Starfield:Helena Strickland

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Helena Strickland
Location Reliant Medical — A corporate office building located in Gagarin Landing. (map)
Editor ID UC_GG_HelenaStrickland
Race Human Gender Female
RefID N/A BaseID 00265029
Other Information
Faction(s) CrimeFactionUC, GagarinFaction
Helena in her office in Reliant Medical on Gagarin
Helena Strickland

is an executive of Reliant Medical and the manager of its branch in Gagarin Landing. She can normally be found in her private office there, on the upper floor of the building. She is looking for help with a courier issue.

She wears a Green Fashionable Suit. She keeps an Eon with 7.77mm Caseless ammo for personal protections. As an executive, she also carries a larger than average number of Credits.

She has many greetings, with some variety based on where you are in her related missions and the outcome of them:


"Is there some reason for your visit?"
"If this isn't urgent, have my assistant schedule something."

Post-mission if you drop out of Missed Connections(?)

"Yes, yes, I'm very generous. You're welcome."
"Hmm? Oh. Thank you again for your help. Now, I'm very busy."

For Missed the Mark (?)

"Well, I suppose now corporate's going to have to get involved in tracking the data. Wonderful."
"Reliant no longer requires your services... but thank you."
"This Maldonado's already a wanted man. But now he'll have Reliant after him, too."
"Corporate will be very interested to hear that Maldonado was involved in this little caper. I expect some new data protections to come down after this."
"Reliant Medical thanks you for all your help. "
"I plan to handle informing Mr. Maksimov's next of kin personally. I'm... not looking forward to that conversation."
"Bonifác showed a lot of promise. He won't be easily replaced."

If you stop speaking mid-conversation, she will say:

"What is happening? Why are you doing this?"
"Is this some sort of a bad joke?"
"This is thrilling. Truly."

She will end conversations by saying:

"Well, if there's nothing else, I have matters to attend to."

Related Missions[edit]


Bonifác Maksimov refers to Helena if you ask him about his job:

You work for Reliant? What's that like?
"What's that like? Challenging. I work for Helena Strickland, one of the most... driven executives in the industry. A titan really... though she seems to forget it's not just her that's responsible for Reliant's successes around here."

Helena Strickland will make various demands of Bonifác Maksimov:

Helena calls for Bonifác
Bonifác. Come here, please.
Mr. Maksimov.
Helena makes a demand
I need you to send someone to get me a coffee. If you're not too busy?
Sorry for the short notice, but your upcoming leave will need to be shifted. I need you to attend a conference in New Atlantis in my stead.
It's not a critical conference, or I would have to be there, but I can't leave us unrepresented. You know how it is.
I was just about to send you some documentation to read for the call tomorrow. It's only about seventy pages, so you should be able to handle it, right?
Bonifác acquiesces
Ah, nope... I can get right on that.
I see... Well, I would be happy to represent us there, of course.
Uh, yes. For sure. I'll get right on that.
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