Starfield:For Claire Mensah, New Atlantis

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Book Information
ID xx0x00042D58 (273752)
Editor ID RQ_OE_Deliver_AudioSlate_01
Type Note
Related to Final Thoughts
For Claire Mensah, New Atlantis
by Roy Mensah
[The slate gives instructions to deliver it to a woman named Claire Mensah in New Atlantis. It contains various messages of a dying man to friends and loved ones, this last of which is an audio log to his wife and son.]

Roy Mensah: Well... this is it. I knew the risks when I signed on. We all did. But it's different. Knowing something's possible and knowing that thing is happening... I feel... heavy... with the certainty of it.

Claire... I put off recording this as long as possible. But this is it. There's no leaving this place. There's no rescue coming. This is where I go. I've made peace with it. I've had plenty of time to let it soak in. I've lived a full life. Seen more than most can imagine. I have no real regrets. Except one. It's that... It's that I didn't spend enough time with you both. That too many days went by without me there... to say I love you. That I didn't tell you every day you are the most amazing wife and mother. That I'm lost without you.

Jamal... It breaks me that I'll never get to see you graduate the academy. I'll never see you become a father... like me... Better than me. I know you'll be a good man... I see it in you. You care about people. You want to make them happy. You know right from wrong. And you do the right thing, even when it costs you. I'll miss you... I'm so proud of you! Ahhh. This is harder than I thought... I remember feeling the hair on your tiny head as you came into this world... And that you look you get when you think you're being funny... All I can think about... is your smile when you're happy... your tears when your heart's been broken... like mine is now...

I... I can't do this... I'm sorry... Just know. KNOW that I love you! Both of you. Know that my last thoughts in this life are of you both. That you bring me peace. And joy. I have always loved you. And always will.