Starfield:Solomon's Adventures 05

Book Information
ID 00208D85
Editor ID Skill_Magazine_SolomonCoesAkilaAdventures05
Prev. Solomon's Adventures 04 Next
Value 100 Weight 0
Magazine Solomon's Adventures (Issue 5)
Type Magazine
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-Industrial.svg Abandoned Mineral Refinery (random), through the main exterior doors (master-locked or possibly mission-unlocked), downstairs on a table.

SF-magazine-Solomon's Adventures 05.png
Solomon's Adventures 05
by P. Lime with illustrations by Chungo
Trapped in the maw of malevolence!

[Test Text Do Not Use] Solomon Coe's Akila Adventures Issue 5: The biggest, baddest man in the Black, doing what needs to be done.