Acids (Stalk) | 0x00260DB0 | OrgRareAminoAcids_Stalk | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Amino Acids (Seed) | 0x00260DB1 | OrgRareAminoAcids_Seed | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Amino Acids (Sap) | 0x00260DB2 | OrgRareAminoAcids_Sap | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Amino Acids (Root) | 0x00260DB3 | OrgRareAminoAcids_Root | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Amino Acids (Leaf) | 0x00260DB4 | OrgRareAminoAcids_Leaf | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Amino Acids (Flower) | 0x00260DB5 | OrgRareAminoAcids_Flower | 0.05 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Adhesive (Stalk) | 0x00260DB6 | OrgRareAdhesive_Stalk | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Adhesive (Seed) | 0x00260DB7 | OrgRareAdhesive_Seed | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Adhesive (Sap) | 0x00260DB8 | OrgRareAdhesive_Sap | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Adhesive (Root) | 0x00260DB9 | OrgRareAdhesive_Root | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Adhesive (Leaf) | 0x00260DBA | OrgRareAdhesive_Leaf | 0.1 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Adhesive (Flower) | 0x00260DBB | OrgRareAdhesive_Flower | 0.05 | 12 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Spice (Stalk) | 0x00260DBC | OrgUncommonSpice_Stalk | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Spice (Seed) | 0x00260DBD | OrgUncommonSpice_Seed | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Spice (Sap) | 0x00260DBE | OrgUncommonSpice_Sap | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Spice (Root) | 0x00260DBF | OrgUncommonSpice_Root | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Spice (Leaf) | 0x00260DC0 | OrgUncommonSpice_Leaf | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Spice (Flower) | 0x00260DC1 | OrgUncommonSpice_Flower | 0.05 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Sealant (Stalk) | 0x00260DC2 | OrgCommonSealant_Stalk | 0.1 | 6 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Sealant (Seed) | 0x00260DC3 | OrgCommonSealant_Seed | 0.1 | 6 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Sealant (Sap) | 0x00260DC4 | OrgCommonSealant_Sap | 0.1 | 6 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Sealant (Root) | 0x00260DC5 | OrgCommonSealant_Root | 0.1 | 6 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Sealant (Leaf) | 0x00260DC6 | OrgCommonSealant_Leaf | 0.1 | 6 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Sealant (Flower) | 0x00260DC7 | OrgCommonSealant_Flower | 0.05 | 6 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Pigment (Stalk) | 0x00260DC8 | OrgUncommonPigment_Stalk | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Pigment (Seed) | 0x00260DC9 | OrgUncommonPigment_Seed | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Pigment (Sap) | 0x00260DCA | OrgUncommonPigment_Sap | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Pigment (Root) | 0x00260DCB | OrgUncommonPigment_Root | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Pigment (Leaf) | 0x00260DCC | OrgUncommonPigment_Leaf | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Pigment (Flower) | 0x00260DCD | OrgUncommonPigment_Flower | 0.05 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Membrane (Stalk) | 0x00260DCE | OrgUncommonMembrane_Stalk | 0.1 | 9 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Membrane (Root) | 0x00260DCF | OrgUncommonMembrane_Root | 0.1 | 9 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Membrane (Leaf) | 0x00260DD0 | OrgUncommonMembrane_Leaf | 0.1 | 9 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Membrane (Flower) | 0x00260DD1 | OrgUncommonMembrane_Flower | 0.05 | 9 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Cosmetic (Stalk) | 0x00260DD2 | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Stalk | 0.1 | 8 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Cosmetic (Seed) | 0x00260DD3 | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Seed | 0.1 | 8 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Cosmetic (Sap) | 0x00260DD4 | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Sap | 0.1 | 8 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Cosmetic (Root) | 0x00260DD5 | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Root | 0.1 | 8 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Cosmetic (Leaf) | 0x00260DD6 | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Leaf | 0.1 | 8 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Cosmetic (Flower) | 0x00260DD7 | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Flower | 0.05 | 8 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Aromatic (Seed) | 0x00260DD8 | OrgRareAromatic_Seed | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Aromatic (Sap) | 0x00260DD9 | OrgRareAromatic_Sap | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Aromatic (Root) | 0x00260DDA | OrgRareAromatic_Root | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Aromatic (Leaf) | 0x00260DDB | OrgRareAromatic_Leaf | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Aromatic (Flower) | 0x00260DDC | OrgRareAromatic_Flower | 0.05 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Toxin (Seed) | 0x00260DDD | OrgCommonToxin_Seed | 0.1 | 8 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Toxin (Sap) | 0x00260DDE | OrgCommonToxin_Sap | 0.1 | 8 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Toxin (Root) | 0x00260DDF | OrgCommonToxin_Root | 0.1 | 8 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Toxin (Leaf) | 0x00260DE0 | OrgCommonToxin_Leaf | 0.1 | 8 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Toxin (Flower) | 0x00260DE1 | OrgCommonToxin_Flower | 0.05 | 8 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Ornamental (Stalk) | 0x00260DE2 | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Stalk | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Ornamental (Seed) | 0x00260DE3 | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Seed | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Ornamental (Sap) | 0x00260DE4 | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Sap | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Ornamental (Root) | 0x00260DE5 | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Root | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Ornamental (Leaf) | 0x00260DE6 | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Leaf | 0.1 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Ornamental (Flower) | 0x00260DE7 | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Flower | 0.05 | 11 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Seed) | 0x00260DE8 | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Seed | 0.1 | 9 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Sap) | 0x00260DE9 | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Sap | 0.1 | 9 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Root) | 0x00260DEA | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Root | 0.1 | 9 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Leaf) | 0x00260DEB | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Leaf | 0.1 | 9 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Flower) | 0x00260DEC | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Flower | 0.05 | 9 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Stalk) | 0x00260DED | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Stalk | 0.1 | 9 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Fiber (Leaf) | 0x00260DEE | OrgCommonFiber_Leaf | 0.1 | 4 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Fiber (Stalk) | 0x00260DEF | OrgCommonFiber_Stalk | 0.1 | 4 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Fiber (Root) | 0x00260DF0 | OrgCommonFiber_Root | 0.1 | 4 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Nutrient (Stalk) | 0x00260DF1 | OrgCommonNutrient_Stalk | 0.1 | 5 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Nutrient (Seed) | 0x00260DF2 | OrgCommonNutrient_Seed | 0.1 | 5 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Nutrient (Sap) | 0x00260DF3 | OrgCommonNutrient_Sap | 0.1 | 5 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Nutrient (Root) | 0x00260DF4 | OrgCommonNutrient_Root | 0.1 | 5 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Nutrient (Leaf) | 0x00260DF5 | OrgCommonNutrient_Leaf | 0.1 | 5 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Nutrient (Flower) | 0x00260DF6 | OrgCommonNutrient_Flower | 0.05 | 5 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Antimicrobial (Sap) | 0x00260DF7 | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Sap | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSap01.nif |
Antimicrobial (Seed) | 0x00260DF8 | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Seed | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientSeed01.nif |
Antimicrobial (Leaf) | 0x00260DF9 | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Leaf | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientLeaf01.nif |
Antimicrobial (Root) | 0x00260DFA | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Root | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientRoot01.nif |
Antimicrobial (Flower) | 0x00260DFB | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Flower | 0.05 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientFlower01.nif |
Antimicrobial (Stalk) | 0x00260DFC | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Stalk | 0.1 | 10 | Landscape\Flora\Ingredients\FloraIngredientStalk01.nif |
Surgical Tray | 0x00260F37 | MedicalSurgicalTray01 | 0.1 | 15 | SetDressing\Medical\SurgicalTray\MedicalSurgicalTray01.nif |
Solvent (Tissue) | 0x00261256 | OrgExoticSolvent_Tissue | 0.2 | 19 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Solvent (Gland) | 0x00261257 | OrgExoticSolvent_Gland | 0.2 | 19 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Solvent (Vital Fluids) | 0x00261258 | OrgExoticSolvent_Fluids | 0.2 | 19 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Polymer (Tissue) | 0x00261259 | OrgExoticPolymer_Tissue | 0.2 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Polymer (Hide) | 0x0026125A | OrgExoticPolymer_Hide | 0.5 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Polymer (Gland) | 0x0026125B | OrgExoticPolymer_Gland | 0.2 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Polymer (Vital Fluids) | 0x0026125C | OrgExoticPolymer_Fluids | 0.2 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Polymer (Carapace) | 0x0026125D | OrgExoticPolymer_Carapace | 0.3 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Polymer (Bone) | 0x0026125E | OrgExoticPolymer_Bone | 0.3 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Stimulant (Tissue) | 0x0026125F | OrgExoticStimulant_Tissue | 0.2 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Stimulant (Gland) | 0x00261260 | OrgExoticStimulant_Gland | 0.2 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Stimulant (Hide) | 0x00261261 | OrgExoticStimulant_Hide | 0.5 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Stimulant (Vital Fluids) | 0x00261262 | OrgExoticStimulant_Fluids | 0.2 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Stimulant (Carapace) | 0x00261263 | OrgExoticStimulant_Carapace | 0.3 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Stimulant (Bone) | 0x00261264 | OrgExoticStimulant_Bone | 0.3 | 20 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Lubricant (Tissue) | 0x00261265 | OrgExoticLubricant_Tissue | 0.2 | 18 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Lubricant (Hide) | 0x00261266 | OrgExoticLubricant_Hide | 0.5 | 18 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Lubricant (Gland) | 0x00261267 | OrgExoticLubricant_Gland | 0.2 | 18 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Lubricant (Vital Fluids) | 0x00261268 | OrgExoticLubricant_Fluids | 0.2 | 18 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Tissue) | 0x00261269 | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Tissue | 0.2 | 18 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Hide) | 0x0026126A | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Hide | 0.5 | 18 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Gland) | 0x0026126B | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Gland | 0.2 | 18 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Vital Fluids) | 0x0026126C | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Fluids | 0.2 | 18 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\AnimalGenericIngredients_Fluids01.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Carapace) | 0x0026126D | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Carapace | 0.3 | 18 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Biosuppressant (Tissue) | 0x0026126E | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Tissue | 0.2 | 16 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Hypercatalyst (Bone) | 0x0026126F | OrgExoticHypercatalyst_Bone | 0.3 | 18 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Biosuppressant (Hide) | 0x00261270 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Hide | 0.5 | 16 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Biosuppressant (Gland) | 0x00261271 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Gland | 0.2 | 16 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Biosuppressant (Vital Fluids) | 0x00261272 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Fluids | 0.2 | 16 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Biosuppressant (Carapace) | 0x00261273 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Carapace | 0.3 | 16 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Biosuppressant (Bone) | 0x00261274 | OrgExoticBiosuppressant_Bone | 0.3 | 16 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Structural (Hide) | 0x00261275 | OrgCommonStructural_Hide | 0.5 | 7 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Structural (Carapace) | 0x00261276 | OrgCommonStructural_Carapace | 0.3 | 7 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Structural (Bone) | 0x00261277 | OrgCommonStructural_Bone | 0.3 | 7 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Sedative (Tissue) | 0x00261278 | OrgRareSedative_Tissue | 0.2 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Sedative (Hide) | 0x00261279 | OrgRareSedative_Hide | 0.5 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Sedative (Gland) | 0x0026127A | OrgRareSedative_Gland | 0.2 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Sedative (Vital Fluids) | 0x0026127B | OrgRareSedative_Fluids | 0.2 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Sedative (Carapace) | 0x0026127C | OrgRareSedative_Carapace | 0.3 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Sedative (Bone) | 0x0026127D | OrgRareSedative_Bone | 0.3 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Hallucinogen (Tissue) | 0x0026127E | OrgRareHallucinogen_Tissue | 0.2 | 14 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Hallucinogen (Hide) | 0x0026127F | OrgRareHallucinogen_Hide | 0.5 | 14 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Hallucinogen (Gland) | 0x00261280 | OrgRareHallucinogen_Gland | 0.2 | 14 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Hallucinogen (Vital Fluids) | 0x00261281 | OrgRareHallucinogen_Fluids | 0.2 | 14 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Hallucinogen (Carapace) | 0x00261282 | OrgRareHallucinogen_Carapace | 0.3 | 14 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Hallucinogen (Bone) | 0x00261283 | OrgRareHallucinogen_Bone | 0.3 | 14 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Analgesic (Tissue) | 0x00261284 | OrgRareAnalgesic_Tissue | 0.2 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Analgesic (Hide) | 0x00261285 | OrgRareAnalgesic_Hide | 0.5 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Analgesic (Gland) | 0x00261286 | OrgRareAnalgesic_Gland | 0.2 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Analgesic (Vital Fluids) | 0x00261287 | OrgRareAnalgesic_Fluids | 0.2 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Analgesic (Carapace) | 0x00261288 | OrgRareAnalgesic_Carapace | 0.3 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Analgesic (Bone) | 0x00261289 | OrgRareAnalgesic_Bone | 0.3 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Amino Acids (Tissue) | 0x0026128A | OrgRareAminoAcids_Tissue | 0.2 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Amino Acids (Hide) | 0x0026128B | OrgRareAminoAcids_Hide | 0.5 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Amino Acids (Gland) | 0x0026128C | OrgRareAminoAcids_Gland | 0.2 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Amino Acids (Vital Fluids) | 0x0026128D | OrgRareAminoAcids_Fluids | 0.2 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Amino Acids (Carapace) | 0x0026128E | OrgRareAminoAcids_Carapace | 0.3 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Amino Acids (Bone) | 0x0026128F | OrgRareAminoAcids_Bone | 0.3 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Adhesive (Vital Fluids) | 0x00261290 | OrgRareAdhesive_Fluids | 0.2 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Adhesive (Tissue) | 0x00261291 | OrgRareAdhesive_Tissue | 0.2 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Adhesive (Hide) | 0x00261292 | OrgRareAdhesive_Hide | 0.5 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Adhesive (Gland) | 0x00261293 | OrgRareAdhesive_Gland | 0.2 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Adhesive (Carapace) | 0x00261294 | OrgRareAdhesive_Carapace | 0.3 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Adhesive (Bone) | 0x00261295 | OrgRareAdhesive_Bone | 0.3 | 12 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Spice (Tissue) | 0x00261296 | OrgUncommonSpice_Tissue | 0.2 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Spice (Hide) | 0x00261297 | OrgUncommonSpice_Hide | 0.5 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Spice (Gland) | 0x00261298 | OrgUncommonSpice_Gland | 0.2 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Spice (Vital Fluids) | 0x00261299 | OrgUncommonSpice_Fluids | 0.2 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Spice (Carapace) | 0x0026129A | OrgUncommonSpice_Carapace | 0.3 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Spice (Bone) | 0x0026129B | OrgUncommonSpice_Bone | 0.3 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Sealant (Gland) | 0x0026129C | OrgCommonSealant_Gland | 0.2 | 6 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Sealant (Carapace) | 0x0026129D | OrgCommonSealant_Carapace | 0.3 | 6 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Pigment (Tissue) | 0x0026129E | OrgUncommonPigment_Tissue | 0.2 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Pigment (Hide) | 0x0026129F | OrgUncommonPigment_Hide | 0.5 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Pigment (Gland) | 0x002612A0 | OrgUncommonPigment_Gland | 0.2 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Pigment (Vital Fluids) | 0x002612A1 | OrgUncommonPigment_Fluids | 0.2 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Pigment (Carapace) | 0x002612A2 | OrgUncommonPigment_Carapace | 0.3 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Pigment (Bone) | 0x002612A3 | OrgUncommonPigment_Bone | 0.3 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Membrane (Tissue) | 0x002612A4 | OrgUncommonMembrane_Tissue | 0.2 | 9 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Membrane (Hide) | 0x002612A5 | OrgUncommonMembrane_Hide | 0.5 | 9 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Membrane (Gland) | 0x002612A6 | OrgUncommonMembrane_Gland | 0.2 | 9 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Membrane (Carapace) | 0x002612A7 | OrgUncommonMembrane_Carapace | 0.3 | 9 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Cosmetic (Tissue) | 0x002612A8 | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Tissue | 0.2 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Cosmetic (Hide) | 0x002612A9 | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Hide | 0.5 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Cosmetic (Gland) | 0x002612AA | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Gland | 0.2 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Cosmetic (Vital Fluids) | 0x002612AB | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Fluids | 0.2 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Cosmetic (Carapace) | 0x002612AC | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Carapace | 0.3 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Cosmetic (Bone) | 0x002612AD | OrgUncommonCosmetic_Bone | 0.3 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Aromatic (Hide) | 0x002612AE | OrgRareAromatic_Hide | 0.5 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Aromatic (Carapace) | 0x002612AF | OrgRareAromatic_Carapace | 0.3 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Aromatic (Vital Fluids) | 0x002612B0 | OrgRareAromatic_Fluids | 0.2 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Aromatic (Tissue) | 0x002612B1 | OrgRareAromatic_Tissue | 0.2 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Aromatic (Gland) | 0x002612B2 | OrgRareAromatic_Gland | 0.2 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Aromatic (Bone) | 0x002612B3 | OrgRareAromatic_Bone | 0.3 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Toxin (Hide) | 0x002612B4 | OrgCommonToxin_Hide | 0.5 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Toxin (Gland) | 0x002612B5 | OrgCommonToxin_Gland | 0.2 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Toxin (Carapace) | 0x002612B6 | OrgCommonToxin_Carapace | 0.3 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Toxin (Bone) | 0x002612B7 | OrgCommonToxin_Bone | 0.3 | 8 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Ornamental (Tissue) | 0x002612B8 | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Tissue | 0.2 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Ornamental (Gland) | 0x002612B9 | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Gland | 0.2 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Ornamental (Hide) | 0x002612BA | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Hide | 0.5 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Ornamental (Vital Fluids) | 0x002612BB | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Fluids | 0.2 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Ornamental (Carapace) | 0x002612BC | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Carapace | 0.3 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Ornamental (Bone) | 0x002612BD | OrgUncommonOrnamental_Bone | 0.3 | 11 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Hide) | 0x002612BE | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Hide | 0.5 | 9 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Gland) | 0x002612BF | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Gland | 0.2 | 9 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Carapace) | 0x002612C0 | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Carapace | 0.3 | 9 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Bone) | 0x002612C1 | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Bone | 0.3 | 9 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Fiber (Bone) | 0x002612C2 | OrgCommonFiber_Bone | 0.3 | 4 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Fiber (Carapace) | 0x002612C3 | OrgCommonFiber_Carapace | 0.3 | 4 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Nutrient (Carapace) | 0x002612C4 | OrgCommonNutrient_Carapace | 0.3 | 5 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Nutrient (Gland) | 0x002612C5 | OrgCommonNutrient_Gland | 0.2 | 5 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Nutrient (Bone) | 0x002612C6 | OrgCommonNutrient_Bone | 0.3 | 5 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Antimicrobial (Carapace) | 0x002612C7 | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Carapace | 0.3 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\carapace\animalgenericingredients_carapace.nif |
Antimicrobial (Bone) | 0x002612C8 | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Bone | 0.3 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Bone\animalgenericingredients_bone.nif |
Antimicrobial (Gland) | 0x002612C9 | OrgUncommonAntimicrobial_Gland | 0.2 | 10 | Items\animalgenericingredients\gland\animalgenericingredients_gland.nif |
Aurora Sample | 0x0026175F | CF01_AuroraShipSample | 0.25 | 450 | items/drugs_or_medical\AuroraSample01.nif |
Vial | 0x00265AD6 | ScienceGlass_Vial02 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial02.nif |
Vial | 0x00265AD7 | ScienceGlass_Vial02Closed01 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial02Closed01.nif |
Vial | 0x00265AD8 | ScienceGlass_Vial03 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial03.nif |
Vial | 0x00265AD9 | ScienceGlass_Vial03Closed01 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial03Closed01.nif |
Beaker | 0x00265ADA | ScienceGlass_Beaker01 | 0.2 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Beaker01.nif |
Bottle | 0x00265ADB | ScienceGlass_Bottle01 | 0.2 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Bottle01.nif |
Erlenmeyer Flask | 0x00265ADC | ScienceGlass_ErlenmFlask01 | 0.2 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_ErlenmFlask01.nif |
Funnel | 0x00265ADD | ScienceGlass_Funnel01 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Funnel01.nif |
Graduated Cylinder | 0x00265ADE | ScienceGlass_GradCylinder01 | 0.2 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_GradCylinder01.nif |
Graduated Cylinder | 0x00265ADF | ScienceGlass_GradCylinder01a | 0.2 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_GradCylinder01a.nif |
Vial | 0x00265AE0 | ScienceGlass_Vial01 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial01.nif |
Beaker Tongs | 0x00265AF7 | ScienceGlass_BeakerTongs01 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_BeakerTongs01.nif |
Vial | 0x00265AF9 | ScienceGlass_Vial03Closed01Full01 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial03Closed01Full01.nif |
Vial | 0x00265AFC | ScienceGlass_Vial02Closed01Full01 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial02Closed01Full01.nif |
Bottle | 0x00265AFD | ScienceGlass_Bottle01Full01 | 0.2 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Bottle01Full01.nif |
Vial | 0x00265B01 | ScienceGlass_Vial01Full01 | 0.1 | 55 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Vial01Full01.nif |
Bio-Sensor | 0x0026B040 | City_NA_Botany01_Sensor02 | 1 | 195 | SetDressing\BioAudioSensor\BioAudioSensor01.nif |
Bio-Sensor | 0x0026B042 | City_NA_Botany01_Sensor | 1 | 195 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Package for Nyssa | 0x0026B050 | City_NA_Viewport01_Maguffin | 0 | 140 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Decorativeboxes\DecorativeBox01.nif |
Refined Rothicite Shipment | 0x0026D851 | RI06_RothiciteShipment | 15 | 1145 | SetDressing\InfinityLTDContainer\containerinfinityltd01.nif |
Hypno Art Lamp | 0x0026E2CF | LavaLamp01 | 2 | 240 | SetDressing\Lavalamp\LavaLamp01.nif |
AI Control Board | 0x0026E2D1 | MS03_ControlBoard | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Exotic_LightFixture\Exotic_LightFixture01.nif |
Pool Ball - 2 | 0x0026E41C | PoolTable_Ball_02 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_02.nif |
Pool Ball - 1 | 0x0026E41D | PoolTable_Ball_01 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_01.nif |
Pool Ball - 3 | 0x0026E41E | PoolTable_Ball_03 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_03.nif |
Pool Ball - 4 | 0x0026E41F | PoolTable_Ball_04 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_04.nif |
Pool Ball - 5 | 0x0026E420 | PoolTable_Ball_05 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_05.nif |
Pool Ball - 6 | 0x0026E421 | PoolTable_Ball_06 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_06.nif |
Pool Ball - 7 | 0x0026E422 | PoolTable_Ball_07 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_07.nif |
Pool Ball - 8 | 0x0026E423 | PoolTable_Ball_08 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_08.nif |
Pool Ball - 9 | 0x0026E424 | PoolTable_Ball_09 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_09.nif |
Pool Ball - 10 | 0x0026E425 | PoolTable_Ball_10 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_10.nif |
Pool Ball - 11 | 0x0026E426 | PoolTable_Ball_11 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_11.nif |
Pool Ball - 12 | 0x0026E427 | PoolTable_Ball_12 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_12.nif |
Pool Ball - 13 | 0x0026E428 | PoolTable_Ball_13 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_13.nif |
Pool Ball - 14 | 0x0026E429 | PoolTable_Ball_14 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_14.nif |
Pool Ball - 15 | 0x0026E42A | PoolTable_Ball_15 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_15.nif |
Cue Ball | 0x0026E42B | PoolTable_Ball_Cueball | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\PingPongTable\PoolTable_Ball_White01.nif |
Tea Cup | 0x0026E4EE | SeokguhTeaCup02 | 0.1 | 140 | SetDressing\Seokga\SeokgaTeaCup02.nif |
Tea Cup | 0x0026E4EF | SeokguhTeaCup01 | 0.1 | 140 | SetDressing\Seokga\SeokgaTeaCup01.nif |
Small Fancy Dispenser | 0x0026E4F0 | SeokguhFancyJar06 | 0.5 | 140 | SetDressing\Seokga\SeokgaFancyJar06.nif |
Jar | 0x0026E4F1 | SeokguhFancyJar05 | 0.3 | 140 | SetDressing\Seokga\SeokgaFancyJar05.nif |
Jar | 0x0026E4F2 | SeokguhFancyJar04 | 0.3 | 140 | SetDressing\Seokga\SeokgaFancyJar04.nif |
Jar | 0x0026E4F3 | SeokguhFancyJar02 | 0.3 | 140 | SetDressing\Seokga\SeokgaFancyJar02.nif |
Jar | 0x0026E4F4 | SeokguhFancyJar01 | 0.3 | 140 | SetDressing\Seokga\SeokgaFancyJar01.nif |
Tea Pot | 0x0026E4F5 | SeokguhTeapot01 | 1 | 155 | SetDressing\Seokga\SeokgaTeapot01.nif |
Terrormorph Cell Sample | 0x0026FF8D | UC03_TerrormorphCellSample | 0.1 | 18000 | SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Terrormorph_sample.nif |
UC Military Genetag | 0x00270224 | UC_Genetag01 | 0.1 | 325 | SetDressing\Displaycase\SMCommitmentBox\Genedogtag01.nif |
Dauntless Crew Genetag | 0x002733BD | COM_SMQ01_Genetag | 0.1 | 325 | SetDressing\Displaycase\SMCommitmentBox\Genedogtag01.nif |
Dauntless Power Cell | 0x002733C2 | COM_SMQ01_PowerCell | 2.5 | 3250 | SetDressing\PowerCell\PowerCell01_MQ301.nif |
Prime Meat | 0x00273C01 | RQS_CollectColonist_Meat | 0.3 | 155 | architecture/city/akila/unique/herbs\ak_meat_dried01.nif |
Comms Repair Suite | 0x00278A15 | UC02_ReplacementAntennas | 20 | 195 | SetDressing\IndustrialCrates\IndustrialCrateVecteraB.nif |
Mercury | 0x0027C4A1 | InorgRareMercury | 0.8 | 22 | SetDressing\Outpost\lootcontainers\InorgRareMercury.nif |
Pill Bottle | 0x0028B085 | MedicalPillBottle01 | 0.05 | 10 | SetDressing\Neon\MedicalPillBottle05.nif |
Tweezers | 0x0028B08A | MedicalTweezers01 | 0.05 | 10 | SetDressing\Neon\MedicalTweezers01.nif |
Tweezers | 0x0028B08C | MedicalTweezers02 | 0.05 | 10 | SetDressing\Neon\MedicalTweezers02.nif |
Medical Injector | 0x0028B08F | MedicalInjector01 | 0.05 | 15 | SetDressing\Neon\MedicalInjector01.nif |
Cosmetics Supply Box | 0x0028B11D | BeautySupplyBox01 | 0.2 | 75 | SetDressing\Neon\BeautySupplyBox03.nif |
Skin Cream Bottle | 0x0028B123 | BeautySupplyBottle01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Neon\BeautySupplyBottle03.nif |
Cafeteria Tray | 0x0028B23E | IndustrialCafeteriaTray01 | 0.1 | 35 | SetDressing\Neon\IndustrialCafeteriaTray01.nif |
Wire Spool | 0x0028B376 | WireSpoolSmall01 | 0.2 | 35 | SetDressing\Neon\WireSpoolSmall01.nif |
Tranquilitea Breakfast Pack | 0x0028E7AB | Tea_Pack_Breakfast_Blend01 | 0.1 | 55 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\Tea_Pack\Breakfast_Blend_Tea.nif |
Tranquilitea Classic Pack | 0x0028E7AC | Tea_Pack_Black01 | 0.1 | 55 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\Tea_Pack\Black_Tea.nif |
Malfunctioning Engine | 0x0029A417 | POI027_ProbeEngine02 | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Aqueous Hematite | 0x0029D022 | InorgUniqueAqueousHematite | 1.3 | 56 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceHematiteChunk01.nif |
Nutrient (Hide) | 0x0029F3F6 | OrgCommonNutrient_Hide | 0.5 | 5 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Nutrient (Vital Fluids) | 0x0029F3F7 | OrgCommonNutrient_Fluids | 0.2 | 5 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Tissue) | 0x0029F3F8 | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Tissue | 0.2 | 9 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Metabolic Agent (Vital Fluids) | 0x0029F3F9 | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent_Fluids | 0.2 | 9 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Metabolic Agent | 0x0029F3FC | OrgCommonMetabolicAgent | 0.5 | 9 | SetDressing\MetabolicAgent\MetabolicAgent01.nif |
Pigment | 0x0029F400 | OrgUncommonPigment | 0.5 | 10 | SetDressing\uncommon\Pigment01.nif |
Hallucinogen | 0x0029F405 | OrgRareHallucinogen | 0.5 | 14 | SetDressing\rare\Hallucinogen01.nif |
Neurologic | 0x0029F409 | OrgUniqueNeurologic | 1.4 | 67 | Items\Alien_Gastronomic_Delight\OrgUniqueNeurologic.nif |
Hypercatalyst | 0x0029F40D | OrgExoticHypercatalyst | 0.5 | 18 | SetDressing\Exotics\Hypercatalyst01.nif |
Prototype Schematic | 0x002A3906 | RIR05_Schematic | 0 | 2455 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Solomon's Maps | 0x002A4B9E | MQ103SolomonMap | 0.2 | 2430 | SetDressing\maps\AkilaMap_HalfFolded01.nif |
ARC Device | 0x002A82EB | RIR04_Device | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Device01\Device01.nif |
Nina's Presentation (Fake) | 0x002AAC25 | RI02_NinaPresentationReplacement | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Nina's Presentation | 0x002AAC2C | RI02_NinaPresentation | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Sealant (Hide) | 0x002AB397 | OrgCommonSealant_Hide | 0.5 | 6 | Items\animalgenericingredients\Hide\animalgenericingredients_hide.nif |
Sealant (Vital Fluids) | 0x002AB398 | OrgCommonSealant_Fluids | 0.2 | 6 | Items\animalgenericingredients\fluids\animalgenericingredients_fluids02.nif |
Sealant (Tissue) | 0x002AB399 | OrgCommonSealant_Tissue | 0.2 | 6 | Items\animalgenericingredients\tissue\animalgenericingredients_tissue.nif |
Marker | 0x002AC1C9 | Office_Whiteboardmarker01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\Whiteboardmarker\Office_Whiteboardmarker01_Black.nif |
Folder | 0x002AC1CB | Office_FilingFolder01 | 0.01 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\FilingFolder\Office_FilingFolder01.nif |
Plant | 0x002AC1F0 | Office_Deskplant03 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\Office_Deskplant03.nif |
Plant | 0x002AC1F1 | Office_Deskplant02 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\Office_Deskplant02.nif |
Plant | 0x002AC1F2 | Office_Deskplant01 | 0.25 | 12 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\Office_Deskplant01.nif |
Electric Tea Pot | 0x002AC1F4 | Kitchenware_Teasteeper01 | 1.3 | 75 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Teasteeper\Kitchenware_Teasteeper01.nif |
Pitcher | 0x002AC1F6 | Kitchenware_Waterpitcher01 | 0.3 | 10 | SetDressing\Kitchen\WaterPitcher\Kitchenware_Waterpitcher01.nif |
Grinder Lid | 0x002AC1FA | Kitchenware_Grinder01Lid | 0.05 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Grinder\Kitchenware_Grinder01Lid.nif |
Grinder | 0x002AC1FB | Kitchenware_Grinder01b | 0.05 | 15 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Grinder\Kitchenware_Grinder01b.nif |
Grinder | 0x002AC1FC | Kitchenware_Grinder01 | 0.05 | 15 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Grinder\Kitchenware_Grinder01.nif |
Oven Mitt | 0x002AC1FE | Kitchenware_OvenMitt01 | 0.05 | 5 | SetDressing\Kitchen\OvenMitt\Kitchenware_OvenMitt01.nif |
Scissors | 0x002AC200 | Kitchenware_Scissors01 | 0.05 | 5 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Scissors\Kitchenware_Scissors01.nif |
Opened Container | 0x002AC205 | Kitchenware_Storagecontainer02 | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\StorageContainers\Kitchenware_Storagecontainer02.nif |
Container Lid | 0x002AC206 | Kitchenware_Storagecontainer02Lid | 0.05 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\StorageContainers\Kitchenware_Storagecontainer02Lid.nif |
Sealed Container | 0x002AC207 | Kitchenware_Storagecontainer02b | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\StorageContainers\Kitchenware_Storagecontainer02b.nif |
Container Lid | 0x002AC20C | Kitchenware_Storagecontainer01Lid | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\StorageContainers\Kitchenware_Storagecontainer01Lid.nif |
Sealed Container | 0x002AC20D | Kitchenware_Storagecontainer01b | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\StorageContainers\Kitchenware_Storagecontainer01b.nif |
Opened Container | 0x002AC20E | Kitchenware_Storagecontainer01 | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\StorageContainers\Kitchenware_Storagecontainer01.nif |
Bowl | 0x002AC212 | Kitchenware_Bowl02 | 0.1 | 10 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Bowls\Kitchenware_Bowl02.nif |
Bowl | 0x002AC213 | Kitchenware_Bowl01 | 0.1 | 10 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Bowls\Kitchenware_Bowl01.nif |
Bowl Lid | 0x002AC214 | Kitchenware_BowlLid01 | 0.05 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Bowls\Kitchenware_BowlLid01.nif |
Dishrag | 0x002AC216 | Kitchenware_Dishrag01 | 0.05 | 3 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Dishrag\Kitchenware_Dishrag01.nif |
Staple Gun | 0x002AC95C | Tool_StapleGun01 | 0.4 | 55 | Items\Tools\Tool_StapleGun01.nif |
Utility Knife | 0x002AC95D | Tool_UtilityKnife01 | 0.3 | 35 | Items\Tools\Tool_UtilityKnife01.nif |
Bolt Cutter | 0x002AC95E | Tool_BoltCutter01 | 1.5 | 55 | Items\Tools\Tool_BoltCutter01.nif |
Vacuum Tape | 0x002AC95F | Tool_DuctTape01 | 0.35 | 35 | Items\Tools\Tool_DuctTape01.nif |
Clamp | 0x002AC960 | Tool_Clamp01 | 0.3 | 55 | Items\Tools\Tool_Clamp01.nif |
Hammer | 0x002AC961 | Tool_Hammer01 | 1 | 35 | Items\Tools\Tool_Hammer01.nif |
Mixing Bowl | 0x002B0668 | Kitchenware_Mixingbowl03 | 0.4 | 12 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Mixingbowl\Kitchenware_Mixingbowl03.nif |
Mixing Bowl | 0x002B066A | Kitchenware_Mixingbowl02 | 0.4 | 12 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Mixingbowl\Kitchenware_Mixingbowl02.nif |
Pot Lid | 0x002B066D | Kitchenware_Pot03Lid | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\PotsandPans\Kitchenware_Pot03Lid.nif |
Pot | 0x002B066E | Kitchenware_Pot03 | 0.7 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\PotsandPans\Kitchenware_Pot03.nif |
Pan Lid | 0x002B0675 | Kitchenware_Pan01Lid | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\PotsandPans\Kitchenware_Pan01Lid.nif |
Pan | 0x002B0676 | Kitchenware_Pan01 | 0.25 | 10 | SetDressing\Kitchen\PotsandPans\Kitchenware_Pan01.nif |
Pot Lid | 0x002B0677 | Kitchenware_Pot02Lid | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\PotsandPans\Kitchenware_Pot02Lid.nif |
Pot | 0x002B0678 | Kitchenware_Pot02 | 0.7 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\PotsandPans\Kitchenware_Pot02.nif |
Pot Lid | 0x002B0679 | Kitchenware_Pot01Lid | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\PotsandPans\Kitchenware_Pot01Lid.nif |
Pot | 0x002B067A | Kitchenware_Pot01 | 0.7 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\PotsandPans\Kitchenware_Pot01.nif |
Cutting Board | 0x002B182A | Kitchenware_CuttingboardSM01 | 0.2 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Cuttingboards\Kitchenware_CuttingboardSM01.nif |
Cutting Board | 0x002B182C | Kitchenware_CuttingboardMed01 | 0.5 | 10 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Cuttingboards\Kitchenware_CuttingboardMed01.nif |
Cutting Board | 0x002B182E | Kitchenware_CuttingboardLG01 | 1 | 12 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Cuttingboards\Kitchenware_CuttingboardLG01.nif |
Mixing Bowl | 0x002B1830 | Kitchenware_Mixingbowl01 | 0.4 | 12 | SetDressing\Kitchen\Mixingbowl\Kitchenware_Mixingbowl01.nif |
Utensil Tray | 0x002B1834 | Kitchenware_UtensilTray01 | 0.05 | 8 | SetDressing\Kitchen\UtensilTray\Kitchenware_UtensilTray01.nif |
Crystal Desk Phial | 0x002B185D | VaseTableSM02 | 1.2 | 195 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableSM02.nif |
Small Crystal Desk Phial | 0x002B185E | VaseTableSM03 | 1.2 | 195 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableSM03.nif |
Vase | 0x002B1860 | VaseFloorMed01 | 1.6 | 90 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseFloorMed01.nif |
Vase | 0x002B1862 | VaseFloorLG01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseFloorLG01.nif |
White Microvase | 0x002B1864 | VaseTableSM01 | 0.8 | 75 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableSM01.nif |
White Olpe Vase | 0x002B1866 | VaseTableMed01 | 1.6 | 90 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableMed01.nif |
White Fluted Vase | 0x002B1868 | VaseTableLG03 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG03.nif |
White Xenoflower Vase | 0x002B186A | VaseTableLG02 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG02.nif |
White Plant Vase | 0x002B186C | VaseTableLG01 | 1.6 | 105 | SetDressing\Privatelivingquarters\Vases\VaseTableLG01.nif |
Thermos | 0x002B186E | Thermos01 | 0.25 | 19 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Thermos01.nif |
Desktop Organizer | 0x002B1871 | DesktopOrganizer01 | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Office\Clipholder\ClipHolder01.nif |
Pencil Holder | 0x002B1873 | Pencilholder01 | 0.1 | 8 | SetDressing\Office\PencilHolder\Pencilholder01.nif |
Soap Dispenser | 0x002B18A2 | SoapDispenser01 | 0.15 | 35 | SetDressing\Bathroom\SoapDispenser\SoapDispenser01.nif |
Tissues | 0x002B18A4 | TissueBox01 | 0.15 | 8 | SetDressing\Bathroom\Tissuebox\TissueBox01.nif |
Portable Desk Fan | 0x002B18AC | Deskfan01 | 1.75 | 140 | SetDressing\Office\Deskfan\Deskfan01.nif |
Starlocked Board Game | 0x002B6534 | Boardgame01 | 1 | 140 | SetDressing\BoardGames\boardgame01.nif |
Solar Frontiers Game | 0x002B6537 | Boardgame02 | 1 | 140 | SetDressing\BoardGames\Boardgame02.nif |
Security Keycard | 0x002BA8AD | RIR03_Keycard | 0 | 0 | SetDressing\Keycards\GenericSecurity_Keycard.nif |
Dishrag | 0x002BE5ED | Dishrag01 | 0.05 | 3 | SetDressing\DishRag\Dishrag01.nif |
Confidential Files | 0x002C2531 | RIR02_ConfidentialFiles | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Unmarked Data Slate | 0x002C56C6 | RIR01_DataSlate | 0 | 0 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
TerraBrew Order | 0x002C9BCD | RI01_TerraBrewOrder | 0.5 | 450 | SetDressing\CoffeeToGo\CoffeeToGoCupHolderFull01.nif |
Mech Scrap Parts | 0x002CE19C | RL003_MechParts | 1.25 | 365 | Items\DataSlate\DataSlate01.nif |
Game Piece - Defender | 0x002D0628 | GameBoard_MatGamePiece03 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\boardgames\GameBoard_MatGamePiece03.nif |
Game Piece - Assaulter | 0x002D0629 | GameBoard_MatGamePiece04 | 0.05 | 35 | SetDressing\boardgames\GameBoard_MatGamePiece04.nif |
IntelliWheat Delivery | 0x002D261E | AkilaLife08_WheatJar | 10 | 105 | SetDressing\Neon_Jam_Jar\Neon_Jam_Jar_Small.nif |
Hookah Canister | 0x002E01CD | Canisterhookah01 | 0.35 | 55 | SetDressing\Tablehookah01\Canisterhookah01.nif |
Hookah Canister | 0x002E01CE | Canisterhookah02 | 0.35 | 55 | SetDressing\Tablehookah01\Canisterhookah02.nif |
Hookah Canister | 0x002E01CF | Canisterhookah03 | 0.35 | 55 | SetDressing\Tablehookah01\Canisterhookah03.nif |
Hookah Canister | 0x002E01D0 | Canisterhookah04 | 0.35 | 55 | SetDressing\Tablehookah01\Canisterhookah04.nif |
Empty Hookah Canister | 0x002E025A | Canisterhookah_Empty | 0.35 | 55 | SetDressing\Tablehookah01\Canisterhookah_Empty.nif |
Hookah Hose | 0x002E025B | hookah_Cable01 | 0.1 | 10 | SetDressing\Tablehookah01\hookah_Cable01.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7481 | Mug_With_Phrases_11 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_11.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7482 | Mug_With_Phrases_12 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_12.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7483 | Mug_With_Phrases_13 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_13.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7484 | Mug_With_Phrases_01 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_01.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7485 | Mug_With_Phrases_14 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_14.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7486 | Mug_With_Phrases_02 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_02.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7487 | Mug_With_Phrases_03 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_03.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7488 | Mug_With_Phrases_15 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_15.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7489 | Mug_With_Phrases_04 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_04.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F748A | Mug_With_Phrases_05 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_05.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F748B | Mug_With_Phrases_16 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_16.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F748C | Mug_With_Phrases_06 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_06.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F748D | Mug_With_Phrases_07 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_07.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F748E | Mug_With_Phrases_17 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_17.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F748F | Mug_With_Phrases_08 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_08.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7490 | Mug_With_Phrases_09 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_09.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7491 | Mug_With_Phrases_18 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_18.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F7492 | Mug_With_Phrases_10 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_10.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F749D | Mug_With_Phrases_19 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_19.nif |
Coffee Mug | 0x002F74A1 | Mug_With_Phrases_20 | 0.25 | 55 | SetDressing\Posters\Mug_With_Phrases_20.nif |
Heart Of Mars | 0x00302791 | FFCydoniaZ07_HeartOfMarsTitanium | 10 | 28000 | Landscape\resources\Ore\ResourceTitaniumChunk01.nif |
Pen | 0x00305920 | LC017_NASA_Office_Pen01 | 0 | 3 | SetDressing\Office\officepen\NASA_Office_Pen01.nif |
Pamphlet | 0x00307A59 | LC017_NASA_Pamphlet01 | 0 | 3 | SetDressing\PamphletHolder\NASA_Pamphlet01.nif |
Pamphlet | 0x00307A69 | LC017_NASA_Pamphlet02 | 0 | 3 | SetDressing\PamphletHolder\NASA_Pamphlet02.nif |
Snow Globe | 0x003087D9 | LC017_Nasa_Collectable_Snowglobe03 | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\NASA\Props\Collectables\Nasa_Collectable_Snowglobe03.nif |
Snow Globe | 0x003087DA | LC017_Nasa_Collectable_Snowglobe04 | 0.5 | 195 | SetDressing\NASA\Props\Collectables\Nasa_Collectable_Snowglobe04.nif |
Garden Trowel | 0x00309DA0 | Tool_Trowel_03Garden | 0.3 | 35 | SetDressing\Garden_trowel\Garden_Trowel_01.nif |
Trowel | 0x00309DA1 | Tool_Trowel_02 | 0.3 | 35 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Tools\AK_Tool_Trowel_02.nif |
Trowel | 0x00309DA2 | Tool_Trowel_01 | 0.3 | 35 | Architecture\City\Akila\Unique\Tools\AK_Tool_Trowel_01.nif |
Tracking Sensor | 0x0030B894 | FFCydoniaZ08_TrackingDevice | 0 | 0 | setdressing/device01\device01.nif |
Neshar's Package | 0x003402A6 | Neon_Chem01_Package | 0 | 140 | setdressing/crates/cardboardboxes\cardboardbox01.nif |
Yannick's Package | 0x0034D589 | Neon_Chem03_AuroraStash | 0 | 140 | setdressing/crates/cardboardboxes\cardboardbox01.nif |
Antique Computer | 0x0036CCEF | Antique_OldPC01 | 12.5 | 655 | setdressing/earth/artifacts/oldpc\OldPC01_Havok.nif |
Antique Earth Baseball | 0x0036CCF0 | MS06_BaseBallDisplay01 | 0.2 | 4590 | SetDressing\Desktop_Items\Desktop_SportsStand01.nif |
Antique Earth Basketball | 0x0036CCF1 | MS06_BasketBallDisplay01 | 0.5 | 5400 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\SportsMemorabilia\basketball01 .nif |
Antique Earth Hockey Stick | 0x0036CCF2 | MS06_HockeyStick01 | 4 | 3580 | setdressing/earth/artifacts/sportsmemorabilia\HockeyStick01_Havok.nif |
Antique Earth Soccer Ball | 0x0036CCF3 | MS06_SoccerBallDisplay01 | 0.5 | 5500 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\SportsMemorabilia\SoccerBallDisplay01 .nif |
Antique Earth Duck Figure | 0x0036CCF4 | MS06_WoodenDuckToy01 | 0.4 | 4430 | SetDressing\Earth\Artifacts\WoodenDuckToy\WoodenDuckToy01.nif |
Cydonia Resident's ID Card | 0x0037E1BC | SE_GenericDerelict_IDCard03 | 0 | 0 | setdressing/keycards\keycardgen01.nif |
Harvey | 0x00383BB1 | BQ01_ErvinCommitmentItem | 0.25 | 1540 | setdressing/commitmentgiftfor_barrett\commitmentgift_barrett.nif |
Desktop Globe | 0x0038A4CD | Desktop_PlanetGlobe02 | 2 | 240 | SetDressing\InteractiveHavok\IH_Desktop_PlanetGlobe02.nif |
Planter | 0x003A85F4 | Office_Deskplant_Empty01 | 0.25 | 8 | SetDressing\Office\Deskplants\Office_Deskplant_Empty01.nif |
Xenofresh Container | 0x003B6F89 | XenofreshContainer | 0.1 | 10 | SetDressing\Neon_AuroraCargoContainer01\XenofreshContainer01.nif |
Circuit Board | 0x003C17B2 | Circuit_Board01 | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\Circut_Board01.nif |
Circuit Board | 0x003C17B4 | Circuit_Board02 | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\Circut_Board02.nif |
Circuit Board | 0x003C17B5 | Circuit_Board03 | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\Circut_Board03.nif |
Circuit Board | 0x003C17B6 | Circuit_Board04 | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\Circut_Board04.nif |
Circuit Board | 0x003C17B7 | Circuit_Board05 | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\Circut_Board05.nif |
Circuit Board | 0x003C184F | Circuit_Board01A | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\Circut_Board01A.nif |
Circuit Board | 0x003C1869 | Circuit_Board03A | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\Circut_Board03A.nif |
Circuit Board | 0x003C1878 | Circuit_Board06 | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\Circut_Board06.nif |
Circuit Board | 0x003C1879 | Circuit_Board07 | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\Circut_Board07.nif |
Circuit Board | 0x003C187A | Circuit_Board08 | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\Circut_Board08.nif |
Circuit Board | 0x003C18B0 | Circuit_Board09 | 0.25 | 75 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\Circut_Board09.nif |
High-Speed Data Cable | 0x003C18BF | TechWire_01 | 0.1 | 240 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\TechWire_01.nif |
High-Speed Data Cable | 0x003C18C2 | TechWire_02 | 0.1 | 240 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\TechWire_02.nif |
High-Speed Data Cable | 0x003C18C6 | TechWire_03 | 0.1 | 240 | SetDressing\Tech_Clutter\TechWire_03.nif |
Empty Beer Bottle | 0x003E498A | Generic_Beer_Empty_01 | 0.05 | 3 | Items\FoodDrink_SingleItems\Generic_Bottles_Alcohol\Generic_Beer_Empty_01.nif |