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This template creates a single section of a {{People Table}} using saved place data from NPCs. If there are no NPCs in the place, it will be hidden.


Parameter Scope Description
1 required The name of the place to load NPCs from.
2 optional A replacement for the title name. By default, this will be the name of the place.
additiona optional Additional people to add to the list, separated by commas. Intended for when a person can be in multiple places.

People list with people in it[edit]

{{People Table|{{Autopeople|The Lodge}}}}
The Lodge
Andreja Follower
Barrett Follower
Cora Coe
Matteo Khatri
Sam Coe Follower
Sarah Morgan Follower
Vasco Follower
Walter Stroud

People list without people in it[edit]

{{People Table|{{Autopeople|Autonomous Staryard}}}}

Name change[edit]

{{People Table|{{Autopeople|Whetstone|Some Bar who knows}}}}
Some Bar who knows
Alara Katrango Food

Additional People[edit]

{{People Table|{{Autopeople|Whetstone|additional=Phil Hill}}}}
Alara Katrango Food
Phil Hill
Sarah Morgan
Ship Services Technician