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Neuroamp are small pieces of wearable tech created by Ryujin Industries. While Ryujin Industries create a huge range of products and services, the Neuroamp is their signature product.

Neuroamps work by improving the wearer's brain function by amplifying the wearer's brainwaves. They can be used to improve concentration, motivation, memory, and confidence.

It is unclear how the Neuroamp adheres to the skin, though they appear to be surgically non-invasive.

Neuroamps are very expensive but are well worth it for many people - especially those with whom good social skills are valuable such as traders.

The Internal Neuroamp[edit]

The Internal Neuroamp is the newest invention from Ryujin and is still in its experimental phase.

Unlike regular Neuroamps, the Internal Neuroamp has to be surgically implanted into the brain, and can be a risky procedure.

The Internal Neuroamp represents the next step in neurological augmentation by amplifying the user's brainwaves and allowing them to impart their will onto others solely with the power of thier mind. Where the regular Neuroamp motivates the user, the Internal Neuroamp motivates other people based on the desires of the person posessing the Internal Neuroamp.

The Internal Neuroamp is not without its drawbacks, however. It cannot fully override a person's free-will and cannot be used to compel somebody to do something which they drastically disagree with - but it can increase a person's willingness to follow commands - as well as being used to prompt people to do simple tasks without thinking about it, such as picking up an object or flicking a switch.

Ryujin planned to release the Internal Neuroamp to the super wealthy, thus giving them greater control over their subordinates. The Internal Neuroamp would also act as a barrier against others who also possess it, menaing Ryujin have created both the problem and the cure.

There exists considerable debate within Ryujin over whether research into the Internal Neuroamp should persist. Those who support the project believe the Internal Neuroamp will secure the company's future by bringing a large number of extremely wealthy individuals who would like to improve their leadership skills and protect themselves from interference from other Internal Neuroamp users.

Those who oppose the project believe it will destroy public trust in Ryujin and lead people to oppose the business for fear of having their minds controlled.

Name (ID) Weight Value Physical Damage Energy Damage EM Damage Weight Weight Weight Weight Notes
SF-cover-Album.jpg NeuroBoost Mark I
5% Intimidation chance
SF-cover-Album.jpg NeuroBoost Mark II
10% Intimidation chance
SF-cover-Album.jpg NeuroBoost Mark III
15% Intimidation chance
SF-cover-Album.jpg NeuroCom Mark I
5% Diplomacy chance
SF-cover-Album.jpg NeuroCom Mark II
10% Diplomacy chance
SF-cover-Album.jpg NeuroCom Mark III
15% Diplomacy chance
SF-cover-Album.jpg NeuroTac Mark I
5% Instigation chance
SF-cover-Album.jpg NeuroTac Mark II
10% Instigation chance
SF-cover-Album.jpg NeuroTac Mark III
15% Instigation chance