Starfield:Governor Glen Hurst

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Governor Glen Hurst
Location UC Office of the Governor-General — The office of the Governor of Cydonia, Glen Hurst. (map)
Editor ID UC_CY_GlenHurst
Race Human Gender Male
RefID N/A BaseID 00255D1C
Other Information
Faction(s) CrimeFactionUC, CydoniaFaction
Governor Glen Hurst

Governor Glen Hurst is a resident of Cydonia and has been Governor-General of Mars for about twenty years. He is corrupt and makes no secret of the fact that he sells access to himself to political donors. He also has some kind of agreement with Trade Authority's Oktai Enbayar which includes Hurst influencing procedures at SysDef.
He lives in a luxury condo in Cydonia. It's the first door on the right when you enter the luxe condominiums tract from Cydonia's central hub. Hurst would like to expand it while Anton Freidman tries to dissuade him because of structural concerns.
Hurst is married to Tamara who holds seminars at some retreat. They have a son David.
Hurst used to routinely cheat on his wife with a woman initialed 'S' until recently when they had a falling out.

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