Starfield:Starstation RE-939 Security Log

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ID 00183A78
Editor ID LC175_RE939_AudioLogSlate01
Value 0 Weight 0
Type Audio Log
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SF-mapicon-Starstation.svg Starstation RE-939 (map)

Starstation RE-939 Security Log

Lieutenant Abreu: "I think we need to increase the number of emergency shuttles."
Ensign Greene: "Why? Even the smaller ones have a pretty high capacity. According to the math, we've got exactly the right amount to fully evacuate."
Lieutenant Abreu: "Yeah, but real life doesn't work that way. Say we get attacked, or the oxygen malfunctions."
Lieutenant Abreu:"If a group of four people are fleeing for their lives, do you think they're going to wait for another two before taking off?"
Ensign Greene: "You're right. I'll put in a request."
Lieutenant Abreu: "Thanks."
Ensign Greene: "Hey Lieutenant, I don't mean to pry but... is that what happened? On that other starstation?"
Lieutenant Abreu: "Yeah. We only had one ship, and a handful of us just boarded when the gunfire started. People started to panic, and I had to make the call."
Lieutenant Abreu: "Leave, and risk abandoning people, or stay, and risk getting us all killed."
Ensign Greene: "Damn... I'm sorry."
Lieutenant Abreu: "Point is, we've got a lot of families on this station. I don't want them to have make the same choice."