Lore:Log 04: Dinner

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Great serpent, is this a test of my faith? Do you truly wish to plumb the depths of my loyalty? What other explanation could merit why you would permit such a spectacular disaster?

Dinner at Deputy Roland's was initially promising. Even congenial. Yes, there were pointed questions about House Va'ruun's intentions, but overall an air of polite decorum was maintained.

But it was when one of Ronald's more boisterous guests - an officer of some type, perhaps having enjoyed one too many glasses of Chandra - asked, "But how can we trust you snakes after what you did?" that I believed the Gravid reached her breaking point. They were only words, but words are the battlefield on which diplomacy is fought. And I realized too late that this was a salvo Si'ah would not let pass.

As dessert was served, Si'ah excused herself. We waited for her return. And waited. And waited. When it had become clear the Gravid had simply left, I made my peasantries and rushed back to the embassy. There, I found her packing her things. When I asked where she was going, she stated simply "I've seen all I need to."

And she left without another word.

I've reached out to my contacts back in Dazra, who have assured me that they still believe in the venture. That Jarek Va'ruun himself still believes. And that is all the reassurance I require.